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"Bekubanda ngaphandle so Morena gave me his jacket to wear" I say peeling Morena's suit jacket off my shoulders. Beku,bekubanda...well if it was why are you still wearing it. Eish okay it is a bit chilly outside. Luckily Nqobi doesn't pay mind to the tense that I have used. I try giving Morena back his jacket but he refuses to take it. "Morena!" I scold him and his hands reluctantly take the jacket off my hands. "Gatsheni this is my childhood friend uMorena and Morena this is my fiancé" I say introducing the two thats still passing murderous glances to each other. "Husband" Nqobi says "correcting" me. After he let out the word Morena's head snaps to me "you didn't mention that you were married" he says with an eyebrow shot up.

Ohh for fuck's sakes,play along...if the man says he's my husband then don't question it. Nqobi saves me from answering "uhlanganaphi wena noku ganwa kwakhe?" He's tone is low but firm enough to be heard. "I was just making sure" he answers with a shrug. "Ngoba uthanda isiNgisi let me rephrase, how the fuck is her marital status any of your goddamn concern?" When Morena fails to provide an answer,Nqobi clicks his tongue with so much anger. "And then wena kushone bani? Yezani lezo zimbali?" He's degrading tone can't be missed,he asks motioning to the flowers in my hands. "Uhm ngithengele wuMorena..." He interjects "wendoda awunayo yini ntombi njengoba uthengele owami umuntu izimbali?" If he's acting like this because of a mere bouquet,then he will definitely shoot someone when he sees the gift bags.

"Actually he's married" I chirp in and both men snap their heads at me what I'm not lying. "Ubuyaphi MaDlamini nale ndoda?" He asks after taking a seat on my chair,not this man acting like he owns the building. "Well he just got back in the country and because its been awhile since we saw each other he popped by to see me and we went out..." This time its Morena who interjects. "I took her out for lunch" he smirks and thats enough to make Nqobi abruptly stand from the seat. What the bloody hell is he doing,you can't say to another man that 'I took your girl out for lunch' (in a deep voice) Within seconds he is right in front of Morena,his calm face can be misread...he's fuming inside with anger. Morena takes a step back,he couldn't handle the heat. Phela Nqobi is intimidating.

"Is that so?" Nqobi lowly asks,before setlatla sena se ka senya lenyalo la ka pele le qala le ho qala(this fool can ruin my marriage before it even begins),"shut up" I say glaring at him. "No let the man speak,he seems to have a lot to say" Nqobi says,a sinister smirk on his lips and his eyes narrowed on Morena. I sing hallelujah when Morena says instead,"che ketla dumella mofumahadi hore a bue (I will let the lady speak)" "please get those flowers out of my face,they smell terrible,yini uzikhethe emgqomeni(did you pick them from a garbage bin)?" Nqobi has zero chill bandla,his facial expression solidifies his statement. Morena's eyes show that he feels insulted. At this point I don't know if Nqobi said that to rile him up or because he truly can't stand their smell due to the morning sickness.

Not wanting to annoy him further than he already is,I get the flowers away from him. Nqobi takes out a rolled stack of R100 notes,he counts up to 10 notes and shoves them into Morena's shirt pocket. "That's for taking My Woman out for lunch..." He continues to count again but stops then shoves the rest of the stack into his pocket as well. "That will cover up for those cheap flowers and what you have in your hand, although she won't be accepting it" Talk about Money is not a problem *clap once* he finishes off and gives Morena a 'or do we have a problem?' look. Instead of saying 'sure we have a problem' the flipping twit takes out the notes from his pocket and throws them onto Nqobi's feet.

He clearly has a death wish,Nqobi let's out a humourless chuckle before throwing an ear deafening slap across Morena's face. I gasp not believing what he just did and that Morena just shrieked in pain,damn he throws a MEAN clap,that can make a grown man cry. I swiftly move to close the door,cause I see a fight loading here and I don't want anyone walking in on it thank God my office is not see through. With his jaw clenched and fists rolled, he stands in a 'I'm ready to fight' posture.

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