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Aphi ama camera asishoothe,where's the photographer and videographer? This power walk moment right here has be captured. The way we are walking in its like we planned this whole entry kanti nix. Nqobi has a whole chin up,head held high attitude and let's not forget the confidence that oozing off him. Plus yena keh he has a killer walk,no he doesn't have brackets...its just this sexy manly walk.

We are holding hands,yhoo y'all should see how the thirsty office whores are looking at him. You should see how they are batting their fake lashes and fixing themselves for my man...MY MAN cabanga. Ba-apply-ela okuxoshwa(they are applying to get fired). We get into the elevator going up to my office. In the elevator, Nqobi has his gaze fixed on me which is making me uncomfortable.

He's shamelessly checking me out,his eyes are slowly roaming my body. He moves closer to me without breaking eye contact. He starts placing wet kisses on my neck down to my collar bone and brings my body more closer to his and rubs my private part on top of my skirt. "Nqobi..." I say trying to contain the unholy sound thats trying to escape from my mouth.

"Yebo mama..." He says in a low hoarse voice...thixo,is this the hill I'm willing to die on? Yes this is the hill I'm willing to die on. And I thought that ladies were exaggerating when they said that its panty dropping sexy when a Zulu man says the word "mama". Forgive me for being a judgmental fool,my lady parts are itching from just hearing him say the word. He moves to kiss my mouth,and I moan into his mouth.

Its as if he knew,when he steps away from me to fix himself,the elevator door opens. I lead the way to my office,this floor is quiet and empty because its only my office that's located here and the consultation room I use when I have clients. Angithi he made me uncomfortable in the elevator,I take this opportunity to do the same to him. I sway my nyash to the left and right and I swear I hear him curse under his breathe.

When we get to my office,I tell him not to shut the door, and he asks why but does as instructed anyway. "I don't want anyone thinking that we are having office sex in here" I tell him. "And what if I was planning on having office sex in here" he asks walking up to me as if he's eyeing his prey. For crying out loud its my first day at work after my trip to North West. "Don't look at me like that" I say shyly trying to hide my blush. "Like what?" He asks clearly amused.

Like I'm the only girl in the world,the only woman for you and like you wanna make love to me passionately RN. "Like that" I say breathlessly after kissing him "why not?" "Because you making me shy" and vele he is "well I love it when you suddenly get shy around me,it turns me on" he says proudly.  Now i feel Ndlovu Jnr poking my stomach. I move back,"don't tell me that you are still sore from last night" he smirks,clearly proud of the damage he did. Last night neh?

The thought brings back sweet memories of our bodies slapping  against each other,moving in one accord,the sounds of our heavy breathe,the smell of sex and sweat that filled the room and the mesmerizing sounds of my moans combined with his groans.

He gives me a knowing smile when he realizes that my mind has shifted to last night's passionate wild sex session. And I thought that I had a huge sex appetite,since you know I last had sex over a year ago. But Nqobi's sex drive bafwethu can't be matched,I got worn out before him. And because im not the nandos typa girl,the one's who just lay flat and wait for the man to do all the work,it was a mission. Although Nqobi is an Alpha male,he did allow me to have some fun too,sex with him sex isn't just about him pleasuring me but me pleasuring him as well.

"We are not gonna have sex Gatsheni" my mouth is saying one thing but my body is saying another "keep biting those pretty lips and I might just bend you over that desk" he whispers into my ear and gently bits my earlobe. I move further away from him...I don't trust my body when he's touching me like this. "Don't you a meeting to attend?" I ask shifting the attention to something less provocative.

"I do and its starts in 10mins" he say nonchalantly checking his watch. "And usase la(you are still here)?" He can't be serious "I'm the boss,its not like they will start without me" arrogant much. "This new topic is rather making uNdlovu lana go flat" I laugh at how bored and blant he sounds. "Where's the bathroom?" He asks, "that way,don't tell me you are going to give yourself a hand job in there" I point to the right door across my desk and I can't hide the shock in my tone as I ask. "Hell no,why would I torture myself like that,ikhona ingquze etight ande emnandi phambikwam(when there's a deliciously tight pussy right in front of me)" Ignore him!!

He emerges seconds later,"sengiy'ndlela MaDlamini(I'm taking my leave now)" he says. I get up and stand before him "I will see you later" I say then kiss him. "Ngiyak'thanda(I love you) Phiwe" he says and I blush. He said it for the first time yesterday and I didn't say it back,he did look abit disappointed but he didn't push me into saying it. It was more like he wasn't looking for my response but he wanted me to know how he feels. Now I feel ready to declare my love for him. "I love you too,Ngiyak'thanda(I love you) Gatsheni" I say looking into his eyes.

My heart swells up with pride when I see the big smile plastered on his face and knowing that I'm responsible for it. "Phinda futhi(say that again)" he says smiling,"I love you,Ngiyak'thanda  boya benyathi" there's reassurance in my tone. "Phinda futhi sthandwa sam(my love) but without the English part this time" I would complain but its hard to when he has a beautiful smile like that on his face.

"Ngiyak'thanda Ndlovu,Gatsheni,boya benyathi,Mpongo kaZingelwayo..."  "hau suka madoda wadla mfo kaNdlovu..." He continues to praise himself hai yeke bafwethu mthatheni nim'yise erank (take him to a taxi rank) "uthandwa yim mawengane yam(mother of my child)" then he brings me in for a tight hug.

"Lemme walk you out" I say after we have broken the hug and he gives me a puzzled look,"yini I don't want these office whores quenching their thirst by looking at you" he roars with laughter. "Yaz usexy kanjani mawu jealous(do you know how sexy you look when you are jealous)" he says as we walk out. "Mangi jealous kphela?(only when I'm jealous)" Akhekho serious uNqobi bo(he can't be serious)...

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