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"Why am I here,I should be asking you that. Do you know half of the people that here. How did you even get invited?" Okay now I'm worried,what does he mean. I got invited and I don't know anyone here I know like five people here if not less. "My presence here is none of your concern" Nqobi answers,and he's calm unlike the other guy.

"If I didn't know any better I would say you are here preparing for your next job,you came to do your research but its not like you to..." Nqobi interrupts him "its not like me to go after small fish,I swim with sharks and im glad that you know this" WTF am I listening to,I'm not stupid enough to think that its legal.

And why the hell is there a proud smile on Nqobi's face. "I have seen enough of your ugly face and heard enough of your terrible voice. You can go back to your friends" Nqobi says,I'm over his rude behaviour but am certainly not over the talk my ears were subjected to.

"You do know that you are only protected because people don't know the real you right?" Nqobi's demeanour changes,he doesn't look murderous but one can tell that he's getting angry. He turns to face me "ngiya buya manje (I will be back now)" he whispers to me then gives me a forehead kiss.

"Mandla ngilandele (follow me)" he roughly pulls him by his shoulder before he could protest. He comes back after a short while "awusho(tell me) Nqobi why won't you accept investors,I mean they are bringing money" I ask confused with how he handled it. "I need loyalty more than money,I have got my own money" okay now I'm more confused. "Look you won't get it now but hopefully soon you will understand. And besides having many people on board is dangerous" I wanna keep probing but he brushes me off.

Its time to leave now,I didn't ask him about the Mandla situation or what they were talking about...its mainly because I don't think i can handle knowing the truth. Before we leave I have to find Thapelo and bid farewell to him. I only saw him when he was making a speech alongside his brother. He thanked everyone for coming in numbers and that they are welcome to socialize and build allies amongst themselves. This seems like some Mafia Gala dinner shit,even in his speech he was vague about the type of business they are into.

It seemed like everyone here understood what he meant except me,even Nqobi understood. A fight broke out between two guys,instead of Thapelo helping to calm down the situation,he pulled out two guns,gave them each. And he said and I will quote "one of you has to pull the trigger,if possible the two of you can or you stop this shit you are doing and act like the grown man that you are." It seems like he's brother is the ring leader of whatever shit show this is and Thapelo is his right hand man. They announced that a private meeting will be held,and it is for clients only.

"MaDlamini this place is huge,how will we find this boy of yours" see he is being a baby. "Then we better start looking now. And stop calling him a boy" I laugh while pulling his hand to up his pace.

We finally find Thapelo in the hallway talking to some lady. We stand a safe distance from them,I wave my hand to get his attention which I do get. He waves back then concludes whatever discussion he has with her and walks to us.

"Your honour thank you for honouring my invitation,you look dazzling as always" he compliments smiling from ear to ear. Dude has a killer smile no cap. "Thank you for inviting me although I have no clue of what tonight is about,your speeches did nothing to keep me in the loop" I laugh nervously,afraid that he might not appreciate me being nosey rn.

Instead he amazes me with his response "nah its nothing major,in life we mustn't celebrate the major achievements only. Tonight was about us celebrating our minor achievements with family,business partners and friends" he emphasizes the last part and looks at me.

Nqobi has his hand wrapped around my waist "this is my handsome boyfriend..." "Nqobimpi Ndlovu,is it?" He's a bit unsure,I nod my head. He goes for a handshake but instead Nqobi bows his head in recognition. Am I the only one who doesn't know who this guy is? It stings more cause I'm the girlfriend.

"Mara waitsi wena (but you know) your honour you had my hopes sky high. I genuinely thought that we had some chemistry and that you were single" he sounds "disappointed". "Well sorry to disappoint you there" Nqobi says sarcastically. "Nah man I'm not entirely disappointed cause I don't see a diamond on her finger meaning that she isn't really off the market" he then looks at me and says "but even with a wedding band on we can still have fun Miss Dlamini" that sounds disgusting.

Before my hotheaded Zulu man can react or respond rather I step forward to Thapelo and say "that's no way to speak especially in front of my man,as I said we are leaving". "Thanks again for having us" I say with a forced smile. With how Nqobi has been acting all night I don't trust him to keep his hands to himself,he might punch Thapelo or even worse kill him.

"Bang!!" While trying to register what that sound was,two more gunshots go off before the room erupts with screams..

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