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Without wasting time,I hurriedly make my way to the door as soon as the jet lands. When the door opens,my legs forget how to walk down the steps as I run out. I see Cebo walking towards me and I continue to run to meet him half way. He brings me in for a comforting hug which I gladly accept,when we pull away I look at his face hoping that it will provide me with an answer to my question. Although its dark outside,I can clearly see his blood shot eyes that hold sadness in them and the frown on his face. Refusing to believe it I step away from him,with my palm over my mouth, I vigorously shake my head No. "MaDlamini..." He tries to take a hold of my hand but I don't let him.

After trying to get ahold of him on the phone with no luck,I texted him saying ~pick up your phone! I want to know what's going on~ he replied by saying ~i will send a car to come get you and you will see for yourself~ that text did nothing to ease my worries but ngoba ngingu Thomas I said he must hurry up. I managed to get out of the house without Zee or MaNdlovu seeing me then I sent them texts telling them ukuthi I have some emergency at work. But you can't blame me,how will I tell someone something that I'm refusing to believe. Yes I heard everything on the phone but I refuse to believe that he has left me just like that. Nakhona Cebo has to be the one to tell them,he knows what happened to him.

"Bab'mncane,my husband is alive angithi?" I ask as my voice betrays me and cracks. My hands too join in as they start to shake. "MaDlamini he's okay" he says in a low tone but ngoba a lot is going on in my head,I hear him but I don't listen to him. He sees that I didn't get what he said so he repeats and his tone is as low as before. "He's okay? Meaning ukuthi uyaphila?" I ask wanting to make sure that him and I are on the same page. "Yes" he responds, what I notice is that he isn't happy about this meaning there's more to it. "But I heard someone kwibackground saying time of death" I say wiping away my tears. "Esinye isfebe se nurse,instead of helping she was just standing there waiting to record his time of death" he clicks his tongue,yah that nurse really angered him.

Only when he opens the right back seat door for me do I realise that we have been moving towards the car. As soon as he settles down next to me at the back,I return to what has been bothering me. "You don't look or sound relieved that he's alive why?" He rubs his temples and let's out a deep sigh. "The doctors were able to resuscitate him but..." "Resuscitate as in to revive as in to bring back to life?" I ask shocked at this and he nods his head Yes. "Cebo this means that he died?" And had they been a second late,we would have lost him forever. "Yes,twice actually" he says,his voice hiding emotion. Upon seeing my questioning look he says "it first happened in the morning then when we spoke over the phone" I'm speechless, angazi ukuthi ngikhale or shout out praises to the living God.

I did notice that something was different about the airport and now its the roads and even though its dark I can clearly make out some buildings and I have never seen them before. "Where are we?" I ask "Cape Town" he says. Ehh mina ningangitshontsha moes,someone explain to me for 10 marks ukuthi how did I get inside a car then board a jet without knowing where I am going? But no he said he was going back to GP,Cape Town sifunani la? "So he lied when he said he was going back home?" Why did I just say that out loud? "No we were in Johannesburg,then we later flew here an-nd everything happened." He speaks softly. We are now parked outside a big house,he comes to open the door for me. "Bab'mncane I just want to see my husband,I will rest later knowing that he's well. Please take me to the hospital first" I say refusing to get out of the car.

He gives me a small smile "he's inside." Asking how or why isn't he in a hospital is useless...wuNqobimpi Ndlovu lo esikhuluma ngaye and with him expect the unexpected. In the lounge,we find a group of guys sitting,each in their own feelings or thoughts. The mood is somber they each reflect pain,sadness and anger. "Skhulu" "boss lady" "Mrs Revolver" they all start chanting and addressing me in titles which I have never heard of before as they greet and respectfully bowing their heads. Jump scare! Yini le? "Uhm Hello's?" I don't know what to say,they see my discomfort and they chuckle,Cebo's chuckle can also be found amongst the chorus of chuckles. Mxm. I see a familiar face,bathi wubani lomfana... uBird Eyes,Hawk Eye heh? No marn Eagle Eyes neh? Yah I think I'm right.

"Niyabona,ngishilo ukuthi umkhuleko uzosisiza. He's fine now" says a guy walking in on us. "Wena noku forsta ubungcwele. Yes he's fine now...what will happen later?" Asks one in the group and the one who just walked in shrugs before saying "we will just continue praying until he wakes up." "As if God listens to prayers of men like us" says another one in a tone that suggests that he has lost all hope. "Before ngim'shela uhamba nobani?" Yes its still the guy who just walked in,he asks his friends looking at me. They either shake their heads No or shrug their shoulders saying that I'm not with either one of them. "Well in that case,beautiful do you speak,or uyakhuluma,wa bua, wa vulavubula,uya thetha,wa bulela? Because I'm a man of many talents baby" he says moving to stand next to me.

I look at Cebo with a 'help me!' look. "Remind me to tell your boss that you tried hitting on his wife when he wakes up,will you" Cebo says to the guy with a smirk then the crew bursts out into fits of laughter. The guy quickly moves away from me and looks at everyone in bewilderment. "Yhoo hade Mam Revolver,bekwiyi mistake. Like that wasn't me" he has his hands ontop of his bald head. "Haa mara niyizifebe nina,niyangi yekha ngiyenze izinto ezidom,mxm" he sounds scared shame. "Its not like you are not used to doing stupid things" says someone in the group. "But this one could get me killed" he complains and they all laugh at him. "Cebo?" I call out to him,I have heard and seen enough of them. All I want at this moment is to see my husband.

I run to his side when we walk into his "ward",his upper body is covered in bandages,he has drips connected to him and is breathing with the help of an oxygen musk. I look at the heart monitor and indeed his heart is still beating although I don't know if its beating at a normal rate and stuff. But  what is important is that its here. I take a sit and hold his cold hand before kissing it. His hands are normally cold vele,so this is nothing new. I wipe the tears that are falling freely down my cheeks. I internally say a short prayer to the man above thanking him for this and requesting that he allows him to come back to us.

Cebo starts narrating what happened, but he starts his story from when Nqobi got shot. And not how or why he got shot. Nakhona he doesn't disclose everything,at this moment I don't care about what happened or who said what when and man is alive,all that is left is for him to wake up. The door abruptly flies open and a lady wearing a nurse's uniform quickly closes it,she then turn around slides down on the door and sobs with her hands covering her eyes. She's oblivious to her surroundings,she doesn't know that we are here. Cebo clears his throat and her eyes widen in shock before she roughly wipes away her tears with the back of her hands. "Sindy,ufunani la?" Bab'mncane asks in a not so friendly tone. "I didn't know that there were people in here,I'm sorry" she answers in a teary voice.

"Not just any people,she's the wife of the man that you are weeping over ngathi seka shonile. Even she is not doing that" he spits out in total annoyance,but what gets me is the girl's reaction. "W-wife...ushadile?" She's so astonished but ashamed at the same time. She looks at me then rapidly blinks her teary eyes. Okay why is the fact that Nqobi is married a shock to her,but moreover why is it evoking a certain reaction from her? "Phuma Sindy!" He barks and she rushes out without looking back. "Who is she?" I ask after a while. "She's not a threat don't worry about her" he answers. No I will worry because you didn't answer my question,you answered a question of your own. I asked who is she not what is she not and if I should be worried about her. Now I'm definitely curious about her relation to Nqobi.

And I can't obviously cross question Cebo,even if he knows something...I can't. Mara lobhuti ophefumula nge oxygen tank,mhm uzongitshela kahle ukuthi wubani uSindy.

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