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He puts his forehead against mine and stares into my orbs with softened eyes. "Do you have to cry now when I haven't even fucked you yet?" He asks in an amused tone,sadly I don't find this amusing so I let my tears fall down my cheeks. "Your tears are my weakness,do you know that?" He pecks my lips and brings his hands up to wipe away my tears. I look at his face and I see how sad and concerned he looks. "Why did you leave without telling me?" I sound like a baby right now,no ngiwile...what is this?

"Honestly I have no excuse,but I do apologise for my behaviour" I don't say anything to this,"ubabomdala just bought a farm and he needed help processing the paper work. Kodwa isizathu sokuthi ngihambe is because of the new taxi association and the war what was brewing" he says trying to convince me. "I don't believe you" I say turning to face the other side just as he is about to plant a kiss on my lips. His kiss lands on my cheek. He gently holds my jaw turning me to look at him and "you can call anyone from home to confirm what I am saying" he says sounding genuine.

I maintain my silence,I'm not that girl,the type to call friends and family members to confirm if what my guy is saying is true or not. "Okay go sleep in the guest room" I tell him trying to push me off of me but fail. "Look at me" he demands and I give into his demand. "I'm sorry,ngiyaxolisa sthandwa sam. Ngixolele mama" as he's pleading his hands are moving to my nether region into my pants. His left hand encircles my exposed waist,his fingers rest on my butt while his right hand rests directly on my dripping lady part.

I give him a look,I don't know what it means but he smirks in return before trailing his index finger down...further in. Don't ask how I know that its his fore finger, I just do. My breathing pattern quickens and I slightly jerk up my hips but somehow he manages to hold me down. I moan out his name when I feel his fingers expanding my walls. He brings his lips to my neck and starts assaulting my weak spot. All that can be heard are my moans,he soon pulls back,stopping his assault on my neck I bet that he left hickeys.

He looks at me with a satisfactory smirk and says "Ngiyak'thanda yezwa" in a husky voice and I stupidly nod my head multiple times. He chuckles and yhoo does my clit not vibrate. He pulls his hands out and get off of me,"Nqobi!?" I whine needy much? Matter of fact YES. "Khululeka I'm not done yet" he winks at me and a blush musks my face. When he gets off the bed,I get to see how rock hard he is and that alone excites me. With my back still on the bed,he pulls me towards the edge of the bed. I don't need to be told what's happening or what's expected of me.

I instantly bring my legs up,wait for him to take off my PJ shorts and toss them somewhere on the floor. "Nqobi marn!" I snap when I see him taking his sweet time to remove my panties. "A little patience won't kill you my love" he teases,his teeth get ahold of the hem of my under garment and my breathe hitches up. With his teeth and both hands,he slowly takes it off. When it gets below my vagina,he brings his tongue close and licks me moving his tongue from the bottom of my core upwards. All of this is done is slow motion and thirst is killing me.

Finally he finishes teasing me,bring my legs over his shoulder. Instinctively I lock them around his neck pulling him further in. The fade on his head is the only thing that I'm seeing RN as his head disappears between my thighs. Bazalwana kuthiwa the tongue is a very powerful weapon,my man did get the memo because right now he is using his weapon wisely and it has me speaking in tongues. My legs are chaking my kuyi,even that Earthquake didn't make my legs chake this much. I don't how he does it,but he straight up sends me to heaven. If he's making my legs shake like this by just his tongue and fingers,I wonder what his hammer will do after this.

"Kodwa bestie,do you really have to go?" I ask in a whiny voice. He looks at me,shakes his head then chuckles. "I'm afraid I have to mngani wam" he answers while he is pacing around,kedi up and down as he's packing his clothes. Nkanyiso who's latching onto my breast is the reason why I'm not helping my husband pack. Nonjabulo is sitting next to us on the bed,showing no interest to what's happening here because her whole focus is on what she's watching on the IPad. "Ouch!" I exclaim grabbing everyone's attention include Joy's. This little ngwana just bite my nipple.

"Hai marn Niso!" He looks at me with a goofy smile then goes back to sulking my breast. "No suka khanda lika babakho" I gently push his head away and cover up my breast. Ngingafa phela wuNkanyiso. "Okay ikhanda lam lingenaphi manje?" Asks Nqobi who fakes being offended. "Uyangilimaza" I tell him and he just laughs at me. "Ha.a Niso,ha.a why uluma umama? Why?" Thats sisi omdala putting aside the iPad to properly reprimand her little brother. The brat pays no attention to anyone as he gladly gets off me and gracefully falls onto the bed.

Yaz I thought that he would cry because I pushed him off me,I literally took the food out of his mouth but he looks un bothered shame. Futhi ngathi I did him a huge favour,mxm. "Yah uyenza kahle mfana wam,indoda ayikhali. Awumncengile wena umamakho nebele lakhe" he speaks with so much pride that I'm left speechless,like I legit have no come back. UNqobi uyahlanya neh. He laughs upon seeing my surprised yet confused face. So uNqobi ulungisela ukuya eNatal,its a Thursday morning and he's coming back on Sunday. 

This time around he's taking Nonjabulo with,so bashiya mina noBoy k'phela. Apparently he needs to go fix something ukuthi yini leyo something akacacisanga. Plus his mother and uncle have been calling him wanting to know when is he coming because "its time",mtase don't ask me time for what because nam angazi. And the energy to fight him on this,I don't have,fighting with him never ends well for me. It always ends with me sprawled out on the bed naked and kak tired. If I'm not too careful I will find myself pregnant. So no I'm good,nna ke moja.

"Nonjabulo nawe uyangishiya mntanami?" I sulk looking at her. She doesn't get to respond because of this little ngwana that's making a noise. He is continuously hitting his toy on the bed and he's screaming while speaking a language that only infants understand. "Nkanyiso uyarasa" she says in annoyance with a scrawl on her pretty face. Nqobi and I just burst out into fits of laughter. Niso doesn't quieten down or acknowledge her but she answers my question either way. "Yebo ngikushiya na lo" she points at him and again us the parents we laugh. No one said that having a sibling will be fun.

"Okay uyaphi nobab'wakho?" I ask her and she says "ePietmartzburg" in her model C accent that she has mastered thanks to her Pre School. What she meant to say was Pietermaritzburg. One thing about my husband and I,we are those parents that will laugh you out first before correcting you. So we are now laughing at her,she looks upset and has her arms crossed over her chest. "Whoa askies sorry nana" that's Nqobi catching his breathe. "Kodwa nawe uextra yaz,sonke la endlini sithi Maritzburg but wena keh ngoba ufancy." I say once I have stopped laughing.

"Its Pietmartzburg hau" she says again nge accent and a bit of attitude this time. "Uyabona keh la angisikhaleli isi school fees sam" why is Nqobi encouraging her. She soon leaves,athi she's going to the play room but she promises to come back,LMAO.

"You don't have to go,you know?" I say to Nqobi,three days is a lot hle! He walks to my side of the bed,bends down to my eye level and looks at me. "You don't have to sulk you know" he retorts and I just give him a bored look. "Awusangithandi wena neh?" I pout and he smirks before pinching my cheeks. "Ngik'thanda ufuka wena muntu wam. Ngiyak'ncanwa san" he sincerely says,his eyes move from my lips to my eyes and he blushes. Bathong lona my man still blushes til this day!!

"Just kiss me already,I know you want to" I say with an equally flashed face as well. He brings his face closer to mine,his eyes staring into mine and breathe fanning my face. Just when I think that he's going to connect our lips,I find his eyes looking somewhere next to me and I turn my head to follow his gaze. He is carefully looking at Niso who's trying to climb up to me because he saw what he his father was trying to do. Jealous much. Nqobi shakes his head in disapproval,"umuntu seka delelwa iy'ntwana manje" LMAO,do I not die of laughter. Like uNqobi userious and this one is tirelessly trying to climb up to me never minding that we are looking at him.

He's now trying to take out my boob to feed,he is busy saying "ncanca" and instead of helping him out,I just watch in amusement. "This child needs to be taught some respect" his dad says. "Haibo uyenzeni umntanami?" I question. "Ehh ndoda,awuvele udonse umuntu wesimame ngebele. Kakhulukazi umfazi wam" he pulls him up by his romper and my baby fights a losing war as he tries to wiggle out of his hold. This child is laughing and crying all at once,Nqobi puts him down. "Lalela keh boy,mawufuna amabele kamele uthi mama ngicela ukubona ibele or ukubamba" ain't no way,ain't no fucking way...this sounds very much perverted.

"Why does that line sound familiar?" I ask him whilst trying to contain my laugh. The idiot just shrugs his broad shoulders before saying "maybe its because its the respectful thing to do hence you have heard it before" LMAO,uNqobi udom. "Yhoo Jehovah waze wangi-corrupthele ingane Nqobi" I exclaim before clapping once. "Mkami kuthiwa igotswa isemanzi" no I can't! Hai I give up on him.

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