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I sit with my back against the headboard on our bed as I scroll through my phone,when you have nothing better to do,you will suddenly come across new pictures in your gallery. Nqobi opens the sliding door that's connecting our bedroom with the balcony. He's the reason why i woke,I heard him leave the bed to answer his phone in the balcony. When he walks in none of us says anything to each other. Looking at his face I can tell that he's still angry with me which I think is insane considering that I may have saved his life.

"When will it be safe for me to report back to work boss,no they call you bhooza neh?" I say taunting him with the fact that I'm not his employee. I'm not one of his guards who blindly take orders from him,he can never order me around. What he chose to do earlier this morning infuriates me. I woke up and chose violence, don't ask me why because nam anagazi.

"MaDlamini angifuni ukuxabana nawe" he says sounding exhausted. "Right because you did enough of that last night or was today at dawn?" I ask folding my arms to my chest. "Yah neh uthwele kanzima Ndlovu" he says in a bored tone before exiting the room. I'm the one othwele kanzima la. Checking the time on my phone,it reads 13:24 pm and I'm still in bed don't judge me as yet,you will soon know the reason and hopefully understand.

So sibuyile,we are back in SA and as you can see the mood isn't lovely or cheerful. After last night's dinner we went back to the villa filled with high spirited delight. Only for everything to come scrambling down at dawn. Nqobi's hunter was on to us. Motho o ile hantle hoseng Italy,moo bohle ba ba nang le mahlo ba kang mphona teng. Ha bang nkgutlisa ngwaneso,bang nkgutlisa bosiu okare ke leshodu (a person left for Italy in the morning,where all those with eyes could see me leave. And when they bring me back,they bring back at night like I am some thief.)


"Lesedi how do you know Nqobi? And why would he think that you are DEAD,o senokoane(gangster),is that the reason why you have so much money. And this "lifestyle" of yours is the reason why we see less of you at home" I don't know what upsets me the most,the fact that the thought of him being a gangster didn't cross my mind,not even once or by mistake. Or that someone or some people are presuming him to be dead. I hate that I haven't seen him in a long time and now that I'm seeing him,we are forced to have such a conversation.

"O sekang phaphela Reamohetswe ha ke chomi ya hao(don't be forward with me,I'm not your friend)" he warns so he's gonna play the big brother card to avoid my questions. "Avoiding my questions won't help you in anyway nor will it shut me up. And your friend over here thought that you were dead...some friendship this is" I say pointing between them.  Because he's my elder brother, I can't demand answers from him or smack him so I will just sulk. "Ndlovu control your woman before I treat her like the little girl that she is to me and you won't like it bafo" he says to Nqobi, who's silently enjoying the show that Lesedi and I are putting up.

"You will embarrass your sister in public?" Its more like I'm daring him,I know he won't do such. "Nah love you are embarrassing yourself" he says smirking and my lovely fiancé sits there and laughs. Glad to see that he finds our sibling quarrel to be entertaining,mxm. After a while he says "Ndlovu take care of my niece and sister please" his mouth said please,not his tone,it sounds more like he's commanding him to and not asking. "Relax I will" Nqobi says smiling. "You better,break her heart and I will..." "Crush my bones" Nqobi says cutting him off. "Akufani ngoba uyazi mfanakithi" then he turns to look at me.

"Don't go around sniffing your nose where it doesn't belong. Ke ya ho tseba hore ojwang kgaitsedi yaka(I know you my sister),when the time is right we will talk" He means I shouldn't ask around about him or try to uncover the truth. "Him being my friend doesn't give him the right to mistreat you,if love is no longer served then leave the table while your pride and dignity is still intact" who are you and what did you do to my brother? Like most brother's,he's overprotective but for him to say such words...hai I'm shoocked. "I have got to get back to my date,take care of each other guys" he says ready to leave.

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