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So this morning I got a call from MaNdlovu ethi when am I bringing her granddaughter over,she would like to spend some time with her before she goes back to KZN. Then I asked is she at Zanele's or... Ugogo interrupted me and said "MaDlamini ngisemzini wakho,ngikwakho" did I not wish for the Earth to open up and swallow me? Yes this is me now driving to Nqobi's house.

Since his "exit" yesterday,we haven't talked. I find her sitting in the patio,doing what old people do in this heat...she's drinking tea. Guys umuntu omdala muhlonipheni,they will be wearing sun hats and cool clothes to show that yah its hot but you will still find them drinking tea,a hot steamy one at that. Because my child is always joyful like her name states,she runs to her grandmother while screaming "gogo,gogo!"

After they have had their moment,we exchange greetings and like every conversation had with an elderly person,sesikhuluma ngeweather,the news and politics. I then ask if aunty and babomdala are inside so I could go in and greet them as well but she says No they went back to Natal. "Kodwa ungangena uyobulisa umkwenyana wakho" she says smiling. "Cha ma,ngiright" I answer back. She looks at me for a minute longer before offering me a small smile. I don't know what that means. "Okay sisi ngiyakuzwa manje..." We are now talking about my pregnancy,how far long am I,why does it look so small.

Shame she tells me that she would love to live with me for a few weeks after the birth of her grandchild but keh ngoba mina noNqobi we stay in separate houses she doesn't see how that will be possible. Shame ugranny uexcited but I don't blame her...its her first grandchild. My response is that we will work out something,sizobona ukuthi sihlanganisa ini nani to fulfill her desire. I bid her and Joy farewell without going inside the house or asking how Nqobi is doing.

Nqobi has become distant and its not even funny. Before he would text me,I rarely replied but that didn't stop him. He would send me videos of uNonjabulo where she's being naughty,talkative or funny and other cute videos of their father and daughter moments. When bringing her over,he would come inside my apartment and chill with us for a short while then leave. Manje he doesn't text,like sometimes I would stay up at night waiting for a Good night text,I would sit on my bed in the morning waiting for a Good morning text. I would constantly check my phone in the afternoons to see if he sent anything but dololo.

Not even a "hey I'm just checking up on you" text,eyy kuyanyiwa. Look now he's texting me to tell me that I should come downstairs to get Nonjabulo,why isn't he coming up? Anyhow I go downstairs,I spot one of his cars in the lot and get into the passenger sit. "Sawubona Nqobi" I greet but dude rather finds his phone more interesting. "Yebo Simphiwe" he briefly looks up. "I'm thinking of going back to work next week" I say initiating a conversation. "Are you sure?" Okay we are getting somewhere because his voice is laced with concern and his face wears a worried expression.

"Yeah its about damn time yhoo" I laugh nyana at the end and sadly he doesn't join in. "Therapy seems to be working,I feel like I'm getting somewhere. I feel better" I express while smiling widely. "Mmh that's nice" he says without sparing me a glance. Hai keh,did I say that we are getting somewhere? Nah we just took 20 steps backwards! "Nqobi what's going on? Why are you giving me cold vibes?" I thought that i could hold it in but hai cha iyangishisa lendaba.

"What's going on MaDlamini is that the only relationship between us is that of co parents. I don't owe it to you to be friendly or lovey dovey with you." He says,now looking at me. "We just need to be civil towards each other and ensure that both our kids are happy. Okunye fuck it" he didn't have to add onto what he said tho. His words stab through my heart. "WOW..." I'm the definition of SPEECHLESS RN,"I hear you Nqobi" I say opening the door while my heart is literally on the floor of this car,nah its under this car. I go to the back to get Missy out of her seat.

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