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"How do you feel?" He asks when I get to his room,I just sit there and look at him. "MaDlamini uzizwa kanjani,ukahle? (How do you feel,are you okay)" nchoo my boyfriend is worried. I see he's growing impatient "Phiwe please talk to me" he pleads holding my hand imma phela(wait) hau I'm still trying to figure out how I am feeling or if I'm feeling anything. Baby girl how are you feeling? I feel nothing,no anger,no pain,no joy. Yini sengiyi vampire manje nam(am I a vampire now),did I suddenly switch off my humanity?

"Why do you have a gun?" yep instead of answering the question my mouth decides to take charge and ask questions before consulting my brain. He blinks his eyes before musking his shocked face. Yah I too did not see that coming. "Not just any gun but a revolver and its personalized futhi" I have never seen one that looks like it hence why I assume its personalized.

"Hau intombi kaNqobi madoda(Nqobi's girl),I'm impressed MaDlamini...for someone who has a phobia of guns you sure do know a lot " really phobia of guns,is that we are now calling it? Mxm idiot I wasn't trying to impress you. Well about my knowledge of guns,we have my little sister who is a police officer to thank for that. The girl was on a mission to get me over my "phobia",but unfortunately it is a mission impossible...tonight serves as evidence.  "I'm serious Nqobi" I pull a straight so he can see that i mean business. His smile instantly falls off. Good.

"Its for protection obviously..." I immediately cut him off "protection against what and isn't supposed to be locked up in YOUR SAFE at YOUR HOUSE" I emphasis those words hoping he will get my point. "Its for in case something like what happened tonight happens" yaz he's talking but I can't hear what he is saying. His explanation isn't enough.

"Can't believe I was walking around with you while you had a gun on you" he wasn't supposed to hear this but I guess I didn't say it low enough as he heard every single word. "Most of the time when I was with you,I had my gun on me so stop being dramatic" he says rolling his eyes gay tendencies. I would be laughing at my thoughts but nothing is amusing about what he is saying.

"Excuse me what was that? You brought your gun into my house and you didn't stop there now did you,you had to bring your stupid gun around my child!" All it took was to think of my child around a gun to get me to feel something,and RN that emotion is Anger. 

"Simphiwe angiyena umngani wakho(I'm not your friend). Number 1. Don't point a finger at me,siyezwana?" He asks in a low stern voice that compels me to nod my head immediately. "Number 2. Don't raise your voice at me,cause you don't see me doing that to you. Umdala sisi khuluma kahle uthi yini inkinga yakho(you are old sis speak properly,whats your problem)?" Haibo yim usisi manje (I'm sis now)? Now he's pissed. "Mostly importantly its OUR daughter" he leaves no room for argument,he's looking at me with a look that screams I DARE YOU TO SAY OTHERWISE. I decide to shut my trap.

"I'm scared of guns Nqobi..." I say in low tone "yah I have seen that" he states nonchalantly. WHAT a douche bag,I'm pouring out my emotions to this guy and he's being casual about it. "You just don't get it,cause if you did you wouldn't be a jerk. I'm terrified of guns okay!! Sure people feel safer with a gun but to me its the opposite" I'm on the verge of tearing emotions are everywhere. The memories aren't help either. Kuningi nje (its a lot)

I don't wait for him to respond,I turn on my heels ready to run out when I trip over my shoes. Stupid damn shoes!! Mxm. Without thinking I take one heel and throw it at him. He tries to duck but he's too late. He's astonished by my actions. Well hello don't look at me like that,I'm just as shocked too. I take the other heel and run out of his room to mine. Call me Cinderella because I literally ran out on a man with only one heel.

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