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"Tlisa leoto le leng" says my sister as she helps me put on my slippers. I'm seated at the edge of the bed,getting ready to leave. I spent two more nights in this hospital and now I'm getting discharged. I couldn't be more happier. Its only my mom,Katso and Nqobi who are here today. This one I have been ignoring his presence ever since,there's just too much tension and awkwardness between us that I think our families have noticed it. When he greets ngishaya ibomb,i don't talk to him,never acknowledge anything he says and lastly I don't even look in his direction.

He's just standing here with nothing to do,he has already signed my discharge forms,my mom is packing up my bag. "Can you walk or I should ask for a wheelchair" he asks looking at me,for the first time in three days I'm looking into his eyes,for the first time in three days he's speaking to me and I will speak back. "I can walk" I tell him. "Are you sure?" He's clearly concerned but I don't need his concern. "Just help me get up" and he does. He places a hand around my lower back and places mine over his shoulders.

I don't know how he attained these injuries but they seem serious especially the head injury. He has a bandage wrapped around his head and just the other day he was bleeding and he didn't even notice it. The doctor ended up changing his bandage,though I couldn't see the wound. I almost felt bad for him,ALMOST. His bruises are healing just fine and he isn't limping anymore. But one can tell that he's steps are calculated and steady. At least one of us seems to be healing just fine.

As we are walking out of the hospital,my mom is in front of us,Katso on my right and Nqobi is walking behind us. My steps too are slow and steady thanks to my three rapists who nearly ripped me apart. Getting to the parking lot I see that Nqobi and Dimakatso are parked next to each other. He goes to open the passenger door of his car for me,but I allow my legs to lead me to my sister's car instead. I open the backseat door and get in. Once settled in and comfortable I look outside to see their reaction.

Everyone is surprised that's for sure, but my dearest husband looks hurt and confused too,whilst my mom and sister are just as confused. "Can we please go" I nonchalantly ask,"rona re ea hae Soshanguve and wena..." My mom must think that me being here is a misunderstanding of some sort,but its not. I cut her off and say "ke tsamaya le lona hae" "ebe o khutlela neng ha hao(when will you go back to your house)?" She asks "I might never go back there" I say in a low tone but their reaction tells me that they heard what I said.

"Amo..." She softly calls out my name,probably about to convince me otherwise but I shake my head,stopping her from doing so. I have made up my mind so talking some "sense" into my head is close to impossible. She sighs in defeat at the realization of this,"did you at least talk to your husband about this?" Ohh I forgot to mention that she's a huge NQOBIMPI fan. In her eyes he's the perfect son in-law,he has no flaws and can never do evil. Okay sharp we all have flaws,I won't judge him for that. Believe me I'm not crucifying him for his imperfections but I'm at a point in my life whereby I just can't look past his flaws.

I get out of the car,"I'm going to fetch my child and our clothes. I should be home in about three hours. If I'm not back in this 3 to 4 hours,just know that something has happened to me,again" I say to both my sister and mother before getting inside his car at the backseat. Silence cloaks them outside as they looks between themselves and the side of the car where I am seated. They are probably digesting what I have said.  I don't know what lie did he and Lesedi spin to the parents about my disappearance or how this happened to me. Since I woke up no one has spoken about what happened to me they are tip toeing around this situation but it works in my favour because I'm not ready to open up yet.

I see the three of them exchanging a few words,no,no one is angry or upset. They are just chatting I guess,soon the driver's door opens and he gets in. Before fastening his seatbelt he turns to look at me. Clearly he has a lot to say but he settles for looking at me with a pained expression. He then turns around and reverses out of the parking lot. After a long drive of silence,well it wasn't that long...the silence just outstretched everything. We finally arrive,he parks the car then "Click in" that's him locking all the doors.  I just look at him without uttering a word. "What's going on?" He finally speaks.

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