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DISCLAIMER: A prophecy will always come to pass,it may take years or months. But when the lord has decided that ITS TIME,it will happen.
Enjoy don't be sad😂!!

Its been a wonderful two months,Nqobi and I have sorted out our issues. I did get my car,a whole fucken Audi e-Tron GT 2023. But that's not the only thing that I got,I got a surprise vacation as well to Seychelles and I had fun,I won't lie. But before my vacation we took the little one's to Disney Land and lord they spoke about that for days. Everything after that was Disney this,Disney that. But every parent takes pride in seeing their children happy and content. Now I can say ke jele chelete ya ngwana batho.

Now I'm on my way to fetch Nonjabulo from Siyabonga's mother's house. Siyabonga asked me to bring her over for a visit seeing that its been quiet some time since he has seen her. Nqobi wasn't happy at all about this,but when he is ever happy about anything that concerns Siyabonga? I get to the Nkosi's home,I greet Siyabonga's parents who are sitting in the lounge and they greet back. Okay there's silence in this house,which means she's either sleeping or up to no good. "Ngiyaxolisa ma,I won't stay for long. Ngilande yena uNonjabulo besi siyahamba" I explain why I won't be staying for long.

"Ohh sisi ngikholwe ukutshela ukuthi ubabakhe umthathile" she says confusing me,I left Nqobi at home what is she talking about. "Ma uNqobi ngimshiye edlini" I tell her,as she realises the reason for my confusion,she laughs a bit and says "no Simphiwe I mean Siyabonga,he took her to his house a few days ago" she explains. I close my eyes for a moment,uthini kahle kahle logogo? Who told Siyabonga to take my child to his house? She apologizes for not telling me claiming that it totally slipped her mind. Okay sharp she forgot,uSiyabonga yena? Why didn't he tell me. Anyhow I bid farewell trying to contain my anger.

I call Siyabonga and ask for his address. As I'm driving to his house,a call from Nqobi comes through. "Mama ukuphi?" He asks,I'm fetching Joy while he fetches the boys from my mother's at Pretoria. "I'm on my way to Siyabonga's house" I tell him and he asks why then I explain everything to him. "Buya uze ekhaya" he says. Ehh,"no its fine I will fetch her. Its not far" I tell him. "Please come back home,I haven't left yet so we will fetch her from that boy's place together then go to Sosha" he says. Okay I agree,but he will drive. When I get home,I find him waiting outside near his car. He comes to open the door for me.

He takes the keys and locks my car then he opens the passenger side of his car for me to enter and I do. When we are on the road he asks me to clearly explain to him what happened and how did Siyabonga take Nonjabulo without speaking to me. "Angazi Gatsheni,angazi but what he is doing,keeping my child without my consent is pissing the living shit out of me!" I spit out,I'm fuming in anger because this isn't part of the deal. If he wants to see her,he has to go to his parent's house,he is the one who even suggested that. Like is he aware that I can report him for kidnapping and he will have no leg to stand on? Dude forfeited his parental rights to her,I'm just doing his ass a favour by allowing him into her life.

Mxm,ungrateful demon! When we get to his house,Nqobi stays in the car and I go in. "I'm sorry that I didn't tell you..." I cut him off by raising my hand. "Uphi uJoy?" I ask,he goes to fetch her and her bag. Girl is so happy to see me. "Mama ka Nonjabulo ngiyaxolisa. But had I told you that I want to take her,would you have agreed?" He asks and I say nothing. "See" he says taking my silence for a big fat NO. "But still you should have told me" I say. "I know" he says and I click my tongue at him. "Will I ever see her again?" He asks,"ayy I don't know sizokhuluma" I tell him. I tell Joy to say goodbye to him "bye bye malume Siya" she says in her cute voice. Siyabonga hugs her before planting numerous kisses on her cute little face.

Yes she calls him malume and his mother is not gogo but wugogo ka malume Siya,the father wuye umkhulu. Don't ask me how her mind functions because I have been trying to figure that out since the day she started talking. According to umntanami she has so many grannies so umamaka Siyabonga is not her granny but is Siyabonga's. When we get outside,Nqobi is standing outside his car,Joy runs into his arms. After they have had their moment, Nqobi buckles her up. "Mamami uphi ubhuti noNiso?" Chimes her small voice from the back. "Baku gogo eSosha silanda bona manje" I tell her and she says okay. "Yini ubakhumbulile?" Nqobi asks and she says "yah kakhulu." I swear this one thinks that Ntloso is her best friend. But so does he.

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