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An annoying ringing sound disturbs me from my slumber,when I lazily open my eyes I realize that the annoying sound is caused by my phone that's on the pillow next to me.
Me: "whoever you are,this better be important because you are interrupting my nap." I say answering the phone, sleep very much evident in my voice. The caller replies by howling in laughter,its a manly beautiful laugh that sends goosebumps all over my body. And I instantly acknowledge that its my man.
Him: "I hope that a call from the father of your children and soon to be husband is important enough" he says when his laugher dies down.
Me: "you know it is" I answer blushing. So yep folks we are pregnant,we finally went to consult a doctor to confirm this. I'm six weeks pregnant and boy was Nqobi not ecstatic when we found out. A contributing factor to his ecstasy was discovering that I fell pregnant on our anniversary night. Remember the night we came back to SA in a hurry because Nqobi's chaser was on to us? Yeah that night. No one other than MaNdlovu and Nqobi's uncle who were there when we got the prophecy know about me being pregnant. I want us to get through the first trimester before telling anyone. Its was good to know that we can reply on them not to tell anyone.
Him: "I'm glad to hear that,how are my babies doing?" I hear the sound of hooters and cars from the other side.
Me: "the one you pumped into me is okay..." My hand instinctively goes to touch my flat stomach. "And I'm sure uJoy is being a busy body la ekhona,are you driving?" I continue to say and ask the question that has been bothering me. We continue talking after he refused to tell me where he is driving to.

Him: "I miss you,an entire week without you was torture" he whines and I join in too. A few more hours to go then we will be inseparable again.
Me: "a few more hours bestie and I'm all yours" I proudly say in excitement.
Him: "I can't wait to finally have you in my arms again and I will finally be able to call you mkami"
Me: "Looks like someone is excited about being on Lock down." I tease him.
Him: "because its you who will have my heart and key,I am. You make loving you easy nhliziyo yam." Cheesy much. He sounds sincere and like a lovestruck boy.
Me: "nchoo asbonge Gatsheni,manje uthi uzokhipha malini?" I think I deserve to know my worth in his eyes.
Him: "just know that whatever amount I will pay tomorrow doesn't come close to what you are really worth. You are a priceless gem and no amount of money can determine your worth." Is he planning on making me cry?
Me: "ngiyayi bona lento oyenzayo. Sweet talking your way out of telling me my bride price." I say laughing
Him: "I hope its working because I don't have plan B" he tries to act serious but fails and ends up laughing along with me.
Me: "For the umpteenth time Nqobi,don't give abantu bakwa Dlamini more money than what they actually deserve." No I'm being realistic here, what have they done for me? Where was Philasande when Mathepelo single handedly raised me?
Him: "if my memory serves me right, uthe they each deserve ama R1,R1. Now tell me iyiphi inkomo ebiza ishumi?" The way he's laughing neh,one would think that I just told him the funniest jokes, mxm. One thing about uNqobi noSimphiwe,they can talk for hours without getting bored. A 'I was just checking up on you' call can turn into something else.

Currently I'm at KwaMashu,"kithi",but we all know ukuthi kithi is wherever my mom is. Nqobi's people are coming to pay my dowry ksasa and boy am I not over the moon. I arrived this morning,I have been at my brother's house in Durban North for the past few days umuntu mina ngazi ehlala eCape Town,ukuthi why and how does he have a house in Durban,an expensive one at that is beyond me. I'm with my mom and Katso,mangwane and two of my mother's cousin brothers will come tomorrow leLesedi. Nqobi is in Pietermaritzburg and I miss him so much! I have been counting down since his family sent the letter.

My problem with my lobola negotiations is that I'm marrying a 'money is not a problem' type. I don't want these people who surely don't know when my birthday is and prior to this they didn't know that I have a daughter,to think that they have hit the jackpot ngami.

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