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When I hear my office door opening,I lift up my head to look at the person coming in. "Ma'am your chauffeur is here" Moreen,my PA tells me. "Ohh already I must have lost track of time. Where is he?" I ask her standing up, gathering my belongings. Its knock off time already...well for me that is. "He is outside boss lady" she answers. "Please ask him to come and help me pack my stuff" I ask her and she gives me a sweet smile. "Y'all are so cute,this is what I call couple goals." She says,envying what my husband and I have going on.

Today he's my designated chauffeur or driver rather. We sometimes do that, when he drives me to work he also has to fetch me later on and so do I with him. He started this whole thing,with me driving him to and from work. Because yena he's sometimes too tired to drive,lies guy just wanted to be a baby and spend more time with me. I found it cute and I still do,worse because he brags about being my passenger princess,he just loves watching me drive but he won't admit it tho. He always complains about my driving but somehow always asks me to drive whenever I can.

"If Im being honest,I envy what you and Mr Ndlovu have" she says in a wishful tone. Mm girl you don't know what you are wishing for. "Focus ngwanaka not all that glitters is gold" I give her a piece of advice. "Ha.a don't come here with your negativity,this marriage is definitely gold" she says arguing with me about MY own marriage? Imagine,I laugh at how she's blocking out what I have just said. "I'm being serious here,our marriage is not perfect. Heck its far far away from a perfect marriage" I tell her the honest truth. "I didn't say that its perfect,nothing and no one is perfect. I just admire how y'all are making it work. Everyone can see the love between you guys" she says,welele she doesn't know half of the shit I went through.

"Just because I carry it well,it doesn't mean that its not heavy. Ever heard of that quote?" I ask her and she closes her eyes for a second drawing in deep breathes calming herself down as if I have just said the most offensive thing. "Wang depress-a boss lady,stop trying to make it sound like you married a monster or something like that" she says in a bored tone making me laugh. "Child of course I didn't marry a monster but all I'm saying is don't halel(sbwl/yearn) what I have because you don't know what I go through" thats why the bible says that being satisfied with what you have is better than always wanting more. Further more,envy is a sin.

"Oksalayo you go through it all in style, riches,luxury and with a man of his caliber" she says snapping her finger while moving her head. "Just call my husband please!" I yell at her as I laugh. Nqobi soon walks in but without Moreen,he finds me sitting on the couch taking off my heels. He doesn't say anything,he just comes to sit next to me. Pulls me by the waist so I can face him and crushes his kissable and delicious lips on mine. The kiss is not hurried but its weakening my knees although I'm seated and thats not helping my horny self.

When we pull apart he places his forehead on mine why does it look like I'm the only one who's affected by this kiss? You are so THIRSTY bitch! No your are! I'm just a subconscious mina. Okay sharp thula. "Sawubona MaNdlovu" he greets,God his voice,he is staring intensely at me. "Nqobi..." I take a deep breathe unable to complete my sentence or even greet back. He laughs knowing very well the effect that he has on me. "Unjani ntombi yam?" He asks. Now I have a question of my own,why does his damn voice sound alluring? Also is it necessary for him to trail his fingers up and down my thigh against the fabric of my dress?

Man neh? Man shame. I blush,I'm unable to can bandla. "Ngilambile" he says with a smirk plastered on his handsome face. "You don't say" now my hand is moving slow around the zip of his pants. "Not for that mfazi,I'm hungry for food" he says chortling and I unbuckle his belt while looking into his eyes. He let's out a low growl when I grab his manhood. "Fuck!" He curses under his breathe when I touch his semi hard dick and start playing with it. "Are you sure?" I tease him. "A man can start with dessert right?" He asks before claiming my lips again. "I don't know,does he want to?" I ask into the kiss pretending to be thinking about it yet my hand is still in his briefs.

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