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You know when you are sleeping and feel like someone is watching you,you feel someone's stare burn into your skin? Yeah,that's how I feel right now. I open my eyes to find Cebo looking down at me adoringly. I rub my eyes with my hands to remove the sleepiness,"good morning muhleza" he greets grinning from ear to ear before trying to kiss me. "Morning breathe ndoda" I say refusing to kiss him. Does he care? Nope,he tries again and this time I kiss him back. "Morning Cebelihle" I say out of breathe. "What time is it?" I ask because the way ho chesang haholo keteng nkare a se7(the way its so hot,its like its nkt 7am). "Its a little after 10" he replies putting his phone back on the nightstand. "Ehh I slept til this time?" I say shocked by the news,no its not a question question that needs an answer,its just a question nje in passing. Sekgoa se re Rhetorical question.

"You must have been really tired then MaMokoena" he says smirking. "Mxm and I wonder why" I playfully glare at him,he mustn't try me,my sore core and legs are proof of how he kept me up all night. "Ayy nam ngiyazi buza" he says then we both burst into fits of laughter. "Ohh your phone has been ringing non stop,but I put it on silence not wanting to disturb your peaceful sleep" he says giving it to me. Just when I'm about to unlock it and see who's been calling me,its rings and my sister's name pops up on the screen.

Her: "Dimakatso tsoha mono sefubeng saCebo,o fonele mmao le abuti yao. Ba bolelle hore osafe moo o leng teng(get up from Cebo's chest,call your mother and brother. Tell them that you are are safe where you are)" that's the first thing she says,no hello, how are doing,how did you sleep. Nothing. Ache MmeNdlovu wang phoqha, how did she even know who I'm with. Cebo chuckles besides me confirming that he heard what she said.
Me: "oww feisty,early soh why? didn't you get some morning glory hanti?" I ask teasing her.
Her: "in actually fact I was about to get some,but people won't stop blowing up my phone to ask about your whereabouts! Batho bao ke o siileng le bona ba botsa nna ka wena as if ne ke le teng ha ne o tsamaea(the people that I left you with are asking me about you,as if I was there when you left)!"

She's angry and as much as we fool around,I have got to remember that she's my elder sister and that there's a time for jokes and a time to be serious.
Me: "I'm sorry ausi Amo" I sincerely say, look at the good little girl in me coming out to play.
Her: "just do the right thing and let everybody know that you are fine" she sighs tiredly. When I'm certain that she has forgiven me and things are cool between us again I ask
Me: "where are you guys? In a hotel?"
Her: "ohh no darling I'm a WIFE not a MISTRESS,don't get it confused. I dont do hotels" she brags and like always I hype her up. She goes on to tell me the wonderful news...Nqobi bought her a house in Zimbali and apparently its stunning. She promises to send the pictures. We talk a little bit more before hanging up.

Cebo gets out of the bed,in all his glory... butt naked. As he walks to the closet,his shaft sways sideways. He catches me looking and because I'm not the shy or timid type of girls,I continue to look at him...well his semi hard dick. "I guess that you are not sore then huh?" He asks  folding his arms on his chest. "Go put on something decent before I make you cry like a baby,bringing you to your knees" I tell him and he breaks into laughter. Seconds later he walks back wearing pajama pants only and goes to the bathroom. After washing his face and brushing his teeth,he tells me that he will be in the kitchen making us breakfast while I freshen up. I make my way to the bathroom to pee,as I wipe myself,I see blood on the tissue. Today, out of all days! These monthly unannounced visitors are so unnecessary!

"Cebo!" I stand behind the bathroom door and call out for him,"bathong Cebo?" How far is he if he can't hear me. "Babe?" Hah I'm getting tired of screaming now,but fortunately I don't have to scream any more as he takes quickened steps towards me. He stands in front of the door although he has a silly smile on his face,he is also puzzled as to why I'm only peeking my head and hiding myself behind this door. "I'm fine,I'm not hurt and I'm not shying away from you so relax" I tell him and he does but that goofy smile of his is bothering me. "Okay what's with the smile" I ask seriously. "You called me babe" he says excitedly,I think back and oops I didn't mean to,it just came out. "Okay mamela heh Cebo" I say trying to move away from the Babe thing. The idiot looks around curiously before saying "wubani uCebo, akekho" "Cebelihle ke serious marn!" I half yell at him and he shrugs his shoulders. "Naloyo angimaz"

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