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PING!! My phone alerts me of a message, ~MaDlamini nifike kahle (did y'all arrive safe)?~ the text reads from an unknown number. I instantly know who it is from and am I not smiling like a maniac.
~Yebo(yes) Gatsheni sifike kahle wena  (we arrived well,you) ~ I text back after saving his number. For some unknown reason addressing him by his clan name seems necessary. They do say that the way to a Zulu man's heart is through his clan names aside from his stomach.
Am I trying to charm him?,nah. We talk until he wishes me a good night.

Its Sunday and the end of our "visit" here at my mother's in Soshanguve. I have to go to work tomorrow. My mom lives with her little sister,who's my aunt and my aunt's daughter,who's my sister  Dimakatso. They moved in a few years ago.

"Amo wajola neh?" She asks flopping on my bed "bathong ke phoso hake smile-a Dimakatso (am I wrong when I smile)?" I ask with a bored tone that musks what I'm feeling inside. The Mokoena side of the family, which is my mothers family call me Reamohetswe or Amo for short. "You have been glued to your phone since you got there and every time wablusha (you are blushing)" she points out.

Well me and this handsome gent have been talking alot,getting to know each other better. What I know so far about him is that he's 30years of age,the first of two children. He's a successful businessman who owns multiple businesses,helps his mother and sister run their family empire. Was born and bred in KZN and his father is late.

What he knows about me is that,I'm a 28year old single mother,own a Law Firm. I'm my mom's only child but unfortunately I can't keep count of my father's offsprings.I also leveled with him on my relationship with Siyabonga.

Our relationship was hurried,4months into it and I was pregnant. A week before I told him the "good news" he had gone to Namibia for 2weeks,claiming that he's friend was getting married. When in actually fact he never left the country,a wedding did take place but it was his.

Turns out he was stringing me for 4 fucken months. Upon showing him a positive pregnancy test,he showed me a golden wedding band around his ring finger and said he's family can never know about the baby.

He was against me aborting it not that I would have aborted,but for selfish reasons. He did not want an innocent soul's blood on his "precious" hands. To say I was heart broken would be an absolute understatement but I did not force the baby down his throat...I took the punches and rolled with it like a mbokhudo that I am.
I did not cut him out of her life,he knows where to find him should it cross his mind that he has a child.

My family has been supportive,they know about the situation and respected my wishes when I said we can't go to his family to announce the pregnancy. Not that I know where his parents live anyway.

He only came to see us at the hospital 2days after I gave birth with some clothes and diapers. Stupid him did not even ask why we haven't been discharged yet or if the baby was healthy. He disappeared only to come back when she was 3months,again he disappeared and came back when she was 7months and we haven't seen him since now that she's 10months.

Whenever he comes,he doesn't stay for long,an hour if not less then he's gone. Ohh let's not forget that he comes empty handed each time.

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