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"So Nonjabulo uthi uyaphi baby?" I ask my 2year old,"ngiya kugogo" she answers referring to Nqobi's mom. I came to drop her off at Zee's place because she's leaving with her to KZN since Nqobi and I are going away for our anniversary. Can't believe its been a year already and I pray for many more.

"And where does gogo stay?" She briefly looks at Zanele with a silly smile "Zee konje uthe uhlala kuphi?" Yes you have guessed it...she calls her Zee and on her happy days its Aunty Zee.

We tried so many times to get her to say aunty but shame umntwana wam akafuni. Zanele has grown to love the name. "Uhlala ePietermaritzburg nana" "Yah!" She screams and jumps like she knew the answer. "Zee ngizolala nawe futhi angithi?" She asks placing her dish on the table now that she's done snacking on the fruits her aunt cut for her.

She loves sleeping with Zanele,Zanele turns to give me the 'ohh no' look. "Uziyenzile sisi angithi u have taught her that when its bed time,y'all cuddle,play games,play pillow fight and have tickle sessions" I say reminding her that she's the cause of 'the problem.' "What can I say,I guess I'm the coolest aunty,angithi nana kaZee" she says throwing Joy into the air and catching her. "Joy will you miss me?" I ask pretending to tear up. "Haaa why mama?" Her tone and facial expression are on another level.

Both Zee and I laugh at this,this child doesn't love me. "So vele uyahamba ungishiya ngedwa?" Again I sulk. "Cha,uzosala no baba-mi noAunty Getty" she says paying no mind to me as she's busy with her toys. Thats how she talks,she says babami and mamami. She doesn't know that we are also leaving,she means ngizosala noNqobi when I'm at place and noGetty when I'm at my place. As if she doesn't know that Getty comes to babysit her.

She will be starting crèche next year,well in 4months and we have to let sis Getty go. Nonjabulo will be heartbroken shame,into azoyikhala umtanami. I hug them both goodbye and plant kisses on Nonjabulo's face until she gets irritated then they walk me to my car. "So ngimtsheleni uNqobi?" I ask her once I have closed my car door and buckled up. "Aksiwu Nqobi wubaba" she says almost crying.

"Yebo wubabakho phela hai owam" I say laughing at her. "Mtshele ukuthi ngizombona mengibuya" she says and I ask her ukuthi ubuya nini. God I was not prepared for her answer. "Inyanga mayiphela" she says then walks back inside the house. Zee and I laugh our asses off. I'm not responsible for that,I blame Getty ngeke. For a 2year old,she sure talks a lot with her almost perfect speech.

"Nkosi angeke sihamba la" complains Nqobi who's just sitting on the bed not helping. "Nqobi marn,please help me look for that dress" I'm getting frustrated and his complains aren't helping. "MaDlamini if we leave anything behind we will get just buy it eItaly" he says grabbing my shoulders. We have decided no actually it was me who decided that its best we go to Italy,Amalfi Coast to be specific.

"Waziyenza uMotsepe lately,what's going on?" I eye him suspiciously. "How am I acting like Motsepe when I'm richer than him?" He asks smirking. Cocky son of a gun. I close the suit case seeing that its no use searching for the dress for all we know it could be at my place...disadvantages of living in two different houses! I chose to wear light and simple clothing. Black leggings, Gucci x Adidas Trefoil print white T-shirt with Gucci women's platform sandel slide that my man bought for me yesterday.

Nqobi is wearing something similar to mine,black sweat shorts,the same Gucci x Adidas white T-shirt as mine and his own man Gucci slides. When he walks into the bedroom from taking our luggage bags to the car,I can't help but blush. He looks handsome hle,I should be used to this because I see him everyday but ayijwayeleki lento. He intensely stares at me like he always does and a zoo erupts in my stomach.

A year later and he still makes me nervous and shy,I hope to never get used to this feeling or tired of it. "Mama stop biting those pretty lips and let's get going" he says we have to go,yet he's walking towards me.

"A quickie nyana for the road...well flight" I asks shyly as he stands before me. "Uthanda umdavazo wena" he says softly pinching my nipples. "As if you are not the one that's walking around with a hard member between your legs" I say touching him and surprisingly enough he's rock hard. Guess im a reader.

Not even 5 minutes after joining the main road from his house,we get trapped by two black SUV's. One in front and one behind us. I look at Nqobi and see that he's tense,what the hell is going on? He has been tense since he received a call after our steamy round. "Gatsheni" I call out to him in a shaky voice. He briefly looks at me before focusing on the road again. He puts him hand on my thigh and gives it a gentle squeeze.

"Its my security detail don't worry mama" he says in a hoarse voice. Security who? "Security detail since when and why?" I can't help but be a bit louder. "Its just a precautionary measure my love,nothing serious" he says it like its nothing. "Nqobi what's going on? I don't see you riding with a convoy when you have business outside the country." "Can you please not ruin this for us,please trust me" he begs. Yah neh...thula Simphiwe.

We enter the premises of Lanseria International airport and my eyes widen in shock.  A whole me? In Lanseria!!? As we walk in my face still holds a priceless expression. And the idiot next to me can't stop chuckling and making silly remarks. We head to the other side where jets are packed at after following all necessary security measures and having our pass ports checked. Before anything else my eyes land on a beautiful private jet written Ndlovu 02.

"Nqobi..." I stop walking seems like the shock has paralyzed me,with my hands covering my mouth I turn to face him. "Woza phela Mama" he pulls me in for a hug and laughs. Next to the jet are now 3 black SUV's and muscular men in black suits standing next to them. "Bhooza" says a lanky guy standing next to the guards but he isn't wearing a black suit,he's wearing black ripped jeans, a black T-shirt and black sneakers.

We walk closer to them,"Madam...bhooza" he smiles and nods his head in greeting,"hello" I greet back while Nqobi does his signature move...nod his head and say "Eagle Eyes." What sort of a name is that? This Eagle eyes dude looks between Nqobi and I as if wanting to say something but finding it hard to utter the words. "Ngiyeza ima la,let me get the madam settled and comfortable first"

I get introduced to two pilots and a flight attendant before being taken inside the jet. "Wow..." When I hear him say "I guess you like it then" behind me,I know that I didn't whisper low enough. "Nqobi this is...beautiful,glorious" I don't even have the words to describe the interior of this jet. "Yeah but I find something else or rather someone else more beautiful" he turns me around for a kiss which I gladly return. He puts his forehead on mine,looks into my eyes and says "Ngiyak'thanda Simphiwe" I blush before declaring my love to him as well.

The interior is white with dark brown oak wood on the outline. Further in,there are four greyish,brownish oak wood colour leather chairs or should I say couches. Two on each side,facing each other. And before that there's a white leather three seater couch facing a dark brown oak wood stand. I just learned that when you press a button on the stand,a flat screen TV will emerge. There are black and white cushions on the couch and a flower vase is placed on the stand.

Nqobi shortly comes back from his "meeting" with Eagles eyes and the rest of the guards. He's trying to hide that he's stressed,angry and maybe tense. He flops on the couch next to me and sighs deeply. "Out with it" I say after a good two minutes of silence. "Your man has sorted it out" he says kissing my hand. "Mr Ndlovu and Miss Dlamini,we ask that you be seated and fasten your seatbelts as we prepare for takeoff" an announcement by the pilot rings out and we do as told.

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