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I wait at the door for Mancane,she locks her car and skips to me like a little girl and I'm reminded of the good old days. When she used to be bhuti's little cute princess,back then when she would listen when I said she shouldn't play with boys or when she would always run to me after getting into trouble at home.

I pull her by her arm when I see her going into the kitchen, "kodwa ngilambile nje bhuti(but I'm hungry brother)" she complains. "Haibo Zanele akuna kudla wakho(isn't there food at your house)?" I ask sitting her down on the couch. "Firstly i was at work when you called and asked me to come. Secondly there's food at my brother's house so why should I starve myself?" I should make her and Cebo buy me groceries because this is not it.

"Kumnandi ukuba nesikhundla esiphezulu enkampanini kayihlo neh(its  nice to hold a senior position in your father's company right). You can knock off whenever you feel like it" I say jokingly. "Yah but its not as nice as being the boss. At least I went to work and left early,you on the other hand didn't go at all. SBWL to be you" then we both laugh. Zanele alongside my mother run our family business,Boya-Benyathi Logistics and I land a helping hand from time to time.

"I called you here because I need a favour" I say to her and she gives me the 'continue,I'm listening' look. "I want you to call MaDlamini and ask her to bring Nonjabulo here,you can't go to her place" its been 3 days since I last spoke to her,I know I said that I will go the following day to fetch my car and to see Joy but I just thought that I should give her some breathing space. Unfortunately time has run up now,I think she has had enough space.

Kuthiwa(it is said that) Absence makes the heart grow fonder,hopefully hers has because mine can't take the agony of  not having her in my arms anymore. I tried calling her 2days ago but she flat out ignored my calls and texts. "What if she insists that I come over?" she asks. "I will handle that,just text or call her and ask her to bring her over" one would think I have a plan or have planned out how this is supposed to play out but nah. I'm just hoping for the best,I don't know what I will tell her but one remains,I can't tell the truth.

I'm sitting in my home office doing some work and Zanele is somewhere around the house. We are waiting for Simphiwe,she said she will bring Nonjabulo over after work,now she's still at work. I'm pulled out of my trail of thought by my ringing phone,looking at the caller ID I can't help the smirk that forces its way on my lips. Just the person I was waiting on.

Me: "what a lovely surprise Mr Miller"
Him: "Ndlovu tell your brother to stay away from my girls!" He shouts angrily.
Me: "I will do that once it sinks into that fucked up shitty head of yours that I can easily get to your family." I say drily in a calm manner.
Him: "you have proved your point now fokof." With every word he says,he gets more angrier and my smirk only grows wider. I laugh at the bastard.
Him: "he dare touches a single hair on their heads boy,you will know why I'm called the Crafter." TF is he threatening me?
Me: "slow down on the threats there" I seriously don't like to be threatened because I don't make threats only promises,and I fulfill them.
Him: "its a promise and you of all people know that I keep my promises." He says in a dangerous tone that would make men piss their pants but not me and he damn well knows it.
Me: "relax we aren't monsters like you,nothing will happen to your kids as long as you stay the fuck away from my family"
Him: "you two are just as fucked up as I am" I will ignore that.
We conclude our call,I promise to stay in my lane as long as he does too. He demands that Cebo returns to South Africa immediately but I tell him that Cebo is grown ass man. He doesn't like being told what to do,he will stay away from his kids but will only return when he wishes to. He said he was enjoying London,as long my bro is happy I'm good.

She enters my office with a tray of food and a wet cloth is it dinner time already? Its the little things she does for me that make me wanna wife ASAP. She's mad at me but still treats me like a king. uMaDlamini has been avoiding since she arrived. And because of that I stayed out of her way and chilled with my child,who fell asleep minutes ago leaving me to stay by my lonely self here.

She used Zanele as an excuse claiming that she doesn't want her to be alone and bored,lapho Zanele knows her way around this house,she knows that she isn't a visitor and definitely doesn't act like one. But I didn't point that out,at least I spent quality time with Nonjabulo who is starting to become naughty and loud.

She puts my food on the table,without a word she turns to leave. "Sthandwa sam,ngicela sikhulume(my love,can we please talk" I call out when she pulls the door handle,she turns to look at me and closes the door. She makes her way to the side of the table and stands there. "Sondela(come closer)" I plead in a low voice. She does,I move my chair backwards signaling for her to come stand between my legs and she does.

Instead of talking,I take her beautiful hand into mine and stare at her. I attempt to pull her to my lap but she stands still, "Nqobi,I believe you called me here to talk,not cuddle" she says and I let go of her hand. "Hlala pantsi(sit down)" I tell her and she looks hesitant at first but she does what I asked at last. Kodwa mfo kaNdlovu ukhethe kahle,buka is'momondia sakho. Intokazi enhle imphela,lo uma uzomthanda ngenkani(you chose well,look at your beautiful woman. A gorgeous lady indeed,my mom will love her by force)

"Are you to tell me the truth and nothing but the truth" her sweet voice brings me back to reality. "I hope that you are busy smiling about the truth which you are about to tell me" she says again. If only you knew what's making me smile like an idiot. I'm imagining her emagcekeni a kwaNdlovu egqoke iphinifa nedoki(at the Ndlovu homestead wearing a phinifa and a doek.) I'm thinking of the many other kids she will bear for me,who will have our features. I'm seeing her with a big beautiful stone around her ring finger which will be put by me. Im seeing her walking down the aisle to me in the most beautiful dress I have ever laid my eyes on. Simphiwe Reamohetswe Ndlovu,Simphiwe Ndlovu...I love the sound of that.

"Nqobi! Anginaso is'khathi soku bukana nawe uphupha emini(I don't have time to be watching you day dream)" she's getting impatient. "Promise to never leave me" I say once I finally find my voice. She looks at me confused,"I can't promise you that,I want the truth" she answers. "Thats the one thing I can never do,to tell you the honest truth" I say seriously. "Stop playing games,I'm being serious Nqobi" she doesn't understand. "If I tell you the truth then I will have to kill you" she looks at my face hoping to see that im only joking,when she sees how serious I'm being she gasp and covers her mouth with her hand.

"Nqo-nqobi,you are scaring me" she admits. "Good,you should be vele" I say nonchalantly as I relax into my chair. "Do you know how fucked up this sounds,you sound psychotic and murderous" I can see both fear and disgust in her eyes. "Simphiwe this entire situation is fucked up and that's why I can't tell you want you want to know,for your own safety its best to keep you in the dark. All I'm asking is that you trust me...please" I really can't disclose such information with her and im mentally thanking my ancestors that she didn't hear the names that Crafter called us by.

She sighs in defeat,"okay at least tell me what sort of business deals do you do with him" "nothing illegal" I answer. "I doubt that you understand the meaning of the word" ouch. "Do you uhm do what he does?" She asks nervously,I raise an eyebrow in a questioning way. "Like what he does to people...uhm you know how he tortures them and stuff"I can tell that she's unsure of whether or not she wants to know the answer.

"No I don't do any of that" this time Im being honest. She sighs,did she just sigh in relief,did I just see her relax a bit? Wow. I lean forward on my desk and I look at her,"Simphiwe are you being serious right now?" I ask her,hurt by the thought of her thinking such of me. "Yini its not like you are willing to tell me the truth. Since you can't answer most of my burning questions I will just assume things on my own" One of these days I will fuck that attitude out of you.

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