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"Aahh!" He screams at the top of his lungs,i roll my eyes at his over dramatic behaviour. "Its just water bruh calm down" I tell Anathi who's tied up to a chair. Nqobi just splashed water on him to wake him up from his slumber. So last night,Nqobi brought him to their warehouse and ruffled him up here and there. His injuries aren't that deep for him to be screaming like this even if they are ubanga umsindo.

After receiving multiple orgasms that resulted in me losing my step this morning when I woke up and fell. My legs were all wobbly wobbly and my core was burning yho but the pain was bearable and the pleasure was worth it. *winks* I begged Nqobi to let me come and see Anathi before he dies. He sat me down for a long boring lecture,he told me that taking a life isn't easy and that he doesn't want me to live with such a heavy crime on my conscious and have this dark cloud hanging over my head. I insisted that I know what I'm doing and I shall bear all the consequences but he refused to hear any of my pleas.

So he said that for closure and a peace of mind I can only talk to him,ask him questions and get closure but I can't kill him. He said that he is more worried now because I'm pregnant and he doesn't know how this will affect my pregnancy so he doesn't want anyone's blood on my hands. Not ever but especially not now. Shame yena he is more worried about the baby. So I then promised not to kill Anathi,I will just ask what I want to know and Nqobi will be the one to kill him.

"Boss lady please I'm sorry. I'm sorry..." I just arrived and already sekayangibora. "Stop apologising and begging. Your voice doesn't sound melodic" I say dryly. "You know what pisses me off the most about what you did?" I ask,crouching down in front of his bloodied self. He keeps quiet and just looks at me,"do you know what pisses me off the most!" My hand acts on its on accord because I soon hear him whimper in pain as a back clap lands on his cheek. I won't lie,the back of my hand hurts too from hitting him so hard "No!" Shame like a dog that he is,he screams.

"Its the fact that you didn't need this money wena. Had you used the money for something meaningful like paying for a dying family member's treatment,building your parents a house. Paying school fees for your siblings,uyabona izinto eziserious I would still hate you but not enough to kill you." And that's the honest truth. I'd understand that he was in desperate need of the money,especially if it had been a Life and Death situation regarding someone close to his heart.

"I'm sorry..." "Hey! I have heard you and guess what? Apology not accepted." I say shushing him. "Did you stop for a second and think But no man,this person has a child. This is someone's child,she has siblings,she's married?" I ask out of curiosity because it baffles me that one can be this selfish and inconsiderate. "Or yini maybe I did something to you and that was your way of getting revenge?" No because really I'm lost. I need some clarity la. Nqobi is silently standing here closely watching this film unfold.

"I'm..." "If you fucken say I'm sorry one more time,I swear I'm going to shoot you!" I shout,I now have my manicured hand wrapped around his neck. Strangling him but at the same time,my acrylic nails are digging into his throat. He struggles to breathe and talk all at once. "Yehlisa umoya sthandwa sam" I hear his voice from behind me before I feel his one hand on my waist and another on top of my outstretched one that's strangling Anathi. I slowly let go of him and step back. "Are you okay?" Nqobi asks,his question is accompanied by a concerned expression.

"I'm fine" I say before turning back to Anathi. "You haven't answered my question." He blows me out of the waters and I mean he shocks me to the point of no return when he laughs. Bafethu uAnathi laughs hard that I can't even choose between being surprised and angry. "What's so funny?" Thats Nqobi taking charge,he punches him on his jaw. "Hau awusahleki manje?" Nqobi snorts at Anathi as he spits out blood. When he's sure that he has spat out enough blood,with a sharp look he looks in my direction and says "Just kill me and get over and done with it"

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