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As I turn my head,I don't feel the fluffiness of a pillow or the softness that one feels when laying on a bed. I instead feel a hard material like thingy beneath me. As I breathe in the air that surrounds me,I catch a waft of his intoxicating scent that has the ability to bring me down to my knees. I open my eyes for a second and see that I'm laying on top of him...let me rephrase,I'm laying on top of his bare chest. I close my eyes and choose to bask in this moment.  I snuggle more closer to him, he wraps his hands around my waist,my head is on the crook of his neck. I feel him plant a kiss on my temple. I'm about to return the gesture by placing wet kisses on his neck when I suddenly remember all that he has put me through.

"Let go of me" I hiss as I try to wiggle out of his tightened hold and move away from him. "Hlala stel,uzowa MaDlamini" he speaks in a deep hoarse voice that evokes my hormones. "I'd rather sleep on the floor than on top of you or even next to you,mxm" he says nothing to this and continues holding me. I may be mad at him but I still being on top of him will only aggravate his injuries. "Nqobi marn!" This time around I pinch his hand and he reluctantly let's go. Okay this bed feels small all of a sudden,what's going on. I turn my head and take in my surroundings. Staring right back at me, is a hospital ward and I see that I'm wearing a hospital gown someone explain to me how did I get here,Wtf is... Ohh shit!!

"Nqobi! My baby! My baby...Nqobi?" My hand instinctively goes to my stomach, I'm panicking. A lot is going through my head as I remember pieces and bits of what happened as I experienced those sharp pains. And I think I remember when I was brought in...some doctor woke me up by gently smacking my cheeks and kept on asking me silly questions. Like what's my name,what's my profession,what's my husband's name and all that,and I remember being pricked with a needle on my left hand. Of course I didn't answer all his questions as my eyelids felt heavy. Nqobi sees the fear in my eyes and puts his hand on top my one that's on my stomach.

"Relax,relax. Our baby is okay" he says reassuringly in a soft voice. "Are you sure?" I ask just to be sure and he breaks into a wide cute smile "Yes baby I'm sure." "Mm usindile" I say swatting his hand away "Angizwanga?" He asks with an eyebrow shot up. "Ungizwe kahle,ngithe usindile. Nqobi if anything had happened to my child,I would have blamed you and only God knows that being paralysed would have been the least of your worries" I tell him with a straight face so he knows that I'm not joking. He looks at my face for a moment,upon seeing that I'm serious he nervously scratches the back of his neck.

"Ngiyaxolisa"-Nqobi "how long was I out for?" We both speak at the same time. "You have been out since yesterday in the afternoon" he answers my question. "What? So long,was I sedated?" There's no way in hell was I sleeping for more than 12 hours. "Actually you weren't sedated,you were just sleeping" he says slightly shrugging his shoulders. "I guess you really needed to rest" he says after a while seeing that I'm not saying anything. You guess? I just scoff at his "assumption." "How did you, never mind its fine" He doesn't press on and ask What but rather looks at me with questioning eyes.

I wanted to ask how did he get on the bed but I don't want to start an argument and have everyone in this hospital know how we live our lives. I stand up and go to the bathroom. After emptying my bladder,I wipe myself clean,flush the toilet then wash my hands. As I emerge from the toilet he has his eyes set on me and I look away. "So you just going to stand there and not talk to me?" He asks,its been a while now and I am awkwardly standing in the middle of the room. I won't go back to bed because he's there and I don't want to talk to him. I don't answer his question instead I take a sit on the visitor's chair. "MaDlamini,isilent treatment kodwa?" He persists.

"Nqobi you didn't seem to have a problem with it these past weeks" I say showing disinterest in this conversation. "Ngiyaxolisa" he says yet again with pleading eyes. When I ignore him,he further says "ngicela ungixolele Sibalukhulu,xola Magaduzela..." I cut him off "uxoliselani kahle kahle?" I ask adjusting myself on the chair showing him ukuthi now he has my undivided attention. "This situation we have been through could have resulted in the loss of our child" he says hehe "Situation" he says,clap once. "What situation is that? Are you talking of the hell and misery You have brought into our lives,because if a Spade a Spade" I'm not blaming him for what happened to him, he didnt choose to be shot and paralysed. Its sad and depressing,I know.

Especially because he's an arrogant man and is full of pride,however his reaction to this is his fault. He chose to be a total jerk and isolate himself from the world. "And you are only sorry because we could have lost the baby. Not because you realise that what you were doing was unhealthy and wrong? Not because you genuinely feel remorseful as you can see your mistakes?" I continue to vent,"yazini Nqobi,thula. Phuma kim" I tell him just as he is about to reply. If we continue with this conversation,I bet we will even awaken patients in Coma's. His phone rings disturbing the tranquility. He looks at me then at his ringing phone and shows zero interest to answer it.

"Answer it" I tell him when I see the caller ID and the idiot looks everywhere but in my direction. The phone eventually stops ringing. Just as relief washes over him,it rings again "ngiku phendulele yona mina or uzoyi phendula ngokwakho?" My voice is firm. "Nqobi!" I say a bit too loud,as he looks at me,his eyes reflect guilt. He accepts the call and puts it on loud speaker. He doesn't have to speak first because she takes the initiative.
Her: "Ja Nqobi ngibona ama missed calls wakho,uthini?" Looks like there's trouble in paradise.

Him: "Sindisiwe,ufonele umkami uthi um'funani?" He asks,his voice laced with anger.
Her: "ohh she told you,argh don't worry yourself about that...yizindaba zabafazi" she answers in an annoying bitchy voice.
Him: "abafazi?" He scoffs "between the two of you,ngibona umfazi oyedwa ohloniphekile and onesithunzi. Wumkami keh loyo besi kube nawe nondwindwa" hai sho there's trouble in paradise indeed.

Her: "ohh now that you got what you wanted,sengiwu mahosha manje?"
Him: "dont act like you didnt benefit shit,I gave you money. Sisi umuntu odayisa ikhekhe for imali wumahosa.
Her: "and lucky you because bengi lidayisela wena kphela" Her tone is mocking
Him: "I don't have time for your bullshit, stop calling my wife otherwise we are going to have a problem"
Her: "so after everything you have put me through,you think that you are going to play me just like that?" She's getting angry now. Nqobi doesn't respond so she continues to say
Her: "Nqobimpi you made me abort my child then you go marry another girl" He what? As she says this,he looks at me,probably looking for my reaction. Well I have no words keh bhuti.

Him: "ngoba wiyislima you didn't get the hint,I made you abort because I didn't want to be stuck with you for the rest my life,I don't like you enough to allow you to bear me a child. So how the fuck am I going to love you enough to make you a wife? Sindisiwe you just happened to be there when I needed to fuck some whore now get over it" Whuu emotions are high...amadoda mara. She laughs bitterly
Her: "awungazi wena" A simple statement yet it holds so much meaning behind it
Him: "sihlobene yini makumele ngikwazi?" Trust Nqobi to make you look stupid
Her: "ngizokubonisa ukuthi wubani isfebe phakathi kwam nawe,I will ruin you Nqobi" She threatens him and the cheater here doesn't look the least bothered by this.

Him: "give it your best shot. For the last time don't you ever and I mean ever contact my wife,otherwise you will see a side of me that you won't like"
Her: "you will regret ever sleeping with me wena nja"
Him: "honestly I already do" he retorts
Her: "you are so arrogant and confident wonder if this will be your reaction as well when I finally put a face to the name Revolver and watch as your enemies bring hell to your door step." I see Nqobi tensing up.
Him: "ufuna ukufa neh?"
Her: "well if I die then I'm taking you down with me" She has balls bakwethu.
Him: "are you sure about that?" He's tone has now changed,its scary and Sindy suddenly gets tongue tied.

Him: "ngikhuluma nawe,uzoyimela lento oyiqalayo?" I don't blame her for being silent...I'm even intimidated lapho his words and anger isn't directed at me.
Her: "No,but Nqobi I love you" she sniffles,haibo ukhalelani? Her boyfriend just hangs up after she declares her love for him.

Clearly the threat she made is stressing him and I won't ask shame. His stare is burning holes into my skin but I won't dare look at him. He can forget about me applauding for him on the show that he and his girlfriend had just put on. Ngingu Bhekokwakhe namhlanje...I just mind my own business and move on...
Call me a witch but I'm glad that he made her abort,imagine being tied to her for the rest of your life. And I'm happy because I get to bear his first child

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