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One can imagine the shock I got when one of my informants in the police station called me to tell me that my wife was arrested. He says that she was brought in about an hour ago and its about being in possession of an unlicenced firearm. I'm currently speeding and maneuvering through the free way.

This makes no sense at all,uSimphiwe wonke nesbhamu? Nah I know my wife and she's afraid of guns. Tho lately it feels like I don't know her. True,she has changed,I don't know if its for the better or worst. Its not really a big change that can be picked up by everyone,but lately she's...I don't know man. She's more bold,like she has guts ayy she has balls manje. I'm not saying that she was naive or meek before because trust me she was anything but that. She's has always been a confident person but now she's more daring,mean and bad ass.

First it was her secret meetings with Eagle Eyes and now she's arrested for carrying an illegal gun. What's next? When I get to the station,I'm welcomed by Spade,my informant. "Sho,sho grootman" he is forever smiling lona,I keep a straight face and nod at his greeting. "Iphi ivrou yam?" I ask as we walk into the building. I don't have time for chit chat. "Yhoo booza uMadam..." Already thinking that something happened to her,I stop walking and face him "did anything happen to her?" I ask,hiding how worried sick I actually am.

The fool laughs and says "no,nothing can happen to her. She's basically untouchable. Booza yam ngithi even the toughest policemen couldn't break her. The way she was answering their questions..." Spade is one of the people who never shut up,masingaya ngaye ngeke siqede,he will talk until the sun goes down and comes back up again. In a nutshell he's praising uMaDlamini saying that she's a true Gangster wife.

All of this is news to me shame,ukuthi who borrowed her the balls that she has,idk. She's in the wrong yet uphendula amaphoyisa amasimba,turning their work into a joke as if she doesn't know the penalties for an unlicenced firearm. Okay that's definitely something I'd do nam but hearing that my wife is behaving in that manner,okay it does make me proud but...ayy I guess its because I'm not used to such. Seems like I will have to get used to it. I ask him to take me to her,she's in a private cell.

I open the door of the private cell to get inside,I find her sitting there with her hands on top of the table like some boss lady that she is. I clear my throat to get her attention. "Took you long enough" Wow that's how she greets me. She stands up making her way to the door. She must think that she's going home. I gently pull her wrist "sit down!" I command,she looks at me puzzled but when she see's how serious I am she complies. "Usitholephi isibhamu?" I ask her. "Thought that you'd be happy that I'm finally getting used to having a gun like you wanted me to" she says.

"I asked you a question Simphiwe,ngiphendule" I can't help her if she's not telling me the truth. "Its my gun" she says and I sigh out of fatigue. Its gonna be a long ass day. "I'm your husband not one of the policemen that you turned into clowns. Simphiwe Reamohetswe Dlamini..." My voice is now low but stern,I really don't have all the time in the world to play hide and seek with her. "Okay,okay ungangibizi ngeID. Its my gun the same gun that you got me" she quickly interjects me,I knew that calling her like that would infuriate her,already she hates it when I call her Simphiwe.

"The gun I got you is at home" I argue her statement. "Hai angisazi keh" she nonchalantly says relaxing into her chair. I let out a humourless chortle,"MaDlamini I didn't rush all this way to play guessing games with you. Unless you are planning on spending the night here and who knows maybe 15 years in here,I suggest that you cooperate" I'm lying I'd never let my wife sleep in a jail cell. I'd rather take her place. "The day I got discharged from the hospital and went to our house to pack my belongings I took it with me,all this time I have had the gun with me and I recently started my shooting lessons" she looks at me waiting for me to give off some reaction but I'm still in shock.

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