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Walking into the kitchen,I find MaDlamini sitting on the high chair,looking at Nonjabulo in defeat. She's leaning on the counter with her elbow and hand on her jaw as she looks at a busy baby. Nonjabulo is rearranging the bottom cardboards. She's removing everything thats inside and putting it back again,she's putting somethings in wrong places,others on top of others. I swear no one can match this kid's energy...reprimanding her won't help. She's will go find something else to do...which at times is a lot worse than what she was previously doing.

I won't even try to intervene,I laugh and she glares at me. "Why can't I just spank her and she will stop all of this. It's not even 10am yet mara ubusy umuntu(but she's busy)" MaDlamini whines. "Unga shayi ingane yam(don't spank my child)" I say with a straight face,"mxm yingakho enje(no wonder she's like this)." I won't comment. I go to her for a hug,hide my face on the side of her neck. When I feel her hands move up and down my back in a comforting manner I tense up. When she feels this she says,"its okay to cry you know?" I cringe at the word "cry"

"It only shows that you are human and you feel pain. All these talks of Indoda ayikhali ifela ngaphakhathi(real man don't cry,they suffer in silence) are absurd" still I say nothing. She kisses my collar bone,"do you perhaps want to talk about how you feel?" She asks in a tiny voice I bet she has a cute pout on her lips RN. "No" I force this one word out in a low tone. "A good cry and a nap always makes me feel better when I'm in emotional pain and talking helps too" I appreciate her efforts to cheer me up. "I have my own ways of dealing with pain." I say already thinking of one of the ways.

"Please dont say sex" she says. "I didn't say it,you said it. Anyways no I have got something else in mind" I pull away from her. She gives me a questioning look,"I'm going to the shooting range" I say looking at her face,wanting to see her reaction. "Aren't you supposed to fetch your mom from the airport?" She's totally shutting down the idea of me going to a shooting range. There's a lot that she doesn't know about me. "MaNdlovu will be here in about 3hours and my guess is that she will want to start at the hospital first"

I don't tell her that a jet has been sent to Natal for her or that she has drivers who will pick her up from the airport. Now is not the best time to tell her about my wealth,or my families for that matter. Since she came into my life,I had to make a few adjustments so that she won't be suspicious of my "other life". There are no guards with guns fortifying my house,I have left Cebo to be in charge of some of the illegal aspects of business. I don't go to the warehouse when she's visiting.

My phones rings,I jump to answer it when I say who is calling.
Me: "khuluma ngilalele(speak I'm listening)."
Him: "Eish bhooza angiyiphathanga le information oyifunayo(boss I don't have the information that you are looking for)." Before I say something I shouldn't say in front of Phiwe and Nonjabulo,I count to 5 to calm down.

Me: "yini ijaive(what's the matter)?" I'm talking to Spade who is one of my informants in the Police Department.
Him: "izinto zihlangahlangene la epolice stastie(things are hectic here in the police station),lo Captain omusha uyangi bhayizisa. Utchove icase lam aligaya enye ibhari(the new captain took my case and gave it to some fool) "
Me: "angikughafeli ukuthi uzongitshela iyinkinga zakho(I don't pay you to tell me about your problems). Tell me what the police report says happened to my sister's car. You have til this afternoon to get me that information. I don't have to tell you what happens should you fail" I then hang up.

I find MaDlamini looking at me with wide eyes,I'm saved by a text from Cebo. ~meet me at Zanele's house now~ the text reads.

Walking into her house,we are met by bottles of alcohol,red plastic cups, food...the place is just messy. Looks like someone was throwing a party,the place even reeks of sweat and alcohol... meaning that the party happened recently. But how when Mancane is in hospital? A guy walks down barefoot with only his boxers on. "Sorry guys the party is over" he says tiredly. Must have been a hell of a party,mxm. "And who the fuck are you and what are you doing here?" Asks Cebo in anger.

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