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We finally land in Italy,Salerno Pontecagnano Airport after hours of flying like royalty. Again there are three black SUV's but obviously its not the same team. Nqobi leads me to one SUV,he opens the backseat door for me to enter. He then goes to the other side and gets in but doesn't close the door. Looks like we are being driven...but of course dummy y'all both don't know this place. We both greet the driver and he strictly greets back,keeping it as short as possible.

An Italian guard walks to our car and stands next to Nqobi since his door is open. "Benvenuto signore,é sempre un piacere vederti. Spero che ti sia piaciuto il tuo volo (Welcome Sir,its always nice to see you. I hope that you enjoyed your flight)" I hear him say,I don't know what he's saying but it sounds Italian is the second sexiest language after IsiZulu. Instead of answering Nqobi clicks his tongue and the guy roars with laughter. Now I'm curious to know what he said.

Please say something in Italian,please say something in Italian,pretty please. I cross my fingers and hope that Nqobi will listen to my pleas. "Luca do we always have to do this? You know very well that I don't understand or speak Italian" Nqobi disappoints me,he rolls his eyes at the guy I just learned his name is Luca. "And I always repeat the same words,you just don't want to learn sir" Luca says sounding defeated. "Don,Donna" he continues to say and bows his head looking at both Nqobi and I.

He called me a what? "Hey wena msoon wenja,she's not a Donna and I'm not a Don!" Nqobi playfully shouts at him and glares. You can take a man out of Mzansi but sadly you can't take Mzansi out of him "I have heard you use that term before...i believe its an insult? If you say so Don" he smirks and raises his hands in surrender. I don't know how I feel about this,they could be joking OR NOT. But aren't Dons leaders of Italian Mafia's? Nqobi can't be it...believe me nothing about him screams mafia.

"Is everything in order?" Nqobi asks with a serious face, "Sì,I checked everything and its safe" Luca responds. "Good,when am I getting the car,its booked under an alias right?" "Yes and you will get it in a few hours" Nqobi goes on to ask about a villa that's when I decide that I have heard enough of their conversation,I zone out. When the car starts moving,of course yiconvoy futhi. I ask him how far are we from the hotel and he says about an hour and 30mins.

"So what does Ndlovu 02 mean?" He's too slow to catch on what I'm saying,by the time he does he says "its the second jet" with a shrug like he didn't just drop a bomb on me. He has jets not a jet! "So you own two jets?" I ask in shock. "We have three actually" again he sounds casual about this. Upon seeing my astonished face he says "kunini umangala namhlanje,awukhathali?" Then he laughs. Wena kunini ungihleka namhlanje awukhathali?

The cars park outside a beautiful house,maybe Nqobi is passing by to say hi to a friend. He seems quite acquainted with "the big boys" I don't make an effort to get out. A guard opens Nqobi's door then Nqobi comes to open my side. Okay maybe he wants to introduce me to this friend. I look at Nqobi questioningly when I see a guard taking our luggage inside. "Who's house is this?" I ask as I stop moving. "Its not a house,its a villa" he says and I sigh in relief. "Okay sharp,sifunani thina la,I booked us a hotel" still I refuse to take another step toward the villa...I stand rooted to my spot.

"Change of plans" he shrugs then goes inside leaving me standing here. I turn around to take in my surrounds,I find that the cars have now being parked and the guards are now doing their "rounds." They are walking around the yard with guns GUNS! Am I not panicking RN? I quickly run in to find Nqobi carrying our bags upstairs. "Your guys are walking around with AK47's" I say inhaling large amounts of oxygen trying to calm myself down.

When he doesn't say anything I continue to say "Why are we here?" "Because we are on vacation?" He plays dumb. "No shit we are on vacation Nqobi and surrounded by bodyguards and guns. Why!?" He looks at me,clearly unimpressed with my tone. "I think you are jet legged,why don't you sleep it off" If the South African government receives news of my arrest,just know that I strangled him to death. I walk my ass up the stairs,stomping my feet to show my frustrations. I don't even know where I am going,we haven't yet toured the villa but anywhere far from Nqobi will do.

Getting out of the shower,with a towel wrapped around my body,I find Nqobi laying on the bed facing the ceiling. He gets up when he sees me. I can feel him staring at me as I slowly apply lotion on my body. I'm doing this on purpose,he clears his throat when I bend over my ass must be staring at him. "Mama" he says calling me and I keep quiet. "MaDlamini" silence "sthandwa sam" silence "Nhliziyo yam" silence. He walks to me and holds me from behind.

"Nqobi ngicela ukugqoka ngiqede please!" I snap pushing him off me. I turn around to find him standing too close for my liking. "Personal space tuu" I say motioning with my hands that he must move back. He looks at me with sadness in his eyes but does as I wish. Once I'm done dressing I look at him with a look that says 'and then wena' he scratches the back of neck and leaves the room.

"Amadayimane?" ... "khululekha ngiwa beke kahle" ... "Her safety is my top priority don't worry" ... "No nothing so far,maybe he thinks because I'm on vacation I will let my guard down. Ngizombhodisa bafo" I hear him say from the other side of the door. He's inside one of the 4 bedrooms. I just woke up now,I came here looking for him. But stopped myself from opening the door when I heard what he said. I quietly run back to the main bedroom when I don't hear him speak.

"I thought I'd still find you sleeping" he says walking in,I'm laying on my stomach,knees up scrolling through my phone. "I just woke up" I say putting my phone away and tapping the space next to me so he could sit. "In two days time,we will be celebrating our anniversary." I start off and he looks at me. "Now if you wanna celebrate another year or more years with me,you will tell what's going on"

He looks at me unfazed,"uzokhuluma or? because I heard you speaking on the phone in the other room" he stares into my eyes for a minute long. "I don't want to drag you into any of this" he says lowly. "Too bad ngoba sengingenile,ngiphakhathi shiqi" am being dramatic now,right? "MaDlamini you are too innocent for this,I don't you to get pulled into this world" he says with so much concern. "Worry not because I'm not getting tangled up into your world,I wouldn't survive. I despise guns,worse the sound of it and let's not talk about the smell of blood...I can't stand it" at least my effort at making him laugh succeeds.

"I don't want to lose you" he softly says placing his palm on my cheek. "If I wanted to run,I would have done that a long time ago. Me being here and willing to let you explain things to me should speak volumes" I say placing my own hand on top of his. "Okay then" he sighs. "A few days ago,a man...a man that I despise had a mission to steal diamonds. I found out about his plan and beat him to it. I stole those diamonds before he could and now he's hunting for me and that's why we can't go to the hotel,it will be easy for him to find us." He isn't stressed about this.

"And you are relaxed because?" "I didn't steal the diamonds because I need them or even want them. I stole them to piss him off" Ache tla shwa re shwela dibe tsa bona. "Okay he's definitely pissed off,what's the plan genius?" Can't believe that we are having such a discussion. "To kill him" he says waiting for my reaction. "Okay enough now,now I know what's happening. Just hope that you don't die" I say hugging him. "I still have to wife you,knock you out,spoil you rotten,love you unconditionally and show you off to the world,so no I'm not dying anytime soon"

I hope he keeps his word.

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