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"Vuka,vuka" he says shaking me awake but I stay still,I pretend to be fast asleep. I then feel him plant wet kisses on my neck,I tilt my head to give him more access and I hear him chuckle,he then moves to peck my lips. Still with my eyes closed,I put my hands around his neck,pulling him in and deepening the kiss. When I open my eyes I find him smirking down at me. "This is how you wake up your woman hayi lento yakho yokungi shake-a ngathi ngiyisaka lama zambane" he laughs out loud before saying "uyaphapha"

I take in his outfit,his wearing all black like some gangster that he is. Okay he looks like a ninja keh! He looks really hot tho,he's even wearing a black beanie. He's wearing a black G star beanie,a flap pocket button front coat with black G star jeans,a black tee and black AF 1 boots. Saucy if you ask me.

"Yah wena business tycoon by day and gangster by night,what's going on?" I ask him still in bed. "Wubani uYah wena? Yimina loyo" he asks,arg why are Zulu gents like this. I'm tongue tied so he says "We are taking a drive." Ngalesikhathi?! "Nqobi its...its 1 am in the morning" I complain after checking the time on my phone. "Exactly go take a quick shower we need to leave now." He says with a serious face.

When we came back home from the cemetery,we chilled as a family. Spoke about some of our best memories of her and I called it a night early. By 8pm I was already in lala land,must be from the busy week we had. "Are you serious?" I ask Nqobi on more time just to be sure. "You are wasting time MaDlamini" he impatiently says. I lift up my hands indicating that he has to pick me up and he does,but like a sack of potatoes,he hangs me on his shoulder before spinning me around. "Okay I'm up!" Besides making me horny,he does this to fully wake me up especially when I have to go to work.

"Ngithe quick shower nhliziyo yam" he says pointedly as I head to the bathroom. "Five mins max" he adds making my jaw drop. "Ha Nqobi! Kanjani!" I'm throwing a serious tantrum here. "At least 10 keh" I argue. "You have 8 mins" he says with finality. Listen,I run to the bathroom leaving his ass to crack up in laughter,mxm. Its me not knowing where we are going kodwa ngijahe! After taking a "quick shower" I find him in my closet taking out clothes for me to wear. He first takes out my black cotton turtle neck,"is this okay?" He asks. "I don't know you are my stylist. You tell me" I say letting him lead the way.

He just hums in response before taking out more clothes,BLACK clothes might i add. Is he sure that we are just going out for a drive? Mm,this is suspicious. Okay so umyeni wam uthi tonight I will be wearing a black cropped puffer jacket with a black turtle neck with leather track pants finally matched with heel lace up ankle boots okay that was my choice. As I look at my reflection in the mirror,ke bona BAD BITCH! "Will you be comfortable with those shoes" nchoo he is concerned. "Yeah,yini will I be expected to run or something like that?" I ask him now doubting my shoe choice.

"Can you even run" he asks wow the shade,I take a few seconds to get over his comment. "As a matter of fact,I can run bhuti. Sure I might not outrun you but I'm fit!" I clap back,is it even a clap back. It sounds more like you desperately want to prove a point. Okay voetsek. Nqobi laughs at me,mxm. But I'm not lying ever since training with him I became fit. Bruh is brutal when it comes to training but he did warn me and now I enjoy it. I can safely say I kick ass now!

As I turn to walk away,he spanks my butt making me jump. "First of all Ouch!" I exclaim turning around to face him. He has a smirk on his face,"second of all voetsek" I walk towards him while pointing my index finger at him. "And third of all..." I'm silenced by him putting his mouth on my finger and licking it like its a damn lollipop. "Sies!" I say putting my other hand on his neck to move his head back and also to choke him. "I didn't know that you were this kinky" he says faking a woman's voice as I'm choking him.

"Ohh sies wena" I reprimand him but we both end up laughing. I put my hands around his neck pulling him down before kissing him. While he is distracted,I pull off his beanie then move back breaking the contact between our lips. "Thank you for this" I say wearing the beanie. "ungasasibuyisi vele ungithengele esisha" he says. "Ha why?" He's scamming me. "Wena njalo uma ubuyisa izigqoko zam zinamafutha futhi they smell like hair products" okay that was one time,okay maybe it happened twice but...

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