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I'd like to clarify some things lana,some of the happenings in this chapter occur before Simphiwe goes to give Nqobi his food,some while they are in quantum and some after they have left. So nani as y'all read,you will see ukuthi which one fits where and so on.



As I return back into the house,my mom,aunt and two of Amo's aunts are trailing behind me. Once I have opened her bedroom door,I clear my throat and unleash my terrible voice to the world... well her as I sing. "Umakoti ngowabo..." And I thank God that my mom and aunt understand the assignment,they sing "bayavuma" backing me up.

Ungowabo ngemphela
Uzobawashela abaphekhele
Bathi siwelele siwelele

Now even her aunts have joined in,its a whole vibe as we are dancing well bona bashapha step nna groovist kea jaiva. They start congratulating and hugging her,this goes on for a while because they are even lecturing her...ayy batho ba baholo neh? When the door closes behind them I throw myself at her and she tries to push me off with little success. When I eventually peel myself off of her to give her some breathing space she pinches my arm. "Ouch! and nou wena" I ask her "that's for being a traitor,you didn't say that you were going to join the celebration,u itse u lo sheba hore dintho ditsamaile jwang. Philasande came in to sit with me imagine" I laugh at her exaggerated annoyed face.

"At least I came back and thats what matters,there's food,alcohol ohh the alcohol and men out there so I could have chosen all three over you or one of the three" I tell her "mxm,and let me take a wild guess,Mona would be your first option?" She asks sarcastically. "Sorry to disappoint sis but food would be,I'm hungry" we both laugh and continue our chat. "Sishadile this side!" I squeal in excitement after a while "obvious ngwana!" she comments proudly. Amo's cousin comes to call us a re rabitsoa and we tell her that we are coming. When we emerge into the kitchen they start all over again and ululate With how much they have been ululating today,I bet even my niece now knows how to ululate. We are assigned our duties,I'm one of those who will be serving the men.

Its better than dishing up or washing dishes,yes but sadly I'm not looking forward to it. I'd have to look at his face and not see the look he used to give me. I don't know what is it that I'm holding on to,but I better let it go. Its obvious that he has moved on...I mean its been weeks and he is a handsome man so I don't blame him. Let's not forget that he is a fuck boy. Makoti is told to plate for her man "kodwa asazi ukuthi ukhona yini umkhwenyana angimbonanga,ngibona abakongi bakhe" one of the aunts answer her when she asks about his whereabouts. A guy who I'm guessing is related to Nqobi walks in and asks for glasses. When he's about to leave,Amo asks him about Nqobi and he says that he's inside a quantum that's parked outside.

She dishes up for her man and walks out while I take two plates and go where the men are sitting. As I'm walking towards them,my eyes lock with his and just like that the eye contact is lost as he looks away. My heart breaks at this considering that he almost drove me crazy a couple of weeks back. Bashimane neh? To think that he was all that I thought of as I laid my head to sleep and was my first thought as I opened my eyes. I decide to serve the older men first,I give the two plates to two of them and they politely say "siyabonga". "Malume ngathi sizobuya futhi la sizoletha ezinye ezinkomo" the guy from earlier on says besides me. "Usho nje mshana?" Asks one of the uncles I just gave food to. "Ngeke sibuye kanjani khehla usisi kamakoti enje?" His Optic white smile isn't even charming, mxm.

Bathong wena ke le motle soh,ke apere smart soh. Had HE been the one saying that I'd be over the moon eseng wena. I briefly look at the dreamer with a displeased look and turn to walk away. I see that I have to bring two more plates then that's it. You are probably wondering what changed because I was hell bent on not getting into a relationship with Cebo. You know ha ba re you never know what you have until its gone? Yeah thats me. After a week of not getting any texts or calls from him,I started missing him. I found myself going through our chats or just randomly thinking about what we could be doing now. I thought of our movie nights,thought back to when he used to get flowers or food delivered to either my house or workplace.

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