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"Good morning,ohh good you are awake" says my gynecologist as she walks in "morning" "hello" both Nqobi and I sing out. "I see the roles have switched hey?" She says commenting on the fact that Nqobi is the one who's relaxing on the hospital bed while Im sitting on the visitor's chair. But instead of entertaining her and replying with a smile,I say Yah dryly. And that's because she's looking at Nqobi's bare abs with lustful eyes. Sies gogo,awusemdala, yingane uNqobi. She looks to be around her late forties going to fifty,cabanga sengishaywa wugogo ngesitina...yhooo I would cry.

I look for Nqobi's T-shirt then help him wear it. My guy understands the mission because as I help him wear it,he pulls me closer by my waist and kisses the day lights out of me. Okay that was unexpected and this man is not even ashamed. "Okay mommy I'm gonna need you to lay down on the bed for me" She says after asking me how am I doing and if I'm experiencing any pains. To which I said no to,"should I help you get up?" I ask Nqobi and he says Yes please wow ngoba kunamehlo wabantu sekakwazi ukuthi Please? but the doctor says it won't be necessary as she won't be long. I squeeze myself besides Nqobi and the gynae starts doing her job.

"Well everything seems to be in order,I'm happy with your blood pressure and you heard how strong your baby's heart beat is" she says all smiles and shit. She hands me tissue to wipe the gel off with Nqobi's help of course who's has been smiling proudly since he heard the baby's heartbeat. "Ngiyabonga mkami" he says softly for the third time now and I give him a small smile. "Okay doc since you said that everything is okay,can I go home?" I ask,its barely been 3hours since I woke up and I'm already tired of this hospital. "I'm afraid not mommy,I need to keep you here for another night or maybe two" she says in a normal tone.

"But why?" I whine and she laughs before saying "as you know the first trimester has the highest risk so I have ensure that you are a 100% okay. Better safe than sorry right?" She tries to cheer me up. "Yah I guess you are right" must all my pregnancies be associated with I'm over this shit. Hopefully this one won't be as complicated as Nonjabulo's,yhooo that child traumatised me,she showed me flames. "On the lighter note,you aren't restricted to eating hospital food. You can order out or have home cooked meals and whatever" this time I match her smiley face.

"I'm tired now,we have to get rid of this tension between us. Clearly you have a lot to say now out with it" he says and honestly I'm enjoying the silence,he's now sitting on his wheelchair. And its not the tension or silence that's bothering him,udliwa wunembeza lo. "I have nothing to say to you" I lie, obviously I have a lot to say but I choose to shut my trap and so should he if he wants to keep the peace between us. "You don't have to worry about Sindy and that lousy threat she made" he says and I just look at him blankly. "Simphiwe ngikhuluma nawe" he won't give up neh? "Unlike wena,I want to address the big,fat elephant in the room and not beat around the bush" I'm exaggerating,I know.

"Which is?" He asks "that you cheated and not only did you cheat but you got your side chick pregnant and then wacabanga ukuthi ufihle amanyala wakho ngokumtshela ukuthi akakhiphe isisu" i spit out the words with so much anger. "Ngiyaxo..." He tries to take my hands into his but "don't touch me!. Don't fucken touch me!. You. Cheated." I pull my hands away from his and speak through gritted teeth "angikuphikhi lokho nhliziyo yam" he says softly. "You fucken cheated on me" I start off then stop to chuckle humourlessly. "Funny how I didn't suspect a fucken thing. You are good,you are really good" again I stop talking and applaud for His Majesty.

"Yah uhlulwe yirelationship ya one year,umshado uzowukhona kanjani? You just couldn't fucken commit yourself,1 year Nqobi bengeke ufe. You just had to keep it in your pants for a fucken year. Uhloleke ku level 1 sisayaphi ku level 2?" My voice is getting louder with every word. "Is this how you talk to me now? Abo fucken,utshela mina lawo masimba. Ngiyakhuluma nawe kahle,wena uyalwa, ulwa nobani?" Unlike me he's calm and that angers me even more. Like why are you not matching my energy? Ngiyabila ngiku94 but yena usase ku0. I'm outraged,I'm fuming hey ngithi my nostrils are even flaring up in anger and yena he's as calm as a cucumber.

"Now is not the time to act like my father. What you did hurt me. Its the fact that if Cape Town had not happened ubu zoqhubeka ungiyenza islima,I wouldn't have known." My water works start,I try to wipe them away but the more I do,the more they flow down my cheeks. "Thats not true,I had already broken up with her"  "and thats supposed to make it hurt less?" I ask in in disbelieve. "Ngicela ungakhali mama" again he tries to touch me but I move away."Ngiyaxolisa sthandwa sam" he pleads "so you go out there and cheat on me then come back hoping that only saying the magic word Ngiyaxolisa will fix everything?"

"No I will do everything in my power to fix this...fix us. I'm willing to do anything you want me to do to show you how sorry I am. Please don't blame yourself because its not your fault" "Ubonani wena mawubona mina? Im not lost or in desperate need of your love,I know my value therefore I would never blame myself for your actions or even try to justice what you did at my expense."

Imagine me,a whole me being like "what does she have that I don't?" "Yini was my love not good enough for you?" "Did I do something wrong,is it the way I dress,yini is my sex game not enough for you" ha-aa ngeke I won't do that to myself. I really do love him,but clearly he isn't happy or satisfied hence why he went to seek happiness in the streets...he went to look for what's missing in between her thighs. "Nqobi if that was your way of telling me that you have lost interest in me then okay,I will move on with my life. I got the hint don't stress yourself further. I will..." "Ungazokhuluma umbedo" haibo he just went from 0 to 50 in seconds.

"No clearly im not IT for you and..." "MaDlamini!" He warns "I don't love her,I only LOVE YOU okay!?. It wasn't anything serious. Please please don't do this" I just cry,I lay down on the bed and turn my back on him....then cry. Don't look at me like that,blame it on the pregnancy. And that everything which I kept bottled inside for the past weeks is resurfacing now. "Simphiwe!?" He calls out,ngiyamuzwa kodwa angimuzwa. I can't breathe,my hands are shaking and I can't seem to stop them. "MaDlamini!" I can hear the panic in this voice. I do manage to sit up but now my chest hurts,it feels so tight. Like a pile of bricks has been placed on top of me.

"I-i I can't,can't ca-..." "Look at me, baby you are okay. Just focus on me and nothing else" he wheels himself and goes to get the glass of water. "...bre-breathe" I finally say lowly and he snaps his head at me. "Okay with me,breathe in and out,in..." He slowly breathes in and out, with his arms,he's showing me that in and out. I eventually get the hang of it but that doesn't mean that my chest hurts less or that my hands have stopped trembling. When I look up now,the number of people in my room has multiplied. My gynae is here along with a male doctor and two more nurses. Nqobi must have pressed the panic button. Since when do I get panic attacks? No this isn't me. I blame Nqobi's child.

They managed to calm me down, everyone went out...its only the gynae and Nqobi left. She looks worried,he looks like he's carrying the world on his shoulders,like he's about to burst out in tears at any moment. "I'm worried about  you and the baby" she expresses. "Should I recommend a marriage counsellor?" She asks,well when she was here earlier she wanted to know what's wrong and what was the cause of my stress but she got no reply from the both of us. So im assuming that she worked it out hore kedi marital problems.

"No we are fine"-him "there is no marriage to fix here"-me,we both say in unison but as soon as I say the last word of my sentence,Nqobi gives me a pointed look and she looks between us in confusion. "Ma'am do you feel safe around him?" She asks with cautious eyes. "You have got to be shitting me!" Nqobi almost yells. I don't know if its because of what she asked or because im taking time to answer. I know that he wouldn't physical hurt me but hey I'm a pregnant lady,so technically I'm dramatic. "Yes I do" I finally answer and she asks if I'm sure and I only nod my head Yes. "Sir you can't stay here with her anymore,you will only visit during visiting hours...that's if she wants to see you" she states matter-of-factly.

"Angiyi ndawo" he says calmly. "You are obviously stressing her,she doesn't need that right now. Please comply" she begs him but Nqobi is unmoved. "I'm not leaving my wife's side. I paid for this room" he responds arrogantly. "Management can refund you" she shoots back. "Wubani okhulume izindaba zama refund? Ngithe angiyi ndawo" they continue bickering, which intensifies my already throbbing head. "Stop!" I shout holding my head and they stop. "He can stay,if I start feeling overwhelmed by his presence then I will ask him to leave" the idiot just gives me a 'sizobona' look.

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