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4 Weeks later

"Can you please make me something to eat" I hear him say and I tilt my I snap my head to look at him. God he's infuriating... "Nqobi kanjani when I asked you 2mins ago and you rudely said No you are not hungry" I'm trying my level best to not shout at him. "Uzongiyenzela or ngiziyenzele mina?" He snaps in annoyance. Mxm Id like to see you try to make yourself food. Instead of providing him with an answer,I stop what I'm doing which is folding clothes and trying to make this room less messy and more presentable. I head to the kitchen to dish up for him.

It was expected that he wouldn't take the news of his new inability well but not to such an extent. He discharged himself after a week,hasn't spoken to anyone and I mean anyone unless its necessary. If I'm being honest,happiness and I have become strangers these past couple of weeks. Everything is just a mess,by everything I totally mean Nqobimpi. The guy won't even speak to me unless its to ask for help,ask for food and by ask I mean to say the word Please while demanding,I don't know where he's manners went. Or its to let me know that he's in pain. He won't even speak to his siblings,mother and team. He straight up told his crew to only call when they want to speak about work...nothing else. When we ask him how is he feeling or if is he getting any better he would say and I quote "I'm stuck on a wheelchair,can't feel my legs and I'm in pain,how do you think I'm feeling?" With an attitude.

The same applies for uCebo,he can't ask him how is he doing or feeling because uzom nyela. Nam I can't engage in small talks naye,he won't even play or talk with Nonjabulo. Because he's now on a wheelchair,we had to move to the bedroom downstairs,he spends most of his time in here...he doesn't come out. We have honestly tried our level best to reach out to him and be there for him emotionally but he won't let us in. I have stopped going to work so I can look after him,its not easy because he's not grateful. Imizamo yam akayiboni, words such as Please and Thank you have lost their value la kuyena. Its worse because he doesn't want me to hire a nurse who will look after him.

He would lose it and say that I'm treating him like a child or like someone who is incapable of doing things for himself each time I try helping him. But he is incapable vele, umuntu would shout at me and say "Yekhela ngizoziyenzela" and uma ngimyekhela to do it himself as he wishes,he turns the tables back on me and says things like "You should just leave because clearly you feel stuck in this marriage with a disabled fool." "If its money you want,you will get it and just fokof out of my life."
I have come to see the savage side of him,the disrespectful and full of shit Nqobi. Saying I don't like him would be downplaying it.

"Okay fine,its evident that you want to become a drunkard but can you at least down your meds with water?" I ask, finding him taking his pills with whiskey. "I won't repeat myself,you are not my mother" he angrily says. See what I have been dealing with for the past three weeks? He first told me that im not his mother when I found him lifting some weights in the gym with his injured arm. "I don't know why do I bother myself with you" I mumble walking past him. "Yah I also don't know when I have already told you that you can leave whenever you feel like it. The problem with you is that you think that I need you to survive, Simphiwe I can do without you" the nerve of this bastard.

I turn to look at him,ready to give him a piece of my mind. "You know what? I think I should listen to you for once,I should do both of us a favour and just get out of your life" I say in anger "usameleni?" He asks nonchalantly and I just lose my cool. "Fuck you Nqobi,fuck you yezwa,mxm. On my way out I will make sure to give Sindy a call,she would love to come and take care of you." I spit out. "Uhlanganaphi manje uSindy?" He asks in a bored tone. "Angithi niyadlana naye behind my back" I shoot back. "You don't know what you are talking about" he defends. "Actually your girlfriend is so helpful that every time she calls or texts me on a different number to insult me,she tells me about your relationship" "she what?" He sounds more angry than shocked.

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