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We are now sitting patiently in the doctor's office,nope lemme not lie. I'm panicking and the fact that she's admitted makes it worse. "Mommy Joy I see that following orders isn't for you" Dr Naidoo says entering her office with her unusual smile that I have grown to adore,I retreat my hand from Nqobi's hold.
"I'm sorry doc,I don't know what happened this time because its different from the last" I honestly say hoping she has got good news for us. "You need to be careful next time Mommy Joy" she says taking a seat. "Will she be okay?" he asks, "yes we have given her something to lessen the rash" the doctor answers. "Why does she have a fever and why is this rash different from the last?" again its Nqobi asking.

Seems like I have lost my ability to speak,the doc goes on to explain why it happened,I'm listening but I'm not listening. Does it make sense? When she's done explaining,we are taken to the pediatric ward. We just stand there looking over her sleeping form with my head pressed against him and his arm over my shoulders.

Going into the hospital from the reception area,a nurse that I sometimes engage in small talks with whenever we are here for Nonjabulo's routine drops stops to greet me. "She's with her father" she says she's with her what now? She misreads my confused face and says "he got here about half an hour ago". Is some ass posing as my baby daddy so he could steal my child? Not a second later,I run to the ward.

Walking inside,I see him standing next to her small bed and my baby has her small hand wrapped around his index finger. I erupt in fits of laughter remembering how scared I was seconds ago thinking that someone wants to kidnap her. He turns to me with a puzzled look,"her father neh?" I tease him. "I had to think on my feet otherwise they wouldn't have let me in,plus I was seen with you yesterday so..." He shrugs.

He comes to give me a hug,which I gladly return and a kiss on my forehead.  To my dismay Nonjabulo has to spend one more night before they discharge her. She later wakes up and we spend some time together until Nqobi leaves leaving us girls to bond.

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