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Well its been a week since our separation or rather our break. I went back to my apartment and also back to work. The downside of this is that I miss him,I miss him dearly. I sometimes find myself going through our chats,looking at our pictures and videos,hey hothatha banna. Kodwa this man of mine ukhohlakele,no uNqobi wusatane. Can y'all imagine that he is making me drive up to his house every morning and evening? Yep,he clearly doesn't understand what taking a break from each other means. So the reason why I have to drive to his house is because I have to drop off Nonjabulo and go fetch her after work.

When I told him that I'm leaving he was like "okay uvaye grand mara ingane yam iyasala" obviously there was no freaking way that I would leave my baby,I refused. Then he said I must bring her over when I'm going to work and fetch her in the evening. I tried making excuses as to why I won't be able to do that but dude was not having it,he said he will pay for the patrol when I complained. UNqobi usile nje this is his way of talking to me everyday. And he uses this opportunity wisely shame,in the morning he will greet me and ask how I slept. While in the evening he will ask about my day and how was work.

Gosh he's so infuriating and I find it cute,mxm. On my first day at work,he bought me flowers and food and had them delivered to my office,of course I thought it was a sweet gesture but I didn't tell him that. I ate the food and took the flowers but when he asked me about it,I said that I gave the food away and threw the flowers in the bin. He looked a bit disappointed and hurt but there was nothing he could do. Yhooo you see when he asks "unjani mama?" "Ukahle?" "Ulale kanjani?" "Belunjani usuku lwakho" in that deep voice of his,nkare nka loma "I need a break." Or when I catch him shirtless and only in basketball shorts in the morning,his groggy voice is just a bonus. Then he stares intensely at me, yhu uNqobi akavume ukuthi ungidlisile marn shit ayikho lento.

Omunye naye onezi nqondo ezaka Nqobi wuJoy and its not funny. Three days ago I say to her,there's no need for me to take her to Nqobi's because I will call sis Getty to come stay with her. Did she not cry and say that she wants to go to her dad's? I was so shocked,so I asked her since when doesn't she want to stay with aunt Getty and she said that aunt Getty can come stay with her at her dad's house not in apartment. Hai shame talk about intombi ka yise.

Anyhow like now I'm on my way to work,ngisuka kaNqobi,just dropped Nonjabulo off.

"You better be running like this because a dog is chasing after you" I say to Moreen as she enters my office running. "Its worse" she says,worse than a dog? What could it be? "Is it a man?" I ask, she's now standing in front of my desk. "Nice one..." she laughs "but it not a man,well it is but..." She continues to say "buuutt?" I press on,"remember that mystery guy,the one who kept on sending his body guard? The one who wanted you to be his lawyer and wouldn't talk to any other lawyer unless it was you?" Oh gawd,how can I forget him? "Yah I do,is he here?" I ask and her reply is "no silly there's a reason why we still refer to him as mystery guy,his guard or whatever is here again."

These people pissed Moreen off for an entire week straight,the guard kept on coming even after he was told that I'm not available. This boss of his was demanding to see me,lapho I was on leave...I was in KZN for my lobola. Arg I guess he's demanding to see me yet again and this time he is in luck because I'm here and I will put an end to his nonsense. "They are fighting their way in,I sent them away mara ba forsta" when she sees my puzzled face at the plural,them,they,ba? She clarifies "he came with his friend." "Send them up please,I will have them know that I'm not a doctor,I don't do house calls. If this boss is really in need of my services he will come see me,in fact he must set an appointment."

"But what if he is some important public figure that's why he is going through all this trouble." She suggests trying to downplay how disrespectful and shady this is. "I honestly don't care,he is not the first "big" public figure to request our services,I bet we have worked with people more important than him." No but what he is doing is wrong,he is going about this the wrong way. "Ohhk let me go call them,be warned...they are scary" she says "angibesabi mabeza" I sound like a school kid,LMAO. 

A few minutes later,she walks in with two gentlemen. Nah,nope I stand to be corrected,these are THUGS. No not like uNqobi,my man is a gangster in a suit, laba they look like oguluva,ngathi bazokubamba inkunzi. As they walk,baya bumpa,bagqoke izi spotti and leather jackets...not the fancy biker ones. Theirs look plain and old. They both sit down in front of me without greeting or waiting for me to tell them to sit down. They don't even take off their hats!! Chaai! Nazi izigebhengu zingihlolela boh,they sit here and stare at me. How am I the one who needs to start a conversation when they are the one's who came to my office? "Sanibonani" I greet,with them there's no need to speak English. NgiFeela sengathi ngizoba confuse-a shame.

"Sho suster" only one replies,then we are back to staring at each other. "Angeke avaye asigaye ispace nyana?" Now its the one who was on mute not so long ago,he is talking about Moreen. The nerve!! Moreen and I share a look, clearly shocked by what he said. Before the disrespect goes any further,lemme step up. "Ngiyabona ukuthi lendaba eniyizele la seniyikhohliwa that's why uzixakha ngezinto ezingahlangene nawe. Like my PA's presence. Ngicela ningitshelele lo baas wenu engingamazi ukuthi I'm not on his pay roll therefore mekethi Jump i will not shout How high. When he calls,I won't come running. Am I clear?" Instead of answering, bayangigqolozela. Ayy ngibhekane nobunzima moes.

"I'm running a business,a law firm,if he wants my services he should come to me not the other way around. For all i care he can take his money else where. Now let this be the last and final time that i see you here. Next time you come here to disrupt our work environment and act like you call the shots here,i will have you thrown out..." What can I say? I ran out of my isiZulu bundles.

"Umosha is'khathi,unga ringi izinto ezibaie. Isho nje wena ukuthi awufuni ukuvaya nathi,awufuni ukuhlangane neskhulu sam" he interrupts me. "Yeah, lento oqeda kuyisho" I say agreeing with him. "Usure ngalokho?" He asks and I'm taken back by his question. I don't know if its the tone or question itself but it holds an underlined threat to it. Its like he's daring me to say Yes I'm sure or he wants me to think really carefully before I answer.

"Yes I'm very sure,infact 1000% sure. Thank you gentlemen you can take your leave now" "Last chance,suster usure?" He asks yet again working on my nerves. "Could you kindly get out" I say more firmly this time. "Asimashe" he tells his friend who's still very much comfortable in one of my chairs. "But..." "Asimashe,umuzwile angithi? Uthe akafuni" he says cutting him off. And as they get up to leave,they don't push their chairs back in and abavalelisi noku valelisa. Mxm.

"Okay that was,that was tense" says Moreen now that they are gone. "Tell me about it" I say stretching in my seat. "So what's the story there?" She asks,"I don't know and I'm glad that we will never know" thats my response.

I'm at the ground level parking lot,its after work and I couldn't be more happier especially because its Friday. As I'm walking I'm typing away on my phone,I only look up here and there to make sure that I'm heading in the right direction. I suddenly feel something cold and hard poking me on the side from the back. My spirit temporarily leaves my body when my eyes land on the source of my discomfort. I move my eyes up to see who it is and my eyes lock with the eyes of one of the thug guys that were in my office. Didn't they leave, how long have they been waiting here for me? "Shh" he says placing an index finger on his lips and he moves his head to show me that I must face forward, away from him.

He has a gun,pointing it at my lower back on the side. Infact he has put it on my lower back because I can feel how cold it is,he is basically poking me with it. Now standing in front of me while his friend is at the back,the guy who was doing all the talking in my office. "Walinga nje wamemeza,uzofa" he says coldly and I nod my head multiple times,completely understanding what he is saying. "Please,please,please..." Being terrified and being held at gun point or being in any life threatening situation will make you dumb. Here I am begging, I can't think of anything mind is not functioning. Uvalo bafethu...

"Please,you can take my phone,I have money in my bag. Oh my car,you can take my car" I say with shaky hands trying to retrieve my car keys from my bag. Listen to me begging to be mugged. Yhoo its better than being killed. "Hey voetsek wena,mawusibhekile sifuna imali yakho." Honestly y'all look like y'all need it. I vigorously shake my head No. "Siyavaya siya ekareni yakho,uzo act-a normal. Bamba ibag nephone kahle, smile-a futhi." He says before we walk to my car. This has Nqobi's enemies written all over it...

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