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Getting into the house I greet mamMavis,one of the helpers then I head to our bedroom. I change out of my clothes into comfortable clothes,which are his T-shirt and boxer shorts then head straight to Lala land. 

Getting up is proving to be difficult because Nqobi has his hands wrapped around my body. I take my phone from the night stand and see that I have been sleeping for 2+ hours. I wiggle around but he doesn't budge,I pinch his arms,still nothing. I kick his leg,not so hard tho and earn a groan from him. "Lala baby" he says in a hoarse voice, "I wanna pee" then he slowly releases me.

When I get downstairs,I don't see mamMavis or any of the helpers around. She must have went home while the helpers retreated to the cottages. They don't cook when I'm around,quiet frankly they don't cook at all nowadays. When I'm at my apartment I cook then dish up for Nqobi,he comes to eat and takes is'khafithini. Even when I order,I order for him as well. I find it cute because he will ask what are we having today and I will say I'm ordering then he will say order for me too I'm coming to collect it. Even though I tell him what I'm ordering so he can just order himself and not come over,he won't listen.

They just clean and do laundry. I have just checked up on my sleeping beauty,I find it odd that she's still sleeping. Maybe the injection did a number on her. On the menu today is creamy spinach,pap and chicken. As I'm still cooking,Nqobi walks in and stands directly behind me and snakes his hands around my waist.

"Ngilambile mama(I'm hungry)" gosh that hoarse voice will be the un doing of me. He places wet kisses on my bare neck. "I'm still cooking,uzolinda kancane(you will wait a bit)" I'm trying not to burn myself here. "Not for that food,I'm starved and hard" he presses himself onto me so I can feel how rock hard he is. Abantu aba vuka ba nama erection(People who wake up with erections),mxm. He doesn't wait for me to comment,he turns me around,switches the stove off,carries me and puts me on the counter.

He gets in between my legs,"has she been sleeping since we got here?" I ask trying to distract him. "Nope she woke up 20mins later,manje I'm sure the panado has knocked her out" Panado? My distraction is clearly not working because he has pressed his big head on my boobs inhaling my scent.

He says the reason he gave her panado is because she fell while playing. "She plays like a boy sometimes" he says getting his hands into the boxer shorts. I'm trying to steady my breathing, "so you not going to let me hit it vele?" He stares at me,eyes filled with lust. "You do know that I can smell your arousal right?" He asks with a smirk. Fuck this,I want him inside of me ASAP.

I gently push him back and jump off the counter. "Hau mama awungiphi vele(so you really not giving me some)?" he pouts. "Sies Nqobi you wanna sex me on a KITCHEN counter?" I ask in disbelief and a smile appears on his face as he realises that I'm gonna let him "hit it" then he looks at me then at the counter. "Its not a bad idea yaz,think of it as you marking your territory as the woman of the house" he says chasing after me to our bed room.

Nigga sure knows how to satisfy a woman,after 4 rounds of sex I'm tired. The fourth one wasn't supposed to happen,we were supposed to take an innocent shower but I guess his shaft gets hard when his eyes make contact with my naked body.

"You can dish up for me now" he says joining Joy on the carpet. I click my tongue then keep a straight face and  look ahead. He laughs like I have just cracked a joke.

"If your male workers and clients get to see you like this every day then ngiyakhala mina angeke phela(I'm complaining,no ways)" Nqobi jokingly says opening the car door for me. "Jealous much" I ask doing a cat walk in front of him. "You are playing a very dangerous game mama qaphela(be careful)" he warns while laughing. Its my lunch time and my man decided to take me out.

He opens the chair for me to sit when we get into the restaurant. "How was your day so far nhliziyo yam(my heart)?" He asks after we have placed our orders. He makes it a must to always ask about my day and he allows me to vent shame,even though most of the time he doesn't understand what I'm talking about,he will listen and try to advice me.

We converse about random things while we have our little sweet romantic moments in between. Three police officers walk to our table. "Mr Nqobimpi Ndlovu?" One of them asks looking at Nqobi. "Who's asking?" My Zulu man smugly leans into his chair. "Officers of the Law" another says with a smirk.

"Well how can I help you today bantwana baka Bheki Cele(Bheki Cele's kids)?" Is he ever humble? "You are under arrest sir" the first one shouts moving towards Nqobi to cuff him yini does he want the whole world to know. "Whoa do you have a warrant of arrest?" Nqobi asks standing up. The one who's been quiet takes it out before Nqobi can take it,I beat him to it. As I read the warrant,my heart beat stops for a moment. I'm gonna murder Siyabonga Nkosi!!!

When Nqobi sees my expression he asks what is he being arrested for. "Assault. Siyabonga" those are the only two words I utter and the incident happened 2days ago. He moves closer to me and kisses my forehead "ungakhali mama ngizoba grand mina(don't cry,I'm going to be okay)" he says reassuringly as he hugs me. "I'm not crying" I defend myself and he let's out a short laugh "but you are about to" I turn my focus to the officers instead.

"Hey asambe baba(let's go)" again he shouts and forces to cuff Nqobi. He's acting like his career depends on this arrest. The other one tries to read him his rights but Nqobi shuts him up. "You are not going to cuff me,I'm not resisting the arrest,I will walk out on my own" he's annoyed now. "You think you are special neh?" Again its the loudmouth. "Don't you dare cuff him" I finally say,loud enough for them to hear me.

"And who are you?" He's attitude is the least of my worries. "Advocate Simphiwe Dlamini" I don't need to say more as recognition and fear flashes through his eyes. Good. "Okay we won't cuff him but he has to cooperate" as if he wasn't. Mxm. "Tell Cebo to call Menzi Sibiya" Nqobi says before he's taken away. Call who? Thee Menzi Sibiya?

Nqobi has one of the greatest legal teams behind him. Menzi is a goat,he's one of the best lawyers in South Africa and therefore also the most expensive. When I finally decide to let my eyes search the crowd,I see people with their phones out recording everything. People are heartless marn!

Cebo: "I'm sorry,I'm seeing it now." He says as soon as he answers the phone. Exactly how many seconds did it take for this to go viral?
Me: "its okay he said to tell you to call Menzi Sibiya." My voice is low,all I'm thinking of RN is just how low Siyabonga would stoop.

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