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LAST POV😫the guy just has a lot to say😂.

"And how did you know that its him?" I ask the one question that has been occupying my mind. "I have heard stories about him,all I knew was that he's white and calls himself the crafter,when I saw the tattoo on his neck I just knew its him. No normal person would walk around advertising that" phew at least she wasn't his lawyer or had to bump into him in court.

Crafter is a sick bastard,he tortures his victims by drawing nasty symbols on their bodies. He uses really sharp knives and he takes his time when doing it. Alot of people pass out while he turns their bodies into "a work of art" and because he is a shit head,he wakes them up so he could hear their screams.

"Okay its quite late now,we have got to go" she looks at the time on her phone then stands up. "Uzohamba ngani (what will you travel with)?" I ask,she came with my car which she's leaving behind. "I will request" "I have noticed that you like pissing me off MaDlamini,now can I ask if it is intentionally or it just comes naturally?" My voice is a bit harsh. She looks puzzled by my question,"you can see that its late,instead of sleeping over you want to risk both you and Nonjabulo's life. Mxm" I don't want her to drive around at night,at anytime of the day I don't want her to request an uber now what makes her think that I will allow her to request at night,worse she will be with my child. "Hambo lala Simphiwe(go to sleep)" 


Am I really stupid,foolishly in love maybe? If things were to end between us would I fight for him,us? Am I willing to stay in this relationship knowing that there's a possibility that he's a dangerous man? WTF has become of me. Mhmm mama would be disappointed. My phones interrupts my thoughts,upon seeing the caller ID I know for sure that my mom stuck to her word...she told Dimakatso.
Me: "this better be good." I say when I have accepted the call.
Her: "of course it is,my sister has a boyfriend and apparently he's FLAMES. What's his name,age,what does he do for a living,ke kopa ho bona senape sa hae(can I please see his picture)..." Yhoo she goes on and on.
Me: "I don't have time for this,just search about him and all your answers will be answered...I hope" she's making my headache worse.
Her: "that means he's famous,what's his name?" She sounds so excited bathong lona.
Me: "Nqobimpi Ndlovu" I say with a sigh...only God knows my worries and stress. Kuningi ande mina ngiyi 1(its alot and I'm alone).
When I hear an ear deafening scream,I remove the phone from my ear God she's annoying and loud. I then hang up.

Dimakatso called me minutes after I hung up and she told me that she knows about the Ndlovu brother's because she once had a crush on one of them. Drum roll was Cebelihle Ndlovu!!. I remember she used to take me to this club,Its a Lifestyle. Its a nice club,its classy and they always have the best artists on their line up...its expensive too.

The reason why she always took me there was because of Cebo,he owns the club. So Lil Missy used to go to a club for a man who doesn't even know that she exists. Well the crush has faded away,mogurl finally woke up from whatever Love land she was in.
Nqobi owns hotels and has a company...Cebo owns clubs and restaurants,he also has shares in Nqobi's company.

We are continuing our meeting today with the Nkosi's. Everyone is here,even Nqobi...I didn't ask him to come this time around he volunteered,Indiphile isn't here praise the living God. Katso is here,but she only came to meet "mgwenyana(the groom)" in person. We are just waiting on Siyabonga's lawyer,ukuthi how did we get to the "talk to my lawyer" stage,nam angazi(I also don't know). But I won't argue with him about it.

The lawyer who I have learned that his name is Zack Whiteley has finally graced us with his presence. Both families start filling him in on the matter at hand. I'm so over this meeting and Siyabonga acting like I have robbed him of the opportunity of being a father.
"You don't even know that your own daughter is a premature" I say out loud shocking everyone including Nqobi except my family of course.

"Thats because you didn't tell me" he shoots back which makes me clap my hands once and let out a humourless chuckle. I had a complicated pregnancy,I was faced with the choice of either saving myself or my child. It was a tough decision,I prayed to the Almighty to forgive me because as selfish as it sounds...I chose me.

Yes my family would have taken care of her but I just couldn't bring her into this world to become an orphan,already her dad didn't want her. I had no doubt that my family would love her,but people change eyy. I didn't want to burden anyone because at the end of the day no one sent me out to get pregnant.

By the grace of God,the devil was shamed. Even the doctors were surprised,one of us was supposed to die to save the other but because Jesus has already died for us,we live to tell the tale. That's why I'm overprotective of her,she's my little fighter...she had to fight to live when she was still in my womb.

The last time that I cried because of Siyabonga was 2 days after I had given birth. He came to the hospital with a few baby items,because he looked like he was forced to come see us,he didn't look like he wanted to be there I didn't tell him about the complications and what not.

I just told him to follow the nurse,she will take him to the NICU to see her. Seconds later the nurse came back alone with a look of pity and worry. When I saw her,I immediately thought the worst. I thought that her small heart had stopped beating or that her tiny lungs gave in.

Kanti the stupid sperm donor turned back on their way there. He just told her that he has important things to do. I wasn't crying because what he did broke me but because my child didn't deserve a man like him as a father. I cried because I knew that she wasn't his world and would not receive his love to the fullest.

They are all looking at me with eyes filled with pity as I narrate to them what I went through alone as if I had impregnated myself. My family was there for me through my darkest days,Katso was close to being fired from work because she stayed with me at the hospital each time I got admitted. I don't want their sympathy,I wasn't telling them this so they could feel sorry for my baby and I. I just want them to understand where I am coming from.

"Why did you come if you didn't want to?" Come to think of it,how did he know that I was in labour because he made sure to delete his numbers from my phone so I couldn't call him and he too deleted mine from his.

I finally ask him,and he shifts his eyes to Dimakatso who keeps a straight face. Now I know and I appreciate her,told y'all she's has been my protector and friend since that fateful incident. "So my sister had to be the one to tell you that I have given birth?" "She threatened me to come see y'all..." he says lowly "and to buy clothes and diapers for YOUR CHILD" Dimakatso says interrupting him. I laugh as I think of my sister threatening him with her gun.

Without another word I stand up and go to my room. After a minute of shuffling and searching,I finally find what I am looking for. I hand the document over to his lawyer,he skims through it and gives Siyabonga a questioning look. When Siyabonga sees the contents of the paper,he curses under his breathe and glares at me. "Mfana wam lithini lelo phepha(my boy what does the paper say)?" I guess his father has sensed his anger. He keeps his eyes on my instead of answering his father. "Wena sfebe(you bitch)!!" he shouts at me with so much aggression. "Ska tlo nyela wena sebono!" "uyanya keh manje mgodoyi!" Dimakatso and Nqobi shout at him at the same time.

By now you should have noticed that my family is full of crack heads.

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