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Guy even opens the driver's door for me while his friend gets in the back. After he shuts the passenger door,no one moves,the car is filled with silence.Me I'm scared! "Drive-a phela" he says what? I must drive to where, he then takes out his gun from and places it on his thigh facing me with his finger on the trigger thingy. This only makes me more scared. "Start-a imoto wena(start the car)!" He shouts. "I-i am s-scared of guns" I say in a shaky voice. Why did I just say that? As I said bahlali,uvalo will make you sound stupid. "Hey voetsek! Ungazonginyanyisa sfebe,shayi imoto(don't piss me off bitch,drive)" "entlek letha ibelasi yakho(bring your phone)" says the one at the back asking for my phone.

I take it out and he instructs me to switch it off. When the car starts moving,the one next to me says that he will direct me. What are GPSs for then? Anyhow we on the road to wherever they taking me,stupid me isn't even looking at the road signs...angazi ukuthi siyaphi. When I have to slow down due to turning or when approaching a stop sign I have thoughts of jumping out of the car as it is moving. But what if they kill me? I'm pretty sure that if I run I won't get far...nakhona where will I run to? Yho Jehovah onomusa ngaze ngazifaka. At this point I don't know if the story that they were selling,about a man needing a lawyer...specifically mina is legit or not.

Or maybe that was a cover up story to kidnap me. So vele I'm kidnapped because I'm associated with Nqobi, because I'm his wife...ngizofela udoti moes mina? But if I die,I will haunt him nazo lezinja. "Turn right" kuphi? There's an informal settlement here,I look at him so he could repeat what he said. "Turn right" he says again,yhoo siyaphi emjondolo? I turn right and because there is gravel road,the ride now gets bumpy. I'm pretty sure that we are now at the center of this place,like we are deep in this place...ngapha I wasn't paying attention to how many turns we took.

I'm told to park the car and I do,its at the side of the road. We then get out of the car and start walking. Yazi I thought that we were going to lemikuku e-opposite kanti no sisazohamba. As we walk I try taking note of how some Zozo's look and maybe of anything that could be seen as a land mark so I will remember my way back but lutho. All these shacks look alike,there's nothing that stands out yonke into iyafana. As we walk nakhona,we take turns after turns... sihamba straight,sijeke,sihambe futhi straight bese sijeke.

I have got to admit tho,they are smart...I will give them that. The car is parked far away maybe 3 streets back,so even if someone finds my car,they will think of looking for me somewhere around there. They wouldn't think this far. We finally arrive at our destination,its a shack nayo. I won't bore y'all with the details because it looks as ugly and not maintained like the rest tho this one looks more like its on the brink of collapsing.

"Finally you are here Your honour!" Announces a male voice from somewhere behind the curtain. Only one person calls me that. He soon emerges from behind the curtain and I don't know if I should be relieved that its him who's behind this or be scared for my life. But he wouldn't kill me now would he?

"Thapelo what the hell is going on?" All fear has evaporated and has been replaced with anger. "Nice to see you too Miss Lawyer" he casually says taking a seat on one of the couches. "Beautiful as ever I see" he compliments,his eyes moving up and down on my body,but staying too long on the wrong places. Ezintweni zikaGatsheni. Not to sound bougee or anything like that but I can't sit on these couches...they are dirty and what if a spring pokes me? Phela these couches look like they are falling apart.

I glare angrily at him,mhm Nqobi is going to kill you for this,strue. I'm going to tell him and even exaggerate a bit,just for control. "I'd offer you something to drink but all we have is beer" he says shrugging. Mxm as if I'd drink anything that you have to offer. "Why am I here?" Anger is evident in my tone. "Ohh you want to get straight to business,don't you. Well I don't mind" "why did you abduct me Thapelo?" I have placed both my hands on my hips and I'm impatiently tapping my feet. Well at least now I know that Nqobi has nothing to do with this. "Geez,basadi ledrama I didn't kidnap you. I just brought you here against your will" Same shit,wu6 no9.

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