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"So mfethu mase ufuna uk'bonisa abantu ukuthi wena uyigintsakazi. K'hambani?" He asks me about the stunt I just pulled. "Don't speak to me, I'm very much angry at you" I tell him looking away from him. He pulls me close to him,puts his hands on my waist and asks "and why is that?" "Nqobi you are just going to let him walk,just like that?" I raise my voice a little bit. "Ubufuna ngiyenzeni ngimbulale in front of our guests?" He's been so nonchalant and that alone angers me.

"You just don't care do you!?" I throw in an accusation. "Mama you will not ask me nonsense nor will you raise your voice at me" he warns. "Nqobi you did nothing,absolutely nothing. You just folded your arms and watched,you had the nerve to stop me. You didn't even throw in a punch! Well that bhuti says a lot" I continue with my accusation.

"Simphiwe we need to be smart about this..." "Fuck being smart" I counter and he just sighs in defeat. "Tshela mina keh ubuzoyenzani? Kill him?" He asks. "Of course not I'm not that stupid,I was going to get him to talk" I retort. "Get him to talk how?" Is this an interrogation kanti? "By any means necessary" I say with pride and he clicks his tongue,"then you say that you are not stupid.Well let me tell you something had you touched him or shot him in hopes of getting answers you would be shooting yourself in the foot. By sunset you would be in a jail cell"

I think about what he has said and I realise that he's not lying. Knowing uSiyabonga and his coward ass,the police station would be the first place that he runs to. If he could open an assault case back then against Nqobi,he sure can open a case of attempted murder against me. Futhi he's angry.

I don't tell him that he's right tho,"we use our heads to think sthandwa sam not our emotions. Another thing there's a reason why I didn't want people knowing the details of Nonjabulo's death. Not everyone who's here crying with us can be trusted. So now if Siyabonga or anyone from his family disappears we are the first suspects, they will even help the police to investigate this case. Someone will sing like a canary about what happened here and to the police that's enough to paint you as the bad guy"

Okay I hate him for speaking facts. "Why are you making so much sense RN?" I ask him and "one of us has to stay sane while the other one goes crazy" he says making me laugh. "Inja nenja inosuku lwayo futhi elakhe liyeza (Every dog has its day and his is coming)" he says,I say nothing to this. "Come here" he hugs me,the hug lasts for a while.

"Do you trust me?" He asks, whispering softly. I nod my head Yes, "I need words my wife" he says. "Yes I do trust you" I tell him. "Do you trust me to do right by our daughter?" He continues. "Yes I do" I say,"do you believe that I have your best interests at heart and that of our children?" "Yes I do" "Good then themba umyeni wakho,I won't let you down. I will avenge her even if its the last thing I do" he says before planting a kiss on my forehead. "Mus'khala mama,sizoba grand. I have got your back as long as you have mine" he says and I smile.

"We ride together and ride for each other until we die" I say their Gang's motto. "Thatha mam'Volver. Intombi ka Revolver madoda" he praises before laughing along with me. I peck his lips but he decides to deepen it,not that I mind. After pulling away to catch our breathes,he puts his forehead against mine making me look into his eyes. "I love you" he says making me blush. "I know" I say and he chortles.

"Ngiyak'thanda mama futhi ngiyajabula uma wazi" he speaks in a soft voice. "I love you more" I tell him. "We will get through this together. Trust in the process mama I don't like a messy job. Our aim is to kill and get away with it not to attract attention to us,angithi?" Look at me,planning a killing with my husband. Truly we have come a long way.

"Not you being brave and standing in front of my target" I tease him but I'm serious too,he has guts. "Believe it or not I was scared" he says shaking his head seemingly thinking back to that moment. I laugh not believing him. "Ngiyak'tshela,I just saw your finger on the trigger ready to pull it and I got scared. The look in your eyes made it worse. That's why I told you to not point your gun at me,I didn't know what was going through your head so I couldn't trust you" he says sounding serious.

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