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"Knock,knock" there's that annoying sound at the door,bathong lona ha kea  robala bosiu,ntloheleng(I didn't sleep last night,let me be). I had a nightmare,the whole scene played out again in my head only this time it was more horrific. What made it worse was that I dreamt of my late uncle. Yhoo I woke up sweating and panting for air,I went on my knees to pray then after that I cried myself to sleep. I don't know at what time I fall asleep but I do know that I'm not well rested hence why whoever is at the door should go.

So like about 5 minutes after I entered my room last night,remember when I ran out of his room? Yah so room service came,he had ordered food for me along with pills,he also instructed the female room service waitress to run me a bath and pour all sorts of bath salts to help my body relax. Its shocking how I could do this for Moreen but didn't think of doing it for myself.

But it wasn't a train smash as I have a very loving boyfriend,despite the stunt that I pulled on him,he still cares for me. He even went as far as telling the waitress to let me know that I should call him if I ever need him. I didn't call him obviously. Firstly I don't have a phone to call him with,I don't know where my phone is in fact I can't recall the last time I saw my clutch bag. Secondly had I went over to his room I would have to explain my nightmare to him and probably unpack the story of my late uncle which I'm not yet ready to do.

"Knock,knock,knock" knocking like that on one's door should be made illegal. As soon as the thought that it could be Moreen on the door hits me,I jump out of bed and sprint to the door "keatla(I'm coming)" I shout as I tiredly rush to the door.

I definitely wasn't expecting this.

Nqobi stands on the other side with a  food trolley full of food. I stand there holding the door in silence. Im sure my face looks terrible due to lack of sleep and the fact that i cried myself to sleep. I don't wanna smile cause I might traumatize the poor guy. "I didn't exploit my excess card cause I wasn't sure what was going to be thrown at me this time around" he breaks the silence,he lifts up my heel with his index finger. Wow how nice of you to remind me of what I did last night or was it early this morning? I feel like an abusive girlfriend RN. "Ngiyaxolisa(I'm sorry)" is all I can utter.

I really am sorry but guy decides to ignore my apology and enter my room. "Go brush your teeth and clean your face so you can eat" shukuthi ngiyathusa moes(that means I'm scary)...athi(he says) go clean your face. I must really look like a zombie waitsi I just stand there and look at him. Bruh you refuse to acknowledge my apology but have the nerve to boss me around. "MaDlamini we leave in 2hours...". Haibo ukhulume nobani(who did he consult about that) "2hours kanjani (how)? Its still early" I say yawning. "Love its 12:15" ehh.

We are indulging our brunch in complete silence,I apologized again and got a passionate kiss as a sign of forgiveness. I may be embarrassed about my actions but its not enough to shut me up. "Awusho keh Gatsheni why do you have a personalized gun?" "Idla Simphiwe(eat)" he briefly lifts up his eyes to look at me before going back to his plate. 

"Its best that you start answering my questions,I wanna get over this topic. So please show some cooperation" my resting bitch face is out to play. "Heh heh" he chuckles but its not the happy kind. "Are we about to have our first couple's fight?" He asks with a straight face of his own. "No,I believe that happened last night" I answer sarcastically. "Ohh yah I remember and it was so matured of you to walk out" he tops my sarcasm. Couple of the year keh lena. I believe the correct term is ran out but if Sir says I walked out then okay.

"So this is our second fight?" Nqobi wang'bora yerr. "No this is us talking about pressing matters,no one is fighting here" I answer him. "Pressing for who,you? I'm the owner of that gun yet you are the one who has a problem with it" that's enough to make me lose my cool. "I don't have time for this bullshit" I stand up,throw the napkin onto the table and walk away.

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