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"Couldn't you have asked me nicely... approach like a normal person would?" I ask him. "Would you have agreed?" He asks and I keep quiet. Would I? But I know how to separate work from personal things so I probably would have agreed. "Exactly" he mumbles cutting my trail of thought. "Hey! I would have, its not like it would have been for free, money speaks" I shout out the Hey... ukuthi why nam angazi. "Well this is just to motivate you then" MOTIVATE my left black ass!

Quinton was my boyfriend,we dated a while ago. He was a psychopath and that's why he's six feet under vandag, don't get it twisted,I'm not saying this to try and justify what I did. Like most relationships,at first everything is nice and rosy,then ha ntse mojolo o ya pele you begin to notice certain things about your partner which you may not like. So he would call me every hour to ask my whereabouts and who I am with. At first,like most girls...I thought it was cute and charming. Thought the boy was head over hills in love with me kanti no,uboy u-obsessed.

He then tried to control my freedom,he told me I shouldn't hang out with my guy friends,I couldn't go to groove anymore,tried telling me how I should dress. According to him I shouldn't dress like a "hoe". I'm using the word tried here to show that he attempted and failed dismally. I told him to fuck off,I told him where to get off one or two things about me,I'm stubborn,I'm cheeky,I have a big mouth and I most definitely can defend myself. And that's the problem,my attitude and cheeky ass landed me in big trouble. So he got angry... EXTREMELY angry then he put his hands on me,that was his first time.

My mother didn't raise no coward or a fucken punching bag so I retaliated,trust me I gave it all I had. Sho ong moerile strong ebile mara I'm proud to say that I also landed quite a few strong punches and kicks,a few bites and scratches here and there. After the fight he left and I thought that I had seen the last of him as I broke up with him. But boy was I wrong,he would let himself into my apartment ukuthi kanjani nam angazi,infact til today I don't have the answer to that question. I was staying in Pretoria then. When he let himself into my apartment,he would break my furniture,would leave printed notes and y'all don't believe the shock I got when I learned that he would record our intimate moments.

He would leave pictures of me naked,I don't know when or how he took them because he wasn't even in the apartment. There were pictures of us being intimate. He would follow me around,like I'd be in a restaurant and he would text me either complimenting what I was wearing or say something about the person im with or what I'm eating. Yhooo I'd be freaked out and terrified,I threatened him multiple times to have him arrested. But guy would dare me to do it,no he wouldn't threaten my family or me but he would confidently tell me to go ahead. He sometimes would say that "I will even accompany you to the police station"

He didn't hide or try to conceal his acts. Now if someone does that then you should get the message. I didn't go to the police station because obviously Quinton was above the law,he had serious connections and I wasn't about to waste my breathe and energy at the police station filling in a report knowing very well that the minute I leave,it will be in the trash can. And out of fear of what he would do to my family I said nothing to no one. The security detail of where I was staying was surely under his pay roll. Guy trashed my place,he let himself in and every time they would tell me that they saw and heard nothing.

I had changed my door locks multiple times but he got creepier than the last. Somewhere in between these happenings,he had laid his hands on me again. I was so broken,in pain,unsafe, depressed,paranoid,anxious...eyy you name it. People when I say that God has been good to me,I mean it. So this one night he got into my apartment,I was sleeping he tried to rape me. I obviously fought him but he had a knife on him, which he used to stab me on my thigh. Nonetheless I gave him one hell of a fight. It can only be by the grace of God that I escaped,I ran and locked the front door locking him in. Then I drove home.

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