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People's screams are getting louder and louder as more gunshots are heard. We don't know yet what is happening,its a run now ask questions later situation. I can't hear anything besides screams and gunshots...I can't think of anything RN because I'm shit scared.

Nqobi and I are running down the hall,he has my body in front of his in a protective manner. Looking behind us,I don't see Thapelo anywhere. Nqobi kicks the door on the right open and gently pushes me in before getting in as well. "Baby urite (are you okay)?" He asks holding my shaking body trying to soothe me.

He let's me sit my ass down on the bathroom floor as im shaking like a leaf. Thing is guns frighten me so one can only imagine what the sound of guns does to me. It takes me a while to respond,I see he's growing impatient with every passing second as I stare blankly at him.

"Y-yah ngizoba rite (I will be fine)" I finally say after getting my shit together. He pulls out his phone,dials a number then walks to the basin to talk to whoever he just called. If I listen closely I would hear what he's saying but my mind isn't focusing on that. I can't stop making worse case scenarios in my head. And then I suddenly remember that Oh no shit..."Nqobi Moreen is somewhere out there" I say in a terrified voice standing to my feet.

"I'm sure she's fine wherever she is...she's with her boyfriend" he says trying to act like he's concerned about her. "With or without you I'm going to look for her and ensure that she's safe cause I'm the reason she's here in the first place" He sighs looking defeated,its clear that he's annoyed.

"Okay sharp keh,how are you going to keep her safe? How will you stop a bullet from going through her head or yours for that matter?" Yhoo waze wang'thethisa umuntu (he's scolding at me). He does have a point though but I won't tell him.

I stubbornly walk to the door,I open it a bit and look at him. "Fuck,can't you at least wait for the chaos to die down,thats if it ever will die down" he says lowly. I sit my ass back down,arguing with him will not help especially because I know that he's right...I can't go out there now.

After some time it all dies down or at least that's what it sounds like from where we are. "Nqobi...?" He looks at me for a while,"asambe(let's go)" he sighs.

"Click" I hear the sound and turn around to look as I open the bathroom door,my entire body freezes when my eyes land on the lethal and heavy steel weapon in his hand. I want to ask where he gets the gun from but I get my answer when I see him fix his jacket. WFT is he walking around with a gun for?

Its a massacre out here okay maybe I'm exaggerating a bit but one thing remains,a crime scene has never looked pleasant. I halt my walking when I have to walk over a dead female body laying in a pool of blood. "Phiwe! Phiwe!" I can hear him calling out to me but I can't move my eyes from her nor answer his call.

I'm engulfed in a warm hug before a kiss is placed on my forehead,"bheka mina (look at me)" I timidly do as instructed. "Stay with me please and don't look around. Remember that we are looking for your friend and she might be in danger. Yes?" I blankly stare at him instead,he's saying the words slow as if he's talking to a child or someone who doesn't comprehend English. MXM.

If it isn't dead bodies,then its injured people or men with guns who won't stop talking over each other. Ain't no way normal people would attend a dinner party carrying guns. Ngasho ukuthi amagintsa labafana(I did say that these men are gangsters). Is there such a thing called Dinner party vele? What about the guy who's hand you are holding onto so tight? Eish let's tackle one problem at a time tuu,first we find Moreen then we will deal with Nqobi.

It looks like I'm free from whatever trance I was pulled into minutes ago,but I still feel like something is wrong with me. I kinda feel disconnected to the world. There are guards guarding the exits and there are other guards in a different uniform out cold on the floor. Maybe it was the first team and as you can see they got shot. There's a group of people standing in one corner,consoling each other. Tables are flipped,its obvious that this was done so they could hide behind them. Eyy bakwethu kuningi nje,I don't have time to explore the scene...I just wanna go home.

I hope that this is good enough for a come back😭

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