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"I didn't go to the club to meet up with her and I also didn't invite her if thats what you are thinking" He says,his face holds no emotions whatsoever and I wonder why. So he now knows what I am thinking? Mxm. "We were chilling with the boys then she came to me. I didn't notice her presence because I went to the club to get drunk not to get laid." "And y'all took pictures and videos then chilled all night long rite?" Truth is that girl makes me insecure. I haven't met her in person and already she's making me feel this way.

"Not exactly,she's an influencer hence the pictures and it was only one video. I couldnt refuse her the pictures...its just innocent pictures. After that she went back to her friends and I never saw her again" Yah the girl kepublic(is a public) figure,in that video they were facing each other,her hands were all over him and he did nothing to stop her.

"I did ask her to delete the post but she said something about it affecting her brand somehow but she said she will change the caption instead." Mxm brand my left foot,she did change the caption to Khade ngamcina uGatsheni(I long last saw Gatsheni),was nice running into him🔥😎💃.

"So umu fonele vele(you called her)?" Not sure how I feel about him having her numbers. He heaves out a sigh,he's tired of my 21 questions. Too bad I'm only getting started. "No Simphiwe I DMed her" he sounds bored,ande keh bhuti angikaqedi(and brother I'm not done yet).

"How long have y'all been dating for?" He briefly looks at me before answering,"for 3years going to 4" "mhm okay,and why did y'all break up" I don't mean to sound so uhm...I don't know is it jealous? "It was just not meant to be" he says. "Ohhh and what makes you think that we are meant to be?" I ask.

"Honestly I'm getting bored with these questions,you can't compare what we have to what I had with Okuhle. She's in my past for a reason...MaDlamini everyone has a past and you don't see me interrogating you about yours especially not Siyabonga" I just look down in shame "can we please stop talking about Okuhle,we can't be fighting over a non factor"  well in that case,you don't have to tell me twice.

Okay boma(around) last week la(there),I got a call from Siyabonga. He wants to meet for lunch and talk about Nonjabulo and apparently its important. I didn't tell Nqobi,I will tell him today after meeting up with Siyabonga.

Walking into the restaurant,I see him already seated and drinking a beer. Kodwa mina,ngiyadelela yaz(I'm so disrespectful you know),he called last week expecting me to agree right away or at least someday that week only for me to agree a week later ande nalapho ngilate(and still at that I'm late).  I kept him waiting for 30mins.

"You sure took your sweet time" he says ngeattitude(with an attitude) as I settle down. "Sawubona(greetings) Siyabonga" I'm not in the mood for his tantrums. "Ngiku order-ele ijuice(I ordered juice for you),I hope you don't mind" he says after the formalities have been concluded. "Yah thanks" I respond. "I know that I have made my bed and I have to lay in it,I have no problem with that but what about my parents?" I had reminded him of how he rejected my pregnancy and signed away his rights.

"What do you mean What about your parents,what about them?" I say it as politely as I can. "They deserve to have a relationship with the only grandchild they might ever get from me" he says avoiding my eyes. "Wait what do you mean by that?" I ask waiting patiently for him to spill the beans. "I think that my wife is barren" talk about dropping the bomb on someone. Its clear to see that this is hurting him,he looks at me then casts his eyes to the floor.

"Uthi(You say) you think,meaning you are not 100% sure?" I don't know how to act,should I feel sorry for him or ngithi uyalayeka(say it serves him right)? "Medically yeah,but I have my suspicions. To think that I used to question my manhood but how would we explain Nonjabulo's existence?" He let's out a sigh before continuing "we have been together for 5years and have nothing to show for it,she's not on birth control and stuff." Hothatha kantle kamo(its hectic out here),H for HECTIC guys.

"Okay so you are only suddenly showing interest in Joy because you might not have other children?" I ask, " that's not true. Okay the timing and reasoning now may seem off but I swear I'm not trying to fill whatever space that's in my heart by using her" he says sadly. "Mhm let's say I do believe you,how should we go about with this?" "I ask that she visits my parents once in a while at least and I will also be there during her visits" he does sound desperate.

"I think you should consult a doctor,if there is a problem maybe it can be fixed,you know how science has answers to most problems" I laugh at the last part hoping to lighten up the mood. "Yeah sizobona(we will see)" he says it like he has already given up lost all hope maybe. "Anyways enough about that,will you please consider my request?" He doesn't sound pushy but rather genuine. "Its okay,I don't mind. We will just have to talk further about her visits and so on. Kodwa she won't sleep over"

He looks at me like he doesn't believe what he's hearing but he smiles,like a happy smile. "Thank you so much" he says hugging me. I don't want to seem like a bitter ex by using my baby to engage in petty fights. Besides everyone deserves a second chance to right their wrongs angithi. "Kuzolunga(its going to be okay),just be there for your wife no matter the outcome and assure her as well that you will be there for her...through thick and thin. Y'all are in this together" just because he's my ex doesn't mean that I wanna see his marriage fail. Why would I when I am happy la ngikhona(where I am at).

He smiles,revealing his dimple and thanks me again. Getting into the car,I let what happened today sink in. What did I just agree to and how will I tell this to Nqobi? Did I even think this through?

I decided not to tell Nqobi about my meeting noSiyabonga,because firstly how will I bring it up and I'm mostly scared of what his reaction might be. Yah I know,the longer I wait to tell him,the more messed up this situation will be but I will take my chances.

"Is she always this quiet or yimi(its me)?" He asks trying to feed her his chips as she is seated on his lap. "Just be happy that you get to see the calm and composed vision of her. Cause you ain't ready for her chaotic and noisy self." He should be careful of what he wishes for,he might just get it.

We happen to be in the same McDonalds at the same time,and we thought why not share a table. As far as Nqobi is concerned we are at my mother's but the story will correspond after eating because that's where we are going. "If she calls him dad,what will she call me? I don't want us to confuse her little mind" I feel like he's hoping to achieve something through his question.  

"She will call you by name" I say not even looking at him,when I don't hear anything from him,I look up and give him the 'or do we have a problem' look. "You have got to be shitting me" why is he getting rattled up. "Let's not get into Nqobi and Joy's relationship cause I guarantee you by the time I'm done talking you will feel like the biggest failure" I'm not putting Nqobi on a pedestal but he's more of a father to Nonjabulo than Siyabonga could ever be.

"You just won't stop rubbing it in my face neh?" He asks in annoyance,hehe LOL. What's there to rub in when everything speaks for itself? "Did you tell him about what we talked about?" He asks seeing that I won't entertain him. Even now I'm not going to answer him,I glare at him hoping its enough to shut him up. He lifts his hands up and chuckles.

"Sis Phiwe...sis Phiwe!" I hear a very familiar voice call out to me,because I'm in shock I don't move...I freeze looking at Siyabonga and Nonjabulo.
"I just came by to say hi" she says returning Joy to Siyabonga after kissing her for the 20th time since she got to our table.  "Uhamba wedwa(are you alone)?" I ask praying and hoping that she will say yes.

"Ngihamba nobhuti Nqobi(I'm with brother Nqobi)" she turns around,let her eyes search the crowd for a while then turns to face me again. "He was right over there,but seems like he left..." She is interrupted by her ringing phone. "Ohh wuyena(its him),I have got to go. Bye everyone" she says before running off. So he saw us? I have a lot of explaining to do and I know for a fact that he's pissed.

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