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"Nqobi ungikwatele (are you mad at me)?" I ask making myself comfortable on his bed. "Now why would I be mad at you?" He fires back "because uhm i-i..." I don't have to finish my sentence because he finishes it off for me "you uhm what,lied to me,chose clubbing over your own child and now you are shagging/hanging out with your client. Isn't that bad for business?" Wow that was a mouth full,he dramatically says the word slash.

"Ngiyaxolisa(I'm sorry) okay,I'm sorry for lying to you but don't you dare try to make me a bad mother. I didn't choose clubbing over my daughter,I'm here because of work. I'm working my ass off so I can be able to provide for her needs and wants." I half whisper half yell at him "and no I'm not sleeping with any client,Thapelo is my client's goddamn brother" now my voice is getting louder.

"Lower your voice" he's very chilled "so I guess last night when you were wearing that skimpy dress,you were working your ass off in court?" He asks with an eyebrow raised "and hanging out in clubs with your client's brother makes it even better?" He's cold tone shuts me up. I decide to be honest with him and tell him all there is to know about my encounters with Thapelo and about tonight's dinner.

"How did you get into my room?" this question has been bothering me for a while now. He shows me an excess card that's different from the one I have "yah its an excess card and it doesn't look like mine so?" I don't mean to sound rude but wang bora nou (he's annoying me).

"It opens all the doors in this hotel Phiwe" he answers nonchalantly. I look at him confused,like dude explain why you have that. "I own this hotel Phiwe" again he says it like its the most obvious thing and I'm the dumb one for not catching up.
"Ohhh it all makes sense now" I say as all the burning questions in my head began to be answered.

"I'm going with you to that boy's dinner" I laugh remembering that he also called him a boy last night. He gives me a questioning look "why do you call him a boy?" I ask once my laughing session has died out. "Because he acts like a horny teenage boy" manje(now) why is he annoyed.

"Sorry to burst your bubble but you were not invited" I stick out my tongue at him. We have gone back to our usual jolly selves,all is forgiven I hope. We are sitting with our backs against the headboard on his bed.

"Yah kodwa umuntu wami umenyiwe so nam ngiya hamba (but my woman is invited so I'm also going)." He says seriously,I try to hide the smile that's threatening to surface. "Since when am I yours?"
"Since our lip-lock session" he proudly says say since what now? "Awukwazi uk'shela yini (cant you court a woman)?" I ask while laughing and he gives me a challenging look. "I had prepared something for us last night but you decided to be a city girl and went to have fun in the city" he sings the last part in a sweet base.

Its his turn to laugh when he sees the shock on my face,dude even throws his head back like he's at some Trevor Noah show. Mxm umuntu uhleli nevoice kaGiveon ande akasho (a person has Giveon's voice and says nothing)

Moreen spent the night at her boyfriend's place and we all know what they got up to. I spoke to her a while ago,she wanted to make sure that I will be at Thapelo's dinner because akafuni uk'hlala yedwa (she doesn't want to be alone).

I asked how when her man will be there. She said and I quote "a girl needs a break boss lady...I spent the last three days with him". If you do the math,you will realize that on Tuesday he was here to see her. Mara keh asina mona ande futhi asiphumeni lapho (but then we aren't jealous and let's just leave it at that).

We are now having lunch at a secluded part of the restaurant,perks of being umphathi (the boss). Its decided that he's my plus one,I don't even know if we are supposed to bring plus ones but guy isn't backing down either. He leans back into his chair and looks right into my eyes as if searching for my soul.

"Will you be mine?"

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