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"Can we please talk" I plead with him when he tucks her in her cot. Instead of responding like a normal person would,he walks out and motions for me to follow in suit. We end up going to our bedroom,with him leaning against the door and me sitting on the bed. 

He hasn't uttered a word,he's just staring at me as if I would disappear. "I'm sorry if I made it all seem like I'm trying to take her away from you and I'm really sorry for making you feel like your feelings don't matter to me" I sigh when he doesn't move nor respond.

"Gatsheni ngicela ukhulume nam (please talk to me),this entire situation is draining me. You are the best thing that has ever happened to us and I don't want to lose you. Ngapha(on the other hand) I don't want to look like some bitter bitch who uses her child to fight petty battles."

"For me its the fact that you knew how upset this would make me,but you said fuck Nqobi and his feelings. Because I'm not her biological father I don't get to have a say?" He asks,but its a rhetorical question. "Nqobi this isn't about me,you or even Siyabonga. Its about uNonjabulo" I softly tell him. He slowly walks up to me and stands between my legs,"what you are saying is bullshit and you know it" he says in a low tone thats laced with anger.

"What did I tell you when we were in North West?" He asks hovering over me,as he positions himself on top of me. He pulls my top up and in one swift move my bra is on the floor,just from feeling his breathe this close to my body,my nipples harden. He places wet kisses on my neck while his fingers are moving around in circular motions on my stomach. He moves to my breasts and my breathing pattern changes as he squeezes and licks them slowly and passionately.

"I asked you a question my love" he looks up at me with a devilish grin could he not use that tone with me right now. "Simphiwe focus" kanjani(how) bro? He adjusts himself and sure enough Ndlovu Jnr is ready to play. "Nqobi..." I moan out his name. Guy pulls my top down and gets off me,he goes to sit on the couch much to my frustration. He can't leave me hanging. When he sees me pressing my legs together,his grin widens mxm satane(satan).

"Did I not ask you and Nonjabulo to be my little family?" If he thinks I am going to participate in whatever interrogation this is,he must be stupid. "Did I not say that no paternity test in the world can tell me that she's not my child?" I'm pissed and I won't try to conceal it with a smiley face. He stands up and walks up to the bed again,"take off your jeans mylove" the way he says it almost makes me take them off,ALMOST. "Its not like you are going to fuck me and stuff" I say rolling my eyes at him.

"And its not like you are going to fuck yourself and stuff" he shoots back and rolls his eyes as well. Aren't we just a marvelous couple...note the sarcasm. "Take this damn jeans off" he commands and just like a solider I comply. He sits me on his lap and looks into my eyes. He moves my thong aside and before I know it one finger slides in. "I love how you easily get wet for me" and I love how you can easily get me wet without much effort.

I close my eyes enjoying the moment,second finger slides in and thats enough to make me shamelessly moan,as I move my waist in circular motions. His fingers work their magic inside of me "vula amehlo(open your eyes) mama" again its a command and I act in accordance. "Did I not say that I'm a grown ass man and I will always do what's best for our daughter?" He's tone isn't soft,when I don't answer he slides in a third finger and things go from smooth to a little rough.

" did...ohh Nqobi" I can't focus on anything else besides the pleasure. "I did what? Khuluma(speak)." He asks applying more pressure and I scream out a response as I squirt on his lap. He gets done with the games,stands up with me still on him. I lock my legs around him and he puts his hands under my bums balancing me. He moves us to the wall,my thong has been discarded. Without a warning,his cock enters me and I gasp when did he unzip his pants? He starts to thrust really hard without giving me a second to take in his size.

No doubt that he's doing it all on purpose,he intends to fuck me and not make sweet love to me. Soon he starts hitting it from the back,I'm on all fours and in the midst of it all I'm being denied an orgasm.


Not much has happened in two months,Nqobi had said that he will think about allowing the Nkosi's to be a part of Nonjabulo's life. I guess he's still thinking about it to date. Last week I told him that I'm taking her to spend the day at Siyabonga's parents,he had a lot to say but he eventually became cool with it.

While we were there,Lil Missy was on silent mode,she clung onto me as if her life depended on it. She would nod or shake her head if asked did she want something. On the other hand,Nqobi wouldn't stop texting to ask if we were okay. When I didn't text back he would call.

"Nqobi marn..." I shake his sleepy head to wake up "if you sleep I will kick you out." I know I'm annoying but a boyfriend can't come to your house to spend some time with you by sleeping on your couch. We are supposed to be watching a movie,which he picked. "Awume ngikhathele(just wait I'm tired)" he groggily says opening one eye to only close it again a second later. I grab a cup,filled half way with water,give it to Joy and sit her on his lap.

As soon as the water makes contact with his skin,his eyes fly open. He relaxes when he sees that its Nonjabulo,he takes the cup from her and in one swift move,he empties the rest of the water on me. He did that without even looking at me. "Iyhoo!!" Exclaims Joy in her loud small voice with her hands above her head. Now they are both in stitches. I'm gonna get him for that.

Him: "yes this is him,speaking?" He says answering his phone.
Caller: ....
Him: "WHAT! Is she okay?" He asks in a panicked voice which I have never heard him use before. All traces of sleep have now disappeared
Caller: ....
Him: "okay I'm on my way...Dammit." He curses out of anger,more to himself than to the caller. He then hangs up,he's already on his feet,quickly grabs his car keys on the coffee table.

"Is everything okay?" I ask "I need to get to NetCare Hospital now" I don't miss the urgency in his voice. "Wait up I'm coming with" Khaze uyaphi vele(where are you even going)? You don't even know who he's going to see mara ufuna ukuhamba(but you want to go). I quickly grab Nonjabulo's jacket,water,milk bottle and container which has butternut.
As I get into the car he has already strapped her into her seat and turned on the ignition.

Without waiting for me to close the door,he drives off. Hai cha sizofa la...wuku thandindlela(no shame we will die her).
Nqobi: "in 20 minutes,I expect to find you at NetCare. He speaks up as Cebo answers the call.
Cebo: "ehh for ini manje(for what now)?" One can tell that Cebo's focus is not on this call,there's a lot of shuffling on his side.

Nqobi: "I said be at the hospital in 20mins,better yet make it 15!" He shouts making me jump a little. Don't judge me,it was unexpected okay.
Cebo: "hayi sani,awusho nokuthi kwenzakalani(no sonny you are not even telling me what's going on)." He complains like a little boy,if Nqobi didn't have this horrifying look on his face,I would be laughing at Cebo's behaviour.

Nqobi: "uZanele uthole icar accident(Zanele got a car accident)." He says in low pained voice.
Cebo: "WHAT!!Is she okay,how bad was it,how long ago was that,you know you should learn to prioritise information." All of this is said in one breathe and he's panicking.

Instead of answering Nqobi just hangs up.

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