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My sister is currently in her "Forever Yena era" she's in her "Drank in love era." Usisi I call her,to tell her that Nonjabulo and I have missed her,its been a minute since we have seen her so we would like to visit her. I asked her if she was at home or at her apartment,umuntu tells me that usendodeni yena so haeba re batla ho mo bona re tle moneng wa hae. And because mina ngiphile kahle ekhanda,asoza ngabamba ikhandlela kushisa so futhi,I dragged Zanele along with.

We are at Cebo's house chilling,we are watching a movie,snacking,chatting and smoking hubbly...well they are. Joy is sleeping which isn't a good thing. Ebusuku uzobe ehyper lana umuntu angafuni ukulala. Eyy joys of being a parent. Cebo gets a phone call,we don't mind him. My ears perk up and my attention turns to him only when I hear him say "Bafo? Uthini angikuzwa. Nqobi? Nqobi!?" Now he's shouting out his name. This gets everyone's attention. "Nqobi,Noqbi..." He continues to call out his name in worry but also anger. He is on his feet,pacing around in front of us.

The call eventually gets disconnected,he tries calling him again but it doesn't go through and thats when he shouts "fuck!" In frustration. "What's going on?" I decide to ask since it looks like he prefers stressing over talking. "I don't know" he answers,his mind is not here,he's talking but he isn't looking at any of us and is continuously checking his phone. "Talk to me what's going on?" He answers an incoming call.
Caller: "..."
Cebo: "what do you mean his car blew up? Where the fuck is he?" I'm the first one to stand on my feet,bathong Nqobi don't you dare.
Caller: "..."
Cebo: "how the fuck did that happen,Snipper is dead and you are only telling me this now because!?"

Caller: "..."
Cebo: "we don't pay you people to fucken sleep on the job. Find him. Alive! And update me on whats happening there" he than drops the call but thats not the only thing that drops. He's shoulders drop too,yah its bad. Our mood has dropped,the three of us are looking at him with expecting eyes and he's trying by all means to avoid our stares. "Is he alive?" I'm gonna be blunt and straight to the point. "That's the million dollar question" he says. "Meet me at the warehouse now!" Cebo barks the order into his phone. "Don't fucken ask me stupid questions" he says "no one knows what's happening with Revolver but we will soon" he says again before hanging up.

"I have to go" as he says this,he's already sprinting to the door. "And nou?" That's his girlfriend,probably talking about his exit. "What's going on?" Shame Zee seems to have a hard time digesting all of this. But I am also having a hard time digesting the fact that his car blew up,was he in the car? Did it happen while he was speaking to Cebo is that the reason why Cebo couldn't hear him and communication was lost. Bathong weralang? Eyy sebazosifonela bathi sizo identify-a isidumbu sakhe,well thats if there will be isidumbu and not ashes.

It has been exactly 4 days since that disturbing call from Nqobi,yah that's what we are calling it now,a disturbing phone call. And bab'mncane still has no news for me,I guess no news is also good news right? Anyhow I can only cope by distracting myself and by that I mean burying myself six feet into my work.

"Okay if I'm hearing you right,you are saying to me that you'd like me to represent your brother? Wait get him out of jail and plead not guilty to the crime that he committed which was raping a how many years old girl?" I ask the two seated in front of me. Its a man and his sister,we are at my consultation office,just got a new case. Fuck I'm not taking this case,the more that I think about what the perpetrator did,the more it is that I wish to kill him myself.

"Yes,we heard that you are the best around. And the girl is 20 years old" says his older brother,as he is speaking he is so nonchalant which makes me want to punch out that stupid gold teeth out of his mouth. "I need you people to carefully listen to what I am going to say" venom can be dictated in my tone,my PA Moreen is surprised,she has never seen me like this before so she's looking at me with worried eyes. "If I take this case,I will do the state's job for them. When I take a stand I will plead guilty on your rapist brother's behalf. I will then present evidence that will get him a nice,long sentence." "Excuse me what?" That's the sister.

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