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While Nqobi is on a vacation in Cuba,I took Nonjabulo to live with me...its only fair. Zee has a life of her own and I honestly can't expect her to babysit my kid when I can live with her. Her going to school works to my advantage because I literally just have to drop her off in the mornings on my way to work and fetch her in the afternoons on my way back home.

Well folks today I'm going to have lunch with a client of mine,Malachi. I swear the dude has had a crush on me for years now. Arriving at the restaurant,I find him already sitted. He stands up to greet me,"Hii" I happily greet him with an outstretched hand going for a handshake. "Ohh my,you look really beautiful" he compliments which makes me blush. His eyes are everywhere but on my eyes,he slowly licks his lips and his smile never leaves his lips.

"My eyes are up here" I say rolling my eyes at his typical boy behaviour,I'm pregnant for heaven sakes! I still look hot tho,infact this pregnancy has made me a HOT MOMMY! "I know,I'm just admiring God's creative work" he says now looking at me with a smile which I return. "Is that how you greet me?" He asks,looking at my outstretched hand. He pulls me in for a hug,which I gladly return then we take our seats. "I see that you aren't together anymore" he says after shoving a full spoon of his meal into his mouth. He is looking at my now bare ring finger that's on the table.

"Yah,we didn't work out" I say dismissively hoping that he will get the message. I don't want to talk about it. "I called last night but you didn't pick up" he says,we have now moved on from the other topic. "Haibo!" I exclaim before laughing. "I'm serious,why didn't you answer my calls" he asks in a serious tone. "Malachi I'm not your girlfriend,when you call I won't jump to answer your calls" and why are you phoning me? "And why is that?" "Why is what?" I counter. "Why aren't you my girlfriend yet,I mean I did what I had to do as a man that's trying to court you but you won't let me in" ehh this man.

When I look at his face,I find that he's being serious. True yena k'dala engishela mina ngingasheleki. "Maybe all that you have done isn't enough. Maybe I want you to do more" I suggest with a mischievous smile. Idk why I am playing along lana or why am I even smiling. "Ohh trust me baby if I do more than I'm afraid that the 90 day rule won't matter anymore" this horny bastard. I laugh with a shocked face as he winks at me. Can't he see that I'm pregnant? "A man who believes in the 90 day rule huh?" I ask and our conversation goes on about random things...getting sexual here and there. And lots of laughter from both of us.

I look around the restaurant trying see if any of Nqobi's guards are here. But fortunately I don't see anyone looking in our direction or even suspicious. "Well thank you for inviting me out for lunch,I enjoyed it. And thanks for covering the bill" I smile,already on my feet and ready to leave. "It was my pleasure. You know what they say Indoda must pay on the first date" he says coming closer to me. "It wasn't a date" I say "if telling yourself that makes you sleep at night then okay" he takes my hand and leads the way.

As I open my driver's door,he gently pulls me back to him. Making my bump collide with his front,"drive safely" he whispers in my ear. Somehow having him this close to me makes me feel hot. "Always" I answer in a tiny voice. Haibo and then wena? With a satisfactory smirk he pulls away and looks into my eyes. "Ngiyak'thanda" he says and I smile its not the same as Nqobi's...Nqobi makes it sound more sexy and sincere. Why am comparing the two? "Thanks bye" I say offering him a small smile,I can't lie on a public platform like that. I still love that guy,the father of my children.

I try to move away from him but he puts his hands on my waist and brings his face closer to mine. When he looks at my lips before licking his own,I get an idea of where this is going and I allow myself to go with the flow. The next thing I feel are his soft lips on mine. I let our tongues dance to whatever slow song is playing. The kiss feels wrong but I'm not pulling away. A tiny Miss Simphiwe Dlamini is stomping and jumping around in my head,telling me to stop but I don't follow her orders. We finally pull away,out of breathe and in ecstasy well he's definitely happy and I...uhm I don't know how I feel.

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