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On our drive back I try calling uNqobi 2times and he just ignores my calls.  Arriving at the hotel,Thapelo insists on walking me up to my room claiming that he wants to make sure that I'm safe. Like dude I'm in a hotel which has cameras and security guards on every corner. What could possibly happen to me?

I just roll my eyes at him and let him accompany me as he wishes to. We get to my door,I pull out my excess card when the door opens he comes in after me balancing me so I don't fall. "Thank you for the ride back" I say turning around to face him.

"You are welcome Miss Lawyer" he says happily. "Not to sound rude but you can leave now Mr Ledwaba" I tell him realizing that he's making zero effort to leave. Instead of leaving,guy puts his hands on my waist "I thought that I could spend the night here" he says with a stupid grin on his face.

What gets me the most is that he tries to place kisses on my bare neck without waiting for my response. I gently yet with the right amount of force needed,I push him off me. "Well you have got your thoughts mixed up buddy" I confidently smile at him. "I will see you tomorrow at dinner" I finish off.

"I always thought that you are a go getter but no worries I do love a good challenge" WOW he thinks I'm putting up an act,playing hard to get.

"Ahem" I jump a little turning around forgetting that I have to reply to him.
Standing there ladies and gentlemen and is the one and only Nqobimpi Ndlovu. How the fuck did he get in here and most importantly how did he know my room number? I'm now standing in the middle of these two men. "You heard the lady,you can go now" Nqobi says in a calm voice that does not match the anger on his face.

I look back at Thapelo thinking that he will go "I thought you said you are single your honour or did you perhaps forget to mention your boyfriend?" He asks, a smirk dancing on his face. Ohh how I wish I could wipe it off your stupid face with a back clap. "Boy you better leave now before I make you" now the anger is evident in his tone. He looks so intimidating RN I'm even scared.

"Have a good night Miss lawyer" then the door closes behind him. All the alcohol that was in my system is now gone,I'm sober as a judge. "Nqobi" I nervously call out to him. I don't know if its disgust or disappointment that I see on his face or maybe its both.
He looks at my short dress before walking to the door,with one last glance he goes out without having uttered a single word to me.

Waking up my neck is painful,my body is stiff and uncomfortable. Upon opening my eyes I understand why. I fell asleep in this tight itchy dress,sprawled out on the bed with no pillow supporting my neck. I must have fallen asleep while waiting and hoping that he would call or text me.

I take a shower and wear comfortable clothes,sweat pants and an over sized tee,its only 07:30 am.

"In which room is Mr Nqobimpi Ndlovu in?" I ask sternly when I get to the reception desk. "Sorry mam I can't disclose such information to you" says the boy standing behind the desk.
"Funny you say that because this man was able to get my room number not only that...he had excess to enter my room without my permission. And you telling me all this bull,the hotel didn't even notify me of it." The manager who was standing behind this boy quickly moves forward "did anything disturbing happen while Mr Ndlovu was in your room mam?" She asks.

"No and that's not the point. I want his room number now" no fibre in my body is screaming "Be Polite". She picks up the telephone punches in digits and says "Good morning Sir a lady here Miss...?" She looks at me expectantly. After telling her,she goes back to say "Miss Simphiwe Dlamini is looking for you". She goes quiet then says "okay sir sorry to disturb you"
Mmhh strange isn't she knew which room to call instantly. 

I get to Nqobi's room,before I can knock the door sways open revealing Nqobi. Looks like he just got out of the shower,he has a towel around his lower body and water droplets on the upper part. Shoot me for checking him out cause damn he's one FINE specie with an eight pack and the towel isn't helping by showing his well defined V-line.
Surprisingly enough his body isn't inked nor does his chest have any chest hair. Just how I like em. "When  you are done checking me out come in" he says dismissively,again I'm caught drooling over him and its even more embarrassing thanks to his sharp tone. 

As I walk in a few things start to make sense,he's in a presidential suite and its so damn luxurious.
After an intense staring competition which he obviously won because I shied away some where in the middle of it,I finally say "ufike nini (when did you arrive)?" "You came all the way here to ask me that?" He huffs.

"Come on dude I'm trying to break the ice here" I plead "try harder" with that said he disappears into his closet and emerges moments later wearing shorts  but he's still top less. If he's trying to distract me then its working.

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