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As I walk into Marble restaurant,I have my phone in hand and im reading a text from Nqobi. It reads ~im sorry love I won't be able to make it in time. I have a meeting to attend~ it was sent about an hour ago and I'm only seeing it now. Well at least he didn't cancel...there's still hope that we will spend some quality time together as husband and wife with no interruptions from work or our kids. Mangwane Katso and bab'mncane Cebo are baby sitting for the day.

"Good day I'm here to collect a order for Simphiwe Ndlovu" I politely smile at the waiter behind the counter and he smiles back before saying "let me go fetch it for you ma'am" as he has disappeared into the kitchen,I turn around and let my eyes move over the restaurant. Something or a someone rather catches my eye,cha bakwethu noma kungathiwa abantu or ama body structure wabantu ayafana but lela khanda elikhulu elomyeni wam. Since he's facing away from me,I can only see the back of his big nicely trimmed head well its not that big but ayy.

He's sitting alone at a table reserved for 2 a few feet away,his back is at me. As I'm wondering what brings him here did he not say that he has a meeting. Or maybe his meeting is here? Hai we will never know hey. Okay so I'm still wondering when the waiter brings me back to Earth. "Here's your order ma'am" he says with yet another polite smile and puts the brown paper bag on top of the counter. I return the smile before thanking him. I immediately halt in my tracks when I now see who's seated at the table with my lovely husband. If it ain't the one and only beautiful Okuhle. Yebo ngisho yona i-ex ngoduso yakhe. I stand here for a second just to see how they are interacting with each other.

And so far so good,so far so normal. There's nothing suspicious there,they look like two people having a conversation. Nakhona its not like I'm going to walk over to their table...that just screams INSECURE. I will just have to ask him about whatever this is later on. Without being noticed,I swiftly make my way out of the restaurant. Its been two hours since I left the restaurant and still no sign of Nqobi. I have tried calling him to ask about his "meeting" but ifone yakhe icimile. So here's me sitting in the kitchen,literally counting down the minutes and frantically tapping my nail tips against the marble counter.

I swear to God if he doesn't show thoughts are disturbed by the opening of the door that's connecting the kitchen to the garage. He walks in but stops when he sees me sitting here. I stare at him too as I wait for him to compose himself,it looks like he wasn't expecting to see me here and like he has a lot on his mind. I watch him take a few breathes in and out but he says nothing. "I'm have been waiting for you" I say initiating the conversation. "Sorry for keeping you waiting" he says now moving further in but he keeps his distance. Well thats odd.

"Cha akuna nkinga you did say that you have a MEETING right?" I emphasis the word meeting and I get no reaction from him. "So like have you been at the office the entire day?" I'm now fishing for answers. "Yes why?" He questions. "No just asking,must I dish up for you?" Not me playing the dutiful makoti. "Yah about that I have to go" hebanna, wiralang? He doesn't wait for my response,he moves towards the door. "Uyaphi?" I yell and he takes his time turning around to face me again.

"Something just came up" he says. "Le something ayinalo igama yini?" My tone is harsh and just by looking at his laid back self I become more angry. "Its something that needs my urgent attention" he speaks ever so casually. "Ohh and I don't" I retort. "Simphiwe not now" yhu yhu yhu sekele Simphiwe jwanong?

I'm not even afforded the opportunity to make a come back as he's already out of the kitchen and judging by the sounds of foot steps,I'd say that he's jogging up the stairs. After a good 20mins of me trying to calm myself down,he walks into the kitchen to find me exactly where he had left me. Insizwa igezile,igqoke kahle futhi unuka kamnandi. "Sengiyindlela" he announces. "Hai cha ungijwayela kabi Nqobi" I say standing up. "MaDlamini..." "Le something yakho or lo something wakho must really need your urgent attention neh,you even took a bath and had a change of clothes" I question him with my hands above my hips.

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