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"ubhuti Nqobi kumele abe nengane yom fana phela,buka manje usethengela uNonjabulo imoto...uyayi dinga insizwa (brother Nqobi has to have a boy child, look now he bought Nonjabulo a car...he really needs a boy)" says Sinqobile who's Nqobi's cousin but there is nothing wrong with buying a girl a toy car. The four of us are chilling in the patio,actually it was just me and MaNdlovu then they invited themselves.

"Kumele aqale abe neyakhe ingane,ayekhe ukuthengele iz'ngane zamanye amadodo mathoyizi(First he must have a child of his own,and stop buying toys for other men's children)" says Sinqobile's mother bitterly. Ouch that hit a nerve,a very sensitive one. I got the vibe that she doesn't like me from the moment she stepped foot here."Uthi kwenze njani Thobile(what did you just say Thobile)?" Asks MaNdlovu,her tone says she's ready for war. Wazisiza uAunty Thobile wathula(Aunty Thobile helps herself by keeping quiet).

"Haibo ma,ande yaz bengizibuza ukuthi ubhuti Nqobi uba nengane kanjani sengakaze seyibona lapha ekhaya. Sengi mangele uma bethi siya egoli kabhuti wenzela ingane yakhe umcimbi(No ways mom and I have been asking myself that how does brother Nqobi have a child yet we have never seen her at home. I was surprised when they said that we are going to brother's house in Johannesburg as he's throwing a party for his child)" she says in shock.

"Hai cha iy'step father(No he's a step father),he could have gotten himself a young beautiful girl who has no child" she then claps once. "Ngikhumbuze futhi ukuthi bekumele ube nezingane ezingaki manje ukube awukhiphanga izisu zamadoda ahlukene(Remind me again how many children would you be having now had you not aborted pregnancies which belonged to different men)? " MaNdlovu asks Sinqobile who has now suddenly turned mute.

What the girl turned her womb into a cemetery? I want to make a comment about the disgraceful new information but I don't want to be on the receiving end of MaNdlovu's wrath. I have noticed that she's a straight talker,she will say shit to your face...she doesn't gossip. She won't say something about someone in their absence unless she knows that who she's telling will run to that person and she won't have a problem with that nor will she deny it.

Abantu baya khuluma yaz(people can talk you know),instead of saying their goodbyes with no hassles,they want to talk stories. Things like you have a beautiful home,you have a cute child,Nqobi has found himself a gem lakuwe(in you),your child is too smart for her age,we hope to see you soon ekhaya kwaGatsheni(at home in the Gatsheni homestead). The Ndlovu's bona ba fake(are fake) eyy Nqobi shouldn't hear you say that.

Isn't it evident that I wanna sleep,I'm tired people. I have to entertain them by smiling or nodding at everything they say and make small chats lapho angifuni(that time I don't want to). Nqobi doesn't have time for this,when he came back he told everyone that they are free to go.

His words were "siyabonga bafethu kakhulu for isupport yenu(thank you guys so much for your support),you know your way out. If anyone wishes to sleep over,khulumani no mama wase endlini (speak to the lady of the house) and please don't steal any of her dishes. Mina ngisayo lala(I'm going to sleep)"

On my way up,I dump into Zee who has an overnight bag in her hand. "Iyaphi indlela late soh(where are you going this late)?" I ask teasingly "when bhuti asks where I am at,please don't tell him" she begs. "Haibo mina angazi vele ukuthi uyaphi(but I honestly don't know where you are going),but worry not when he asks I will say I haven't seen you" "thank you" she hugs me then rushes down the stairs.

"Zee...!" She turns to look at me. "Angazi uzophuma kanjani sisi(I don't know how you will get out) because ubhuti wakho omunye ulapho pantsi (your other brother is down there)...don't let him see you" she thanks me once again and runs towards the kitchen. Cebo is the hotheaded and dramatic brother, who knows how he might react when he sees his little sister sneaking out at night.

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