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"Strip!" That's what the devil says disturbing my slumber,its still hard to tell what time of the day it is. I quickly stand on my feet and move back as now 1,2,3,4,5 men occupy my space. I watch as one guy sets up the lights making the room really bright and because its been days since my eyes have experienced such level of lighting,I cover my eyes for a few seconds trying to adjust. I see a camera in one's hand,what,did Nqobi ask for another footage of proof of life?

"Strip!" Again oupa shouts looking at me,what? I don't understand,what's going on? "He means take off your clothes dear" says Ruslan,voetsek I know what's to strip but why? "Why?" I don't know who am I asking between these two. Before anything can make sense,I feel a sting on my cheek before tasting blood inside my mouth. Did he just smack me? This bloody fat old man clapped me which caused me to bite my tongue hence the blood. "I SAID GET NAKED!" He screams getting in my face and as a result he sprays his saliva on my face.

He really woke up on the wrong side of the bed today,my hands are shaking,lips trembling,cheek is burning and my vision is clouded by my tears. "Now is not the time to be a cry baby. Its either you take your own clothes off or we do it for you" that's Ruslan. Kanti weren't these people being nice kidnappers? Wasn't my only worry here hunger and nothing else? I quickly wipe away my tears before I make a fool out of myself in front of these dogs. "Make it quick!" Says Ruslan snapping his fingers at me. Looking around the room I see 5 pairs of eyes all on me. Aren't we just excited and horny,mxm!

I grab the hem of my dress,slowly bring it up. Take out my left arm first followed by the right then before I know it the dress is by my neck then head. I stand here holding my dress in front of my body to cover myself. "Throw the dress to me" I glare at Ruslan,he walks up to me and stands in front of me. He opens his palm indicating that I must give him my dress,I only look at him too afraid to say No. With so much force,he rips it off of my hands. He takes my dress,brings it up to his nostrils before sniffing it. With a satisfactory smirk he goes back to where he was standing,still holding my dress.

"Girl I said get naked as the day that you were born" that's Ruslan's dad. I take off my undergarments and I'm left stark naked. I put my left arm over my breasts and my right hand goes to cover my honey pot not that its making any difference,but a girl can only try. LUST,LUST and more LUST thats all I see in these men's eyes and its disgusting. "She's pregnant?" Oupa asks in bewilderment. "Thats not good" says a guy I have never seen before. "How far long are you? We can still abort that thing right?" Ruslan asks "she doesn't look that far long,we will have to give her pills" thats his father. Ohh hell to the no! "Actually I'm 26weeks pregnant so its too late for abortion" I chirp in hoping that this will end the abortion talks.

I see heads shaking in disagreement,"we will just wait for her to give birth then dump the baby or better yet live it at the hospital" the new guy says casually. For someone who just arrived,you sure talk a lot and ukhuluma amasimba. "(We will figure it out later,now let's just get her a buyer)" oupa says with a dismissive tone. As if Ruslan couldn't get more disgusting,he comes to me and stretches out my hands so that everything can be on display. He picks up my undergarments and yet again inhales my scent. If I felt cheap back then,now I definitely feel insulted.

Remarks are made by these men about my body and I just feel like crying my eye balls out. Never have I experienced such level of disrespect. With tears streaming down my cheeks,I'm told to pose. No his words were "do something a little sexy" "Hey girl you need to wipe those things off your face. Get used to this because you will be doing it all your fucken life!" The old man shouts stopping the camera man for a minute. "Get yourself together,we have to make a lot of money from you" tell me why did I think that they were nice people,just because I once conversed with them,just because he was "kind enough" to give me food. Just because he said that they dont kill women.

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