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The ritual is done,it was a success I hope it was because i didn't come all this way for nothing. I'm the first one to lead out of the ndumba. I don't even feel betrayed by his family because I have learned that in this life,no one owes you shit not even your child or someone that you donated a kidney for. Plus they aren't the one's who were supposed to remain faithful to me. Bare it is what it is. I learned that the boy's name is Ntlos'entle Simesihle Ndlovu,beautiful names if you ask me. Ohh and he's an exact replica of Nqobi,so to add unto what I have said,he's a handsome young man.

Looking at him feels like looking at a younger version of Nqobi but also at an older version of Nkanyiso. Since arriving here,I haven't interacted with anyone...I'm not being snuks or anything like that,I just don't feel like being around company. Its just those Hello's here and there and the How are you doing's. "MaDlamini?" That's MaNdlovu calling out behind me now that we are outside. With the best smile I can master at this moment,I turn to look at her and "yebo Ma?" "Unjani mntanami?" She greets with a sympathetic smile. I answer and she takes my hands and holds them together in hers.

"Ngiyaxolisa sisi ngokungakutsheli ngalendaba" she looks genuine yena. "Its okay" I say trying to wrap up this conversation as soon as possible. She opens her mouth to say something but I look behind her and see Nqobi coming our way,"ma its fine. I need to go do something" I don't wait for her response as I quickly turn away from her and march towards the main house to look for Nkanyiso. What I was called here for is over and done with so I will be on my way now.

The sun is starting to come out,abo mama are starting preparations for the celebration. I would be helping too but girl didn't get an invite,basically I'm gate crashing without actually gatecrashing, if you know what I mean. When I get to the main house,its quiet. All the kids are sitting in the lounge watching cartoons,all of them are still wearing pajamas,nokuthi why are they awake idk. Sitting on a one seat couch is Nonjabulo with her brother,Ntlos'entle. His arm is draped around her shoulders and she's laying her head on his chest. They are so cute. Guess this is the reason why Nqobi brought her with.

When she notices my presence,she sprints out of his embrace screaming "mamami". I pick her up before planting kisses all over her face. After placing her down,I greet everyone then ask Joy where Niso is,she tells me that umam'khulu so and so has him,one of the wives la ekhaya. And I turn to leave, I don't know how to interact with Ntloso,yah that's what I'm going to call him,so excuse my cold behaviour. Like the child wasn't introduced to me,I doubt that he knows who I am.

As I'm about to walk out of the door,I collide into a wall,a moving wall at that. I feel two strong hands reaching for my waist to stop me from falling. "Ouch!" I exclaim,"ngiyaxolisa uright?" He asks Mxm damn him. He puts his hand under my chin urging me to look up at him and I do after swatting his hand away. He is looking at me with concerned eyes,"ngicela ungifunele uNiso manje" instead of easing up his worries,I give him a task. He opens his mouth to speak but "ngiyabonga" I say going around him and leaving him there.

The thank you wasn't said from a good place or as a genuine thank you. It was to shut him up and get away from him.

He walks into his room with Nkanyiso sitting on the back of his neck and hands on his head. He first looks around before directing his gaze at me. "What's going on?" He asks seeing mine and Niso's clothes on the bed and Niso's diaper,wipes,bath towel and cream. "We are leaving" I answer him,as I move around preparing Niso's bath water. "Why?" He asks such a simple question that riles me up. I stop what I'm doing and face him. "Are you serious right now?" The harshness in my tone cannot be missed,he gets Niso down and holds him in his arms.

"I asked you a question,why are you leaving?" His voice is low yet stern. "Because I have played the only part I had in whatever you call this shit and now its time to leave" I spit out. "Could you address me with the same amount of respect as I do" he says,its not a question but an instruction. "Respect! Respect you say?" I let out a bitter chortle before clapping my hands. "Nqobi you don't respect me,YOU DO NOT RESPECT ME!You don't respect our marriage. If you did we wouldn't be here" I'm yelling,lezi ezokuthi ngisemzini and ngiwu makoti anginandaba nazo.

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