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Only when I hear the door closing behind her,do I turn to give Nqobi my full attention. "How can I help..." He cuts me off. "Sawubona MaDlamini?" He speaks with authority. "Yebo Gatsheni how can I help you?" I ask diving right in. Its been three weeks,I haven't spoken to him in three weeks and I haven't seen him in three weeks. Alles(everything else) is good. Being a mother of three and a lawyer has its challenges but I can safely say that I'm winning in both. Ntloso has made a hug improvement in adjusting to the new life,he's a great kid and an awesome big brother to both his siblings. And an amazing son to me,he is very much comfortable around me and I couldn't be more happier,he calls me mama and that alone rocks my boat.

"Unjani mama?" He asks,uNqobi uyabora hle! Once I have properly greeted him then only does he get to the point of his visit. "Bengicela sikhulume mkami." "I'm all ears" I tell him. "I'm thinking of going out of the country for a while,a few weeks or a month maybe" he says waiting for my reaction. "Why?" I ask him,showing off no emotions or reaction. "I have some business to take care off" he answers and I let out a humourless chuckle. "Let's try again hubby. Why do you want to leave,for so many weeks futhi?" I ask,serious face on display and my arms crossed. "To be honest I can't take this anymore" he complains.

"Can't take what?" I ask,clueless to what he is saying. "The distance,the silence,I haven't seen my wife in a very long time" he sulks. "Chill it has only been 3 weeks" and counting. "That three weeks to me felt like three months. Simphiwe you seem to be handling this just fine but I'm not. I'm dying inside,everyday a piece of me that needs your presence, your love and your voice to survive dies." Ehhh drama yabanna! "It tears me apart coming to our house everyday and not seeing you. Sometimes I can smell your scent meaning that you had just left the house. I sometimes see your slippers in the lounge,find your mug on the counter where I always tell you not to put it.

I miss you,I miss my wife. I know that I have dug this hole for myself but don't you think that I have suffered enough?" I look away from his face which reflects sadness. "So how will going on a mission help?" I ask. "It will keep my mind distracted and maybe when I come back things will be better between us." He answers. "Kahle kahle Nqobi you want to run away from your problems?" I ask him. "Yah,call me weak I don't care. It hurts that you are so close to me yet so far away. Other people get to see you except me,they get to talk to you except your husband. Looking at your pictures and videos doesn't help me sleep anymore. I use the kids as my motivation to get through everyday but its not as effective anymore" I say nothing to this.

"Its worse because when I'm with them,all they talk about is you. They talk about what you made them for lunch. Ohh and I also know that they are occupying my space on our bed" he sounds annoyed at that and I laugh. "Don't they have their own rooms?" He asks clearly annoyed,"well the bed feel so big and cold without you so I replaced you with three of your creations" I say laughing and he just clicks his tongue. If only he knew that nam all I ever hear from my rascals is what he did with them and where he took them and so on. Yes I do miss him but I must soldier on angithi,just a few more weeks. We both won't die.

"You are not going anywhere" I tell him and he tries to argue with me. "Nqobi should you leave,you will regret it. Ngiyak'tshela keh mina ngithi awuhambi. Stay and face the music baba" I tell him. "This is not fair" he mumbles. "Want to know what's not fair?" I'm getting rattled up now,he sees this and says "its fine I will stay and live my pathetic life of misery" "welcome to the club" I exclaim dryly. He thinks that he is a cat and has 9 lives lo,mxm. Honestly my stresses are enough,I can't be worrying about him too and if he's alive or not. That mission in Cuba showed me how lives can easily be lost and let's not forget that his methods are dangerous and reckless.

I was invited to this charity event and its not as bad as I thought it would be. Its actually a great event to network and socialize at because there are so many wealthy people. So here I am trying to secure the bag,I'm speaking to some gentleman here about the Law field and its challenges. He seems like a nice guy, the conversation is flowing. I suddenly feel a hand snaking itself around my waist. I was about to scream but "calm down its just me" he softly whispers in my ear and I don't know if its because I have missed him or because I haven't gotten some vitamin D in a while or what but my lady parts start to moist at how he speaks so close to my ear. And his voice,God that VOICE!!

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