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"Nhliziyo yam,mama" I hear Nqobi call me from a distance then the calling is followed with him shaking me awake. He starts trailing kisses down my back as I'm sleeping on my stomach. "I'm up" I groggily say opening one eye at a time. "Good morning MaDlamini" he greets, okay I know I still have sleep in my eyes but its evident that he is concerned. "Yebo sawubona Ndlovu" I greet back cheerfully. He puts out his hand for me to take helping me stand up,"should I be worried?" He thoughtfully asks. "Worried about what?" I ask circling my hands around his neck diving in for a morning kiss. "About your newly found sleeping hobby" Ari sleeping hobby,LMAO Nqobi wabora yho.

"Well just know its your blood pressure on the line not mine,worry about meaningless things if you want to" I have turned my back on him as I fix my doek. He looks at me through the mirror obviously unimpressed. When I see that its still dark outside I ask him how did the ritual go and he says everything went well,ngiyafunwa emsamo. I give him a puzzled look wondering why would I be called,well I wasn't allowed to be part of whatever was going on because I'm not yet married to the family. I'm still a girlfriend,a bling on my finger means nothing if his family doesn't know mine and mine his.

My sleeping habits are probably worrying him because he woke up at around 3am took a quick shower and left. Mina ngavuka ngo 3:35 am took a shower,dressed decent in a long sleeve grey dress that's just above my knees,a doek and my Gucci slides. After completing my hygiene routine and got dressed I sat on the bed and that's the last thing I remember before giving in to sleep.

As I walk into the ancestral hut,the strong smell of incense cloaks me and I struggle to breathe it in for a moment, and to my luck no one notices. MaNdlovu reminds me to take off my shoes as I do I look at Nqobi because I didn't see him take off his. I then conclude that he must have been bare foot because his shoes are here by the door but I didnt take note of his state when he came to call me. I sit down next to him on the grass mat. "Kodwa usemncane,useyingane(but she's young, she's still a child)" "Usebahlanganisile manje(she has brought them together now)". Thats all Bab Gwala has been chanting since I walked in.

I wonder ukhuluma ngobani,he's shaking and making Sangoma sounds. I'm telling you this is disturbing,if you are not South African enough,this will scare you out your skin. I'm waiting for the part where my name is mentioned,like what am I doing here. Its only MaNdlovu who has Nonjabulo on her lap and ubabomdala kaNqobi here,Zee, aunty Thobile and his babomncane were also present but left when Nqobi came to fetch me. When he's finally done with his chants,wow that looked like a work out... a tiring one at that. He faces both Nqobi and I,as I said before his look is intensely sharp. When he looks at you,you would confess to a crime you didn't commit and ask for forgiveness while there's nothing to forgive.

Reamohetswe batla ho shapha ka lightning masangoma aNatala wena. "MaDlamini nawe ndodana,kuzomele niqine. Kukhulu okuzayo nizoyinqoba lempi kuphela ngokuba yimbumba (MaDlamini and you too son,you will need to be strong. A storm is brewing and you will only conquer this war if you are united)" he grunts and shakes his head,"kukhulu okuzayo" he repeats. "Ngithemba ukuthi ukukhulelwa wakho manje kuzoba lula kungafani nok'qala(I hope that your pregnancy now will be easy unlike the first one)" come again? Everyone looks at me in shock before MaNdlovu starts ululating and babomdala chants the Ndlovu clan names in excitement.

Lobhuti oseduze kwam is looking at me as if I have stolen his meat which he left in the fridge at night. He probably thinks I kept this "pregnancy" from him but I'm just as shocked too,ngizwa ngoGwala ukuthi ngikhulelwe,no akuna sisu la,I'm not with a child. He soon breaks into a smile and mouths a Thank you before taking my hand in his. Bab Gwala turns his attention to Nqobi,he has a disapproving look on his face and he grunts once again. "Ukufa kuyakulandela ndodana(death is following you)" talk about a straight talker. "Awuvele uthathe izimpilo zabanye abantu bese ucabange ukuthi eyakho ngeke ithathwe(you don't just take the lives of other people and think that yours will not be taken)" if there's anyone in this room who didn't know ukuthi uNqobi is a sinner,now they definitely do. I don't want to call him a murderer,angeke his not!!

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