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"I wouldn't do that if I were you" Cebo says to Brian when he sees him pulling MaDlamini's hand. My fists are itching to rearrange the bastard's face. "Who do we have here...just the two fuckers I was hoping to see" He says using an annoying accent which I can't pinpoint its origins. He walks towards us and I meet him half way,I fist his shirt into my hands and pin his against the wall.

"What the fuck are you doing with my family?" I asks seething with anger,"get your fucken hands off me" he says trying to push me off him but I'm rather too strong for him. "I asked you a question" I say in a low tone now that means I'm not playing. "Nothing I just wanted your little girlfriend to pass a very important message to you" he says when he finally gets out of my grip.

"Now you listen here,if I don't have my merchandise by tomorrow morning just know that all hell will break lose" he says pointing a finger at both me and Cebo. "I don't like being threatened" I say looking at him in the eyes. "I don't fucken care. I don't like dealing with incompetent people,you seem to forget that I also have customers to please" "are you aware that you just broke one of our important rules...Don't ever go after our family unless its necessary" Cebo says in an equally low and scary voice.

"And the fucken merchandise that you are weeping like a wounded dog about isn't worth it. Hope you won't mind me flying to the UK to show you just how worthless it is" I say smirking,he's calm demeanour vanishes as he goes to a whole new level of anger. "And congrats grandpa I heard about your first grandson" I finish off. Many people know that his 2 daughters live in the United kingdom but they can't get to them. I on the other hand could if I wanted to.

"Stay the fuck away from them Revolver,they are off limits"He says pushing me back and I let him. "And ours isn't,Fuck you Crafter!!"  Trust Cebelihle to cause a scene,we have now gained an audience. "I wouldn't mind hearing Ashley scream my name in pleasure,i wonder how my name sounds with her British accent" Cebo says it like he is imagining it. His smile let's me know that he likes what's playing around in his head. My brother has a few lose screws I tell you.

"You dare come anywhere close to my daughter Dagger and I will skin you alive" he says to Cebo giving him the mother of murderous looks making us laugh at him. The ladies don't look amused by fact MaDlamini looks pissed. After exchanging a few insults,Cebo kicks Brian out of the restaurant.

"I will be on my way now,bye Zee it was since seeing you. Sawubona bab'mncane nawe Nqobi(hello uncle and you too Nqobi)" She says after giving mancane(little one) a hug ready to take her leave. "MaDlamini uyekhaya angithi(you are going home right)?" It comes out harsher than supposed to and as a command rather than a question. By home I mean my house,she whispers out an okay and I tell her and Mancane not to leave as yet.

She's only supposed to call Cebo bab'mncane in Joy's presence so she could get used to calling him that but I guess Phiwe has grown into it. Zanele will ride with her in her car,while Cebo and I follow behind them,he will be driving Zanele's car. I don't trust that fucker Brian one bit,he might try something stupid.

"Uvaya ngamuphi umchini sisteri(what type of a beast are you driving sister)?" Mancane asks breaking the silence,we all laugh at her terrible boy accent. One things about my sister is that she doesn't like awkward situations. She would rather say something stupid or make a joke to get everyone talking and laughing again than endure the tension and awkwardness. MaDlamini flashes her Mercedes Benz E-class E63 keys in front of her grinning. Cebo and I head to his office.

"We have to get him back in line before he becomes a problem" Cebo says taking the words right out of my mouth. "Yah send the boys in London to pay the Miller girls a visit,and they should be nice. I'm not trying to start a war here" I say all seriously and bang his table. Problem is that Cebo doesn't listen when you talk to him nicely or like a normal person. "No ayihluphi leyo(thats no problem),I will do this myself" he says rubbing his hands together and smiles widely.

"Cebelihle I swear if you sleep with his daughter I will kill you myself before he does" I tell him in a stern voice. "Mxm voetsek uyabora yaz(you are such a bore you know" he sounds really annoyed and I just laugh his ass out. "Ngemphela ikhona enye into owuyi cabangayo ngaphandle kwe nqguza(is there anything else that you think about besides pussy)?" I ask still laughing at him. "Ungaziyenzi ncono ngam please(don't make yourself better at my expense)" He shoots back and I know what he's talking about.

I couldn't take my eyes off uMaDlamini,and the dress she's wearing just displays all of my precious assets. "I fear that MaDlamini knows about Miller" I say scratching my head. "But how" he asks in shock,I just give him a bored look. Ngine stress bese yena ubuza ibus nespecial(I'm stressed and he's asking me obvious questions). "Cebo the man has a reputation which proceeds him ande futhi uSimphiwe is a criminal lawyer" "Kaze uzophendula uthini mayekbuza,I'm sure she knows what's a merchandise" he says and I just heavy out a sigh. Speaking of imerchandise...

"Miller says he hasn't received his package,why and how is that possible?" Now let's talk about the main issue. Cebo keeps quite and looks to every direction but mine. "I won't ask again" I say sternly. "We had a few delays..." he starts but doesn't get to finish. "Uthini,how long ago was that and why am I only finding out now. Its hasn't been 6 months since I left and already seku nje Cebo?" My voice isn't so calm anymore. "What's the use of being in charge if im gonna run back to you with every minor hiccup" he sounds pissed now. Okay I understand his anger but he needs to chill

"As I was saying before you rudely interrupted me,we had delays two weeks back and I sorted it out the same day. You decided to step down because you are scared of what will happen if she finds out now continue to sit your ass down because business is running smoothly under my control" yeah just like that the Clown Cebo is back. "What you are saying doesn't answer my question,Why the fuck is Miller threatening us because apparently he didn't receive what's due to him?"

"Eish" is all he says,anger starts to build up inside of me,see thing is my brother is a troublemaker so whatever it is,it can't be good. "I wanted to teach him a lesson" he says,"what lesson?" And it better be good or else... "Kodwa naye bafo,usidelelile lomuntu(but bro,this dude disrespected us). He sold some of our merchandise to the Arabs. Our enemies! And he knows the rules" usase lapho(You are still there). I mentally do a face palm.

Okay so we have a policy,we specialise in guns and and the people who buy from us aren't allowed to sell our merchandise to our enemies or local gangs around South Africa. Its will attract unnecessary attention from the cops. Plus Cebo and I's identity in the underworld is only known by a few people...many know our gang names but not our faces. The one's who know our identify can't talk,if they do they die plus they need us...we also clean money for them. But the Arab story is a story for another day. "I sorted that out,and you know this. Cebo give him what's due to him tonight before I make you sorry"

"Mxm" I hear him click his tongue,I don't wait another second to kick his leg hard and fist his T-shirt into my hand."Ouch!" He yells out,ine drama lento(this thing is dramatic). "Your stupidity has put our family in danger,do you get that?" He keeps quiet. "I understand that you may not care much for Simphiwe,she isn't your family I get that but what about usisi wakho(your sister) and my child? They have a target on their backs because of you slima(fool)" I shout at him as I get into his face.

"How can you say that I don't care about uMaDlamini,that's your woman and the mother of your child. Of course I care about her as well" he says when I let him go "Good shukuthi(it means) you have enough motivation to sort out this shit,by tonight it must be done and I will call him Cebelihle" I glare at him one last time before heading out to where the ladies are.
And people wonder why I'm always stressed,Cebo is like is troublesome teenage boy. I think he skipped puberty and is only experiencing it now.

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