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"Ccrreeaakkk" thats the sound of the door being unlocked. I wake up,cast my eyes on the door as I wait to see Anathi. When a white man walks in instead,I move back. He's a big man,like those filthy rich big man...big belly pot,lots of gold rings on his fingers and colourful expensive clothing. The colours don't even match neither do his shoes. Three more men walk in behind him,two are black while one is white. I move further more backwards until my back hits the wall,no lies I'm scared and the fact that these men look ugly isn't making me less scared. I keep my eyes on the door waiting for the bastard that brought me here to show up.

After begging,shouting and banging I felt even more exhausted so I decided to sleep. Sleeping on a concrete floor wasn't as difficulty or uncomfortable as I thought it would be because I was kak tired,I wanted nothing more but to close my eyes and drift off to lala land. At that time,comfort was the least of my worries but now it sure isn't. My neck and back hurt. I feel much better tho,I think that a power nap was what I needed to sleep off whatever drug Anathi put into my system. Ohh God I hope that my baby is okay,I haven't felt him or her move today.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by voices speaking in a foreign language. "Eto ona(Is this her?)" Says the first white man who walked in to the other three,his tone or rather accent is thick,rich I don't know how to describe it. But it sounds like German,Russian or Croatian. Okay from what I'm seeing here,he looks 'I'm in my 50's' type of old,but aren't these sugar daddies all old?. The two black men look like they are body guards,judging by their outfits but I wouldn't be too sure. And the other white man looks young like 'I'm in my 30's'. "Da eto ona(Yes thats her)" answers one of the guards. "A kak naschet mal'chika,on budet problemoy (And what about that boy,will he be a problem?)" Now its the young one. Could they be father and son? And what are they saying?

"Net ser,on vzyal den'gi i ubezhal(No sir,he took the money and ran)" the same guard answers. "Nikakikh voprosov ne bylo zadano(No questions asked)" says the second guard and both men nod their heads in understanding. And how do you know that its in understanding? They all turn to look at me,at the same time creepy if you ask me. When the older man notices how I keep on looking to the door he says "looking for someone?" He doesn't sound like he's fluent in English. "Where is he?" Thats my answer,I ask timidly and he laughs out loud. I thought that the minions would join in too kanti they are smart,they don't laugh nje na nje. "He's probably out of the country by now" whoa what?

"Why? What did I do to him?" I ask and the oupa(grandpa) takes a few steps towards me. "Nothing,he was just doing what I asked him to" he says with a wicked smile plastered on his face eww. "What do you want from me? I don't even know you?" Yhoo ke sana the rate at which my heart is beating,unbelievable! "Yes you don't my dear but your husband does" he drops the bomb at this point all I can say is yinganekwane,yifilimi mtaka gogo.

"Why,what,how...what did Nqobi do?" Im even fumbling over my words. "He stole my diamonds" he says,kanjani bro? Didn't Nqobi kill what's his name...uhm Petrov or something like that? Upon seeing the confusion on my face he says "he first stole them from my little brother who he later killed. Pust'yego dusha pokoitsya s mirom (May his soul rest in peace)" So nawe uyaclaimer those stones aren't yours? "And I guess that you are here to seek revenge for your brother?" Why am I entertaining this man by indulging in this meaningless conversation. Ohh I know maybe he might let me go or cut a deal with me yeah right,keep on dreaming.

"Revenge? No dear I don't meddle in other people's affairs. I just want him to hand over those diamonds" you being here demanding for those stones is fucken poking your big pointy nose is other people's business!! "Are you going to kill me?" Hey I have got to ask. I need to know if I should start praying for my soul to be accepted in heaven. "No dear,I don't kill women" can he stop calling me dear! "Then what's going to happen to me? Does he even know that I'm here?" "Ona mnogo govorit(She talks alot) Enough questions,yes he's aware that I took you" he turns around to leave.

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