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"Aaah!!" That's me screaming my lungs out,I just woke up and I'm screaming. WTF is he doing here,how did he get in and for how long has he been here watching me sleep? Okay I'm not screaming because its him,I'm screaming because ngithe ngivuka ngathi ngiyajika ngibheka eside-ini ngabona umuntu ahleli estoolweni. Its how he didn't even flinch or blink when I screamed,he just stared at me. His face shows no emotion,its just stoic. I rub the sleep off me and stretch my body,y'all know how satisfying it is to hear your joints snap when you stretch your body? I get out of bed and "don't tell me that this is one of your hotels too" I say in a bored tone.

That's the only way I can explain his presence in my room,that he has excess to all the rooms here. "Actually no,I threatened my way in" he says in a low voice. I don't spare him another glance,I get into the bathroom and do my business. When I come back,I aimlessly stand in the middle of the room and look at him,I don't know what time it is or how long have I been sleeping for and quite frankly I don't want to know. Another thing what is he doing here? Ankere he is the father to the son and this is like a big day for them...isn't he supposed to be celebrating with his family?

But I also don't want to know the answer to that question. I go back to bathroom,this time filling up the bathtub with bath products and water ready to wash off the exhaustion and sweat. When the water temperature and water level are just fine,I turn off the faucet,strip and get in. I relax in the water,with my eyes closed. I must have dozed off in the tub,thinking about my problems because when I wake up I find that the water is getting cold. Nqobi is standing at the door,legs crossed,arms crossed and shit. He walks towards me, none of us has said a word. He bends down to my level next to the tub and "the water is getting cold MaDlamini"

I don't say anything,as I reach for the loofah,he does too and our hands touch. I quickly move my hand away and earn a look from him,at the moment I can't say what the look means but it sure does have a meaning. He doesn't say anything,he grabs the loofah,starts pouring shower gel on it before washing my body. Everything is done in complete silence,he finally gets done,takes a towel to dry my body and another one to wrap me with. He carries me out of the bathtub and sets me ontop of the bed then goes back into the bathroom to clean it.

When he comes back,I'm half way through with lotioning myself,silently he takes the lotion out of my hand and continues from where I had left off. The lotion is mine,Nqobi came with a small duffel bag that has a few of my clothes,lotions,body sprays,pads, undergarments and a pair of shoes. I would say Thank you,you are so thoughtful and all of that but I'm not in the mood so silence will do. He helps me put some clothes on after asking what I would like to wear. As I'm still on my feet,he pulls me into his embrace,I don't hug him back. I just stand there under his arms,"I'm sorry" there starts his favourite tune,mxm.

I push him away from me,"sit down. You are going to listen to me very carefully" I say with a serious face. He sits on the chair that he sat on as he watched me sleep like some creep while I sit on the edge of the bed. We stare at each other for a while until his phone rings and he answers. "Umtholile?" That's Zanele's voice booming through the phone speakers.
Him: "yah I did" he answers,he hasn't taken his eyes off me.
Her: "what's happening is she okay?" She sounds worried,on any other normal day I would find this cute. Her concern that is but not today.

Him: "she's,she's trying to be okay. Kodwa ngiyam'bona ukuthi akekho right" as he speaks his eyes soften. Again on any other normal day,I would say 'Nchoo' but not today.
Her: "yhoo I feel bad. Bhuti I also played a part in this by not letting her. I mean I should have told her the minute I found out nam" she's panicking and her words are everywhere.
Him: "Relaxa Mancane,its not your fault. You all wanted to tell her but I didn't give y'all much of a choice" Dude is still staring into my eyes. And why the fuck are they talking like I'm not here!!

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