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"So this is the Mrs?" Asks a guy walking into the room. I don't say anything,I just look at him while I wait for Cebo to explain to me what's going on. "Oh my bad,im doctor..." Cebo decides to only come to the party now "his name is Slicer and he is our doctor" thanks for the clarification tho I won't comment on the name...their gang names are weird. Slicer brings his hand forth for a fist bump which I accept then tell him my name. Thing is he isn't wearing any coat or doctor like clothing hence I couldn't tell from his appearance alone that he's a doctor. "I hope that this one has already filled you in on Nqobimpi's condition" he says pointing at Cebo who playfully clicks his tongue at him.

"Well if filling me in is telling me that he was shot 3 times,he "died" 2 times and and...what else did you tell me konje bab'mncane?" I ask looking at Cebo. "Its fine MaDlamini I didn't fill you in on anything" he sulks and Slicer and I laugh him out. "Its good to know that I still have my job then" Slicer says between his laughter. "As he said he was shot three times,one bullet went to his shoulder,one missed his heart by an inch and one hit his spine..." He goes on to explain a lot of things about Nqobi's condition which im grateful for as it helps me understand the depth of his injuries. Slicer stays with us for a bit longer before leaving,if we were in an actual hospital I would say he went to do his rounds but keh because we are here,I'm guessing he went to rest because kulate.

"You need to rest" says Cebo getting up from his chair to stretch. "No I'm good" I say,nakhona where am I going to rest? I'd rather fall asleep on this chair. "There's a room that you can use" he says answering my thoughts but I decline insisting that I'm Okay. "Okay ngifuna ukuphuma kancane but I won't be long" he says and I tell him that its Okay,I will be fine. "Call me if you need anything. I promise to answer my phone this time around when you call me" he says laughing at the last part and I know why he's laughing because I join in too. I won't lie,my back hurts and bums from all this sitting but I doubt that I will be able to sleep comfortably or to fully relax in a stranger's bed while I'm stressed about my husband. Besides anginabo ubuthongo so I will sit here and hopefully I will be able to fall sleep khona la.

Its been almost an hour since bab'mncane "stepped out",the door opens and Sindy walks in. She looks organised and decent unlike when she budged in sobbing earlier. In her hands is a mug that has something steamy. As she gets closer,I catch a waft of coffee and it smells delightful. "Cebelihle said I should bring you some coffee" she says with rather a nasty attitude as she places the mug ontop of the cabinet next to the bed. I look at her in shock,failing to comprehend the reasons for her attitude and yena she doesn't even try to smile or to give me an apologetic look. Even if its a fake one,its will be better than the attitude I'm getting. As she's walking to the door,I ask "sorry sisi do we know each other?" She stops in her tracks and turns around to face me.

"No I don't believe we do" you would think that she would put an effort into addressing me with kindness,mxm. "Exactly,awungazi nam angikwazi and angifuni nokukwazi so asinga jwayelani kabi. Drop the attitude because its unnecessary and childish too" I tell her having an attitude as well because why not? Two can play this game. "Are you done?" She says in bored tone. "Yeah but do me a favour,stop acting like I took your man because its not attractive" I won't even drink her coffee,angifuni ukufa mina. She tries to say something but I stop her "even if I did,there are plenty of fishes in the sea. And a man can only be taken away if he wants to be taken vele. You can leave now" I say dismissing her.

"I know Nqobi,the real him not this facade that he's showing you. I bet that you don't even know how to hold a gun, your marriage won't last and guess what? I will be there ready to pick up where we left off naye" "are you that desperate?" I ask annoyed by her taunting words. "Desperate,motivated,in it what you want,I don't care" okay She has rendered me speechless and its not even funny. The door opens as she's about to walk out. How she's wincing in pain tells me that he's grip on her wrist is firm and is hurting her. Cebo just walked in and stopped her from walking out by roughly pulling her by her wrist. He looks at me as if looking for any discomfort or to see if I'm hurt.

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